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Posts posted by WhiteCopain

  1. This is his whole complaint summed up in 1 sentence. Guess what? When I've spent all my time and effort building up my frame and my weapons and my mod collection, **I DESERVE THIS***.

    You deserve to make the game "Press 4 to get to wave 50 then alt tab out"?



    You choose how OP you are.


    There's still active players like me who do have 1.2k Fusion Cores stashed and 8k mods stashed but only maxed out say 1 frames abilities and a few other cheap weapon mods so far.


    Ofc I could insta boost it all up using some of my 8.5m credits but do I really want to or do I feel perfectly balanced right now.


    I feel perfectly balanced, still having a little challenge but not too much and if it really gets heavy I'm just using my "slightly OP" Vauban.


    And if you team play, you don't matter since one Nova is just going to one shot the entire room.


  2. Don't rate frames on just one mission please.


    I used Vauban on attacking missions (aside from boss fights) and he was such a pain when I am using leveling weapons.

    Vortex can screw you over, Bastille can only really work against infested but not against Grineer crouching shooting behind crates unless you get close. I was left only with Tesla as a minor offensive / CC stun ability.


    Frost was slightly better. But I only slot globe if facing specific bosses, otherwise he just handles like a heavy gunner with a short freeze CC from avalanche and yeah freeze. Ice wave barely scratches anyone and only does slow.



    In contract my Nyx, performs very well in both offense and defensive. 

    Sure she lacks damage abilities, but the ability to mind screw everything and pick things off at leisure is good.

    I can bring in low levels weapons, let her CC everything and take my time to deal damage and gain weapon exp.


    Same for Loki he is decent for both offensive and defensive games.

    His cloak and speed lets him sail through a lot of content that could get him killed. Being naturally stealthy with a get out of jail card means he trigger far less spawns typically. This allows him to walk over many maps if you are using a stealthy setup. 



    And of course Nyx and Loki will never be tier 1 picks for Defense because their abilities don't really give invulnerability.



    A Nyx facing a single level 300+ Ancient who is still hopped on Chaos still has to fight them herself, especially if all other mobs died. Or she can't find the last guy who is still affected by Chaos and there is a dozen of angry foes bearing down on her.


    Same for loki, radial disarm on a level 300 Grineer will still hurt for crap tons if he hit you, going invisible after radial disarm is fine dandy for normal missions. Going invisible ON defense will just mean faster pod death.




    But that is why they are not considered "tier 1 defense picks" but they can do every other content VERY well. 

    But since, everyone only focuses on Frost, Vauban and Nova, I will just happily use my Nyx and Loki till they get "fixed" :)


    You never have to solo though. If things scaled for solo  or rewarded it, you might have a point. As it stands, soloing is literally the "wrong" way to play. In the actual game you'd have people CCing the level 300+ ancient, you'd have people CCing the entire room (or killing it) so Loki could do what he want, and so on.


    I get your point and I'm not trying to say Soloing is bad, just that saying the things they have to do solo don't always justify it. Also, honestly, if you're playing Nyx you should be picking off problem targets first, and Loki can set a decoy to attract things. In right spots the decoy can't be hit so it'll last long enough.

  3. Would people forma if it did not give more power ?

    Would they upgrade mods if it did not improve their warframe combat potential ?

    What you are saying is - ok you guy took too much, we remove it from you, and you get nothing in return. What do you expect ? A "thank you" ? A "great idea" ?

    All you get is hate and flame from people, cause you do not provide a valid solution, you just ask to cripple everyone to your ground and its a bad thing to those who do not want to be on par with you.

    Its an old talk about rushers and turtles, min/maxers and those who are not. Look around, there are different people living with you in this world, all have thier own opinion and it doesn't have to be same as yours.

    You try to force as I see something bad for me and you expect me to agree with your point?

    The solution is simple and was mentioned many time - play alone or with the likes of you. Random people will play random.

    Also talking much about too much power, have you done something harder than 40+ defense past update ? This is where you need power.

