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Posts posted by Rinaldos

  1. (Spoiler and review)


    Scanning was annoying as hell.

    I really like the lore part, but battling Umbra with operator is plainly annoying - die, die, die, die and.. die! At least devs understood that resetting your progress (as they did in the previous quests) is terrible idea. And then.. battling Sentients with Umbra and this sword. Don't get me wrong, both look cool, but Umbra feels like Rhino (slow) and it's just another annoying battle, because both sword and abilities are bad against Sentients. I personally don't like Excalibur, but whatever. At least give player the option to use normal weapon. Yes, it's unlogical, because Operator went there without weapons. But still.

    About UI: It's clearer now, but not user-friendly. Why do I need to hover on the item to know it's price in Dukats?

  2. 22 часа назад, --Q--Captain сказал:

    As of now, there isn't much content that includes the use of the Archwing.

    Luckily. You should understand that not everybody likes Archwing. Let's not force it on players, okay?

  3. В 03.05.2018 в 12:11, BlackCoMerc сказал:

    TESTS in their GAMES

    I'm fine with tests as long as they're adequate and go in a normal order (they're not currently) + when players have an alternative. For some of this tests I'd rather go complete 20 spy missions than the test itself.

    В 03.05.2018 в 12:11, BlackCoMerc сказал:

    our feedback rarely counts for much

    Yes, because dev team goes by "if it doesn't break the game it's fine".

  4. 5 минут назад, ShinTechG сказал:

    Try turning off bloom and glare


    13 минут назад, Rinaldos сказал:

    tried to change my graphics settings

    Guys, seriously. This is not even funny. The problem is not in my graphics settings, but in Mastery Rank Test design. Why can't they change platform color from white to green/other easilly distinguishable color? Plus do something with this blinding backround color?

  5. It's not RNG, it's fake chances being displayed. Riven Mod is a bronze reward with a displayed chance of drop = 25.9% (according to wiki). With many many completed Sorties no matter how wonderful RNG is, the real chance should go towards displayed chance. But it's simply not true.

    I suggest devs to recheck their code, because they already had a RNG mistake earlier (Arcane Modifiers drop chances).

  6. 9 часов назад, DarkRuler2500 сказал:

    Efficiency too hard to handle with randoms groups

    I kinda disagree on this one. One thing that everybody should know (seriously, just display this info before the mission DE) is that collecting this yellow fragments seems to increase your efficiency meter. So, ideally you need to collect them in the last 10-20 seconds. But for some reason people grab them ASAP.

  7. В 19.04.2018 в 16:35, SergeantSunshine сказал:

    Perhaps you should try playing solo. Don't get so angry when you're the 1 in a 3/4 vote to stay

    Yeah, let's also then remove possibility to exit on Defence. Because you may be the 1 in a 3/4 vote there too (sarcasm). Please don't tell people what they should do.

    People play the game as they want to. Sometimes you suddenly need to go offline or trading, but you don't want to lose your resources you collected on Survival. There may be other reasons. Why the heck should be have ability to exit on Defence, but not on Survival? It's not logical.

    What people ask for is reasonable QoL changes. No balance will be harmed if this request will be satisfied.

  8. If you playing Defence or Interception mission, you can exit at the end of the round, taking all your rewards with you.

    I'm asking devs to add the ability to do the same in Excavation and Survival missions. Why we don't have this opportunity in the first place?


    UPDATE: Didn't know there is already a thread for this: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/946809-early-leaving-in-survivalexcavation-would-be-damn-grand/

  9. Sometimes on PoE or in Void Relics opening missions if game crashes or client has connection issues, he will not receive focus and experience. I'm not talking about usual exp/focus reward, not extra part that you get for completing the task.

    From my point of view there should be same outcome as if you pressed "Exit Mission".

  10. I know that many enemy units can do more stuff in theory but they're restricted to certain strategies and abilities because of their classes. But I'd like to see smarter enemies instead of just fighting with enemies that stand like stationary turrets with insanely boosed stats as their level rises. Yes, I know that current level of AI will never outsmart player.

    First of all, rolls. Once I saw usual Corpus soldier performing rolls. It was out of place (I didn't even tried to shoot him), but it was interesting. Let some Corpus and Grineer units sometimes perform rolls and other maneuvers to get to their barricades/places of hiding or to try to evade player fire.

    Second, spawning and movement. All enemy untis are dumb enough to stand/go on coolant leaks / fire patches / radiation zones.

    Then, how about enemies using their surroundings to their benefit? For example, usual Corpus humanoids using Grineer turrets on Grineer maps. Lore-wise, Grineer tech should be less complicated so Corpus should be able to use some of it. Or Grineer snipers hiding somewhere high instead of walking amongst other units.


    The next two suggestions are more about how the game feels:

    1. Enemy jump animations are really sudden and edgy. They look like teleports (even when I'm host).

    2. On open-sky missions some new enemies dropped from the ship. But usually they're just spawning in any room you're not observing right now. And this feels awkward because you can clear a room with one entrance and then suddenly enemies will spawn there. I don't have any suggestions on fixing it though.

  11. 35 минут назад, SeaUrchins сказал:

    безобидный намек git gud поймаешь

    Он не безобидный, это харрасинг.

    И, к слову, проблема не у одного меня. В тех же комментах к видео на Ютубе куча людей не может пройти тест неделями и месяцами.

  12. Очевидную надобность в пересортировке почти все из вас удобно забыли, вместо этого сосредоточившись на обвешивания меня ярлыками криворукого и ленивого.

    Знаете, а ведь несмотря на сложности, с которыми я сталкиваюсь во время мастер ранг тестов, в самой игре проблем нет. Шпионаж, спасение и прочие миссии проходятся почти всегда нормально. Исключение составляют миссии арчвинга, но там уж моя личная неприязнь к арчвингу (которую, впрочем, со мной разделили ещё несколько человек).

    Спасибо за ответы, я понял, что инициатива наказуема, а русское сообщество как обычно "приветливее" англоговорящих. Тему можно закрыть.

  13. 10 минут назад, .Devilish. сказал:

    Все тесты крайне простые. Гайдов на ютубе море. Можно практиковаться у Симериса, не всирая попытки. Проблемы исключительно в игроках, а не тестах, которые хотят все и сразу.

    Я прекрасно знаю про Симериса. Я пробовал не раз и не два, но пройти тесты крайне сложно. Может вы такой про игрок, умеющий и пистолетами щи помешивать, и в стелсе башни строить. Но не все такие. Да, я крайне средний игрок в этом плане. Но, насколько я помню, игры обычно на средних игроков и ориентируются.

    По крайней мере, явно видно, что порядок тестов надо менять. Примеры с пояснениями я уже привел.

  14. Почему 16? Максимальный ранг, требуемый каким-либо оружием - 14(15?). Максимальный ранг, требуемый модом разлома - 16. Дальше пусть игроки-энтузиасты неделями выбивают себе вполне полезные (но не жизненно необходимые) слоты и вместимость.

    Тесты распределены крайне неравномерно, к примеру Тест на 14 ранг (убить 3 волны 20-уровневых мобов без лимита времени) намного легче, чем на 11 (прыжки по платформам с целями на время), 13 (убийства, бегая по исчезающим платформам) или 9 ранг (стелс убийства без способностей, только ближнее оружие).

    DE патчили и патчат тесты. И ведь они не убирают реальные баги (на 10 тесте можно спокойно запрыгнуть на платформу к противнику, что я и сделал), они зачем-то усложняют и так непростые тесты. Например на 9 ранг (раньше, по словам игроков, можно было использовать способности и любое оружие.

    Также, очень хотелось бы видеть какую-то альтернативу этим тестам. Я застревал на тестах на:

    • 8 ранг - Я начал играть в 2013 и не просто не знал особенностей нового паркура
    • 9 ранг - Потому что стелс без способностей - не моя стезя. И если бы не один замечательный человек, который буквально за руку меня провел через тест, я бы его так и не прошел
    • 11 ранг - Сейчас. Слишком мало времени, вдобавок, по сути у нас 1 попытка, а не 3. Если ты падаешь, то время продолжает идти, а т.к. его и так мало, шансов нет.

    И, честно говоря, мне начинает надоедать. Все, чего я хочу, - добраться до Акболто Прайм (13) и затем до 16, чтобы забыть об этом кошмаре. Я бы с радостью прошел 20-40 миссий вместо любого из этих тестов.