    I've gotten plenty of good feedback. Notice how they're people who are using more cohesive thoughts and thinking about their replies. Not "OH MY GOD HE DOESN'T WANT TO BUFF US, THIS IS STUPID"

  4. This Topic seems to go out of hand a bit..

    Unfortunately we are talking about limit breaking situations that decrees the difficult of a game that is in production and didn't come out of beta.

    I know what you are going for. Tho this is not the time yet for such a discussion. So far i heard very specific lists here for very specific situations. You seem to like team play. That's fine. You seem to have warframes for every situation. That natural is fine as well. Yet not everyone has the same difficult requirements as you or Equipment to deal with it. Not everyone has everything. Some just wish to play this game on a lower difficulty curve. Some people, like myself for example, don't like playing with a team. As well i still don't have very powerful mods. The game personal is difficult enough for me. You keep speaking of optimal way of playing. The " Dominant strategy " as it is called. Specific warframes on specific missions with a specific setup. Not everyone wishes optimal play. The game is easy to you because you play through the least resistant heavy strategy. That's fine yet not everyone can do the same.

    Lets not forget this is a PVE game. Something that you can relax to and not really be overly challenged. So far I recommend waiting before everyone goes on what is and what is not difficult. Since again. You wish a higher difficulty curve. Not everyone does. Appealing to one group of high skill players will alienate those that don't want to have that.

    And playing with sub par gear wouldn't be affected by this change. I'm not talking about you suddenly getting a nerf so the game's impossible for a solo, I'm talking about that guy who has 4-5 Forma'd gear who has every single mod maxed and one shots entire rooms while having infinite HP/Shields.

  5. I do not want you to bring down my potential, got it ?

    Who the hell you are to decide what should be for others ?

    Go "want something" in different place far away from this community. One suggest, one accepts, one offers, yet you demand. Go away.

    Also play solo or in private. If you can't compete or want to coop, it doesn't mean other do. You can't force other to do something against their will, its slavery.

    What? So you're saying the entire forums should only ever talk about buffing the players and that every frame in the game should only be buffed because we're all too weak?


    This is a place for discussion on what people think the state of the game is and we're here to give feedback. Your argument is like saying everyone should have quit because they nerfed Iron skin from being 100% invulnerability for a duration rather than a damage cap.


    I'm saying that I feel the game would be best if Tenno weren't so powerful that there is no potential chance for them to ever make an enemy that could ever fight them because no matter what they'll instantly be one shot or CC'd to death while the Tenno have infinite Shields, HP, and energy.

  6. For you, it may be easy, you have access to all the orokin catalyst, reactor, and forma all you want since you're a grand master. But, have you put yourself in the shoes of people who are non-founders?

    As far as I remember, the majority players of this game are the non-founders, and their plats are already that limited. Thus, access to these things are very limited for them.

    With limited access, they can't be as powerful as you, since whatever mods that they can use are less than half of what you're using now. Since this game concentrates mostly on mods usage, they're having way more difficult time clearing a mission, when compared to yourself.

    People are already complaining that it's difficult for them to clear missions now since the difficulty has been scaled higher, and now you want to make it even more difficult so that you can keep yourself entertained? If you do that, the game will lose more players since not many playing this game are hardcore players, let alone spend most of their time grinding.

    Do be considerate, you're not the only one playing this game. It may be easy for you, but the majority of the players out there, they may find it difficult to do so.


    And if you've read my post, the changes wouldn't affect them.

    I've mentioned several times now that it's the max potential, not the minimal I want to change. Mod level reductions are a prime example where it wouldn't hurt the lower end players and would reduce the over poweredness of the top ones.

  7. So instead you want to cripple everyone else ?

    Taking mods out - affects you. Increasing difficulty affects all.

    I dislike mob level and spawn rate increase with recent patches and it all because of those whiners like you, who lack challenge and difficulty. You made game worse for us, who  play to relax, not to get challange and concentrate on performing well. I do a lot of concentration at my job, there is no need for me to do it in game. I want to relax after my job when coming home, yet you want to get challange for everyone who even doesn,t want it.

    I hate those of you. Shaping something public to the likes of just you, so you get comfortable while others suffer.