    Хотелось бы увидеть развернутые адекватные мнения и комментарии по этой теме.

  15. I'm here to express my opinion and thoughts about this two quests. I'm not going to argue with people who disagrees with my opinion. I have a right to have my opinion, you have yours. Also, sorry if I'm too harsh in my expressions, I just completed second quest.

    I mostly like lore, music and design of this two quests. However game mechanics is lacking diversity and creativity.

    1. During the Second Dream we need to guard some bombs that will explode and keep Hunhow buried. But they named and have a model of a Warframe cryocell, not a bomb. This is just generic defence mission on a generic map, while we have new beautiful location for the ending of War Within (Queens location).
    2. Game devs think that repetition of the same or nearly same task is interesting:
      * During Second Dream we need to focus on Stalker with our hand-laser beam while moving to him. This mechanics is not very entertaining, Stalker keeps pushing you away and this is just plainly annoying. Oh, and you need to do the full sequence several times.
      * In War Within we need to jump/run from rock to rock with our developing abilities while trying to not get eaten. There is no quest marker - it's actually very easy to lose directions in cave system with low amount of light and there. Plus there are some people that can get lost in real life/games in almost any place without a map (and I'm one of them). Plus if you fail you need to start all over again. This is Warframe, not oldschool roguelike game.
    3. During battle with the Queen there are no proper instructions. Teshin just tells you to use your new powers. If my friend didn't give a hint that I need to "E" Queen Guards, then "Ctrl+Space" them and then beat, it would be a long and extremely unpleasant night. I'm serious, "Ctrl+Space" is hyper jump, how would I know that it disables guard defence? In my head its for fast moving and evading. Also, I tried to use my laser on Queen when she was without her shield. Again, "Ctrl+Space" problem.
    4. Engish is a second language to me. There are subtitles for main phrases, but it's hard to catch those distant half-whisper phrases that you hear while you in the mountain. I really like that Warframe has more lore now and I tried to catch every lore detail. It's unfortunate I didn't understand those.
  16. Asus X556U: Intel i5-6200U, 4Gb RAM DDR4, Nvidia 930mx. 5MB/s internet, ping 100-250 usually, strict NAT, UDP ports are closed.

    Very often (no matter if I'm hosting the party or I'm joined one) game freezes in the mission for a second - image is stuck and all sounds disappear except some muffled neutral sound of turbines/engines or something like that. Immediately after that I'm disconnected from others.

    If I Alt+Tab the game and then return to it, everything returns to normal, but then (because I'm disconnected) I see "host migration" and in the end I continue to play in the same mission, but alone.

    It doesn't seem to be my PC problem (internet or weak hardware), because I'm talking in Discord at the same time just fine, no stutters. So it's some bug in the game.

    I will gladly give any information that will help devs to solve this problem.

  17. As a person that has Gram since 2013-2014, I kinda agree with you. Many weapons like Gram and Boltor feel weak now, although according to wiki, there were no major nerfs. At least no direct nerfs.

    You definetely wasted your plat. Gram is Mastery Rank 2 weapon now, so.. 150 plat for this..

    The only thing that I can suggest is to read about Damage types and vulnerabilities in the wiki. Basically all slashing weapons are now only work well with Infested. So if you're going to use Gram for every faction, create at least 3 profiles for each faction with best damage modifiers (Viral/Corrosive for Grineer, Magnetic/Viral for Corpus Corrosive/Blast for Infested). This way you'll optimize your damage but it's still will be bad with Grineer/Corpus.

  18. Player-traders in Relays are nice for "immersion", but it would be really nice to just replace the whole system with auction/trademarket. This way, people could use Relays in solo-mode but trade at the same time.

    Or implement a compromise solution: in solo-mode there is a special npc on Relay/Cetus which gets data from every trader on this channel. But without loading and displaying player models. Just what this player name is and what they sell.

    I have a low-spec notebook and while it's usually fine on missions, Cetus market is a nightmare.

  19. I know that Loki is not very good choice for Conclave but I wanted to see what this mode is. Well, it seems that others players see Loki perfectly while he is in invis.

    Also, why so many warframes have their abilities altered for conclave-mode, but not Loki? Decoy - useless. Invisibility? Apparently useless to. Transposition - almost useless.

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