    Do us a favor and cripple yourself to have challange instead of ruining game for others. 8(

    Except the amount I'm talking about isn't even as extreme as you're taking it. I'd like a level or two shaved off the more powerful mods and some of the power taken away from skills so they don't one shot a room or perma CC a room and make the game trivial. I'm not talking to the point of to where the enemies are super hard. I'm not so much trying to increase the difficulty of the game as I am trying to bring down the potential of the players so it doesn't get to a point where you can't even play a mission because some guy runs faster than you and clears a room before you get to it.

  8. So you find the game too easy and dont want to take any responsability yourself for making the game harder when it is still in development?

    You want good loot yet complain that you are already too powerful, when more loot will make you more powerful?

    So you think you will cripple youself doing so but are complaing about having your fun crippled by this exact thing, when games are about the fun?



    Try other weapons and load outs, some weapons are allot tougher to actually use because they just dont laugh at your opponents.


    3-4 player groups will always have an easy game, it did before update 9 and still does after it because the game doesnt scale at the rate is needs to to keep the solo/duo challenge level at the 3-4 player level.  Enemies need to scale in levels and numbers for 3-4 players.  IF 1 player is equivlent to 100%, 4 players working togeather isnt actually 400% its more like 500% or more of the solo effectivness, because of the added team synergies.


    You have also been through all the super boosting stages so you have left the current growth curve in the dust.


    The issue is the game being easy for 3-4 people, yet 3-4 organised people make it too easy.

    Increasing the difficulity wont change the scalling factor for groups, enemies are currenlty reasonably good individually (just play solo and you can see that) and exceptionally powerful in many cases.  However they are still AI, even the best AI isnt a match for a player because its predictable.


    Some are silly, some work togeather, some are downright annoying, some scatter, some group, and some are simply cheap (not difficuilt).


    You have options, reduce your own power, play in smaller groups/solo.  Hell even try resetting, then you will be again at the bottom of the curve and not directly crippling yourself.  Maybe even walk away from the game until it's completed

    At the end of the day its you being responsible for your own fun, if you arent going to take that responsibility, then there is nothing DE nre any of the rest of us can help you with anyway.

    Every online game is always "In development" they're always patching it and increasing it. It's just every game these days is afraid of launching so even though they have a cash shop in and a bunch of stuff, they just  call it beta.



    Mastery Six is a lot of Rank 30 weapons and Warframes. Forma'd items don't give mastery either.




    My point about not crippling myself is that I would have to cripple myself and then play Solo. That means I cannot use any skills (because those would still instantly clear enemies even unmodded) and I would move slow, and I would have to play Solo (can't force some random pubie to not have mods), which is boring. I don't play an Online game to play alone. Nor do I play a game about all the cool skills space ninjas can do to not even use them.


    You cannot justify a game's difficulty by ignoring an entire feature that is interlinked with the entire game and playing solo in a MMO. I could play blind folded and not able to touch my keyboard and I'd get the same result.

  9. So you can hit the 4 button indefinitely without any issue and this kills everything on, say, a Pluto mission. They don't respawn or anything. Not. At. All. Man what game are you playing? Because it isn't actually Warframe. Past Earth, half the ultimates stop working on Grineer effectively. On stuff like Ceres, even the armor-ignore ones become depressingly useless. Yes, you can use it to soften up enemies and let the other players massacre them if you have a good coordinated team...


    but if you have a good, coordinated team you should find this game easy because holy crap that's 90% of the 'skill' in the game, having good teamwork.


    Also, lol at accusing me of being the one with the e-peen. I've been saying my experience with Nightmare mode is irrelevant (and my experience is that Nightmare mode is unfun bulls**t that I can beat but loathe the hell out of). I'm saying that I have a ton of mods the average player will not have, having spent *three hundred hours* in it. I'm not the one saying "oh yeah, I'm so good give me a harder experience!"


    But hey, that's clearly 'elitism'. You asked for my experience in nightmare mode solely so you could try to call me an elitist.

    I'm not saying I want the entire game to be harder, I want the max power someone get to be lower so there's atleast a chance mobs can fight a maxed player rather than him one hitting all of them while being immortal.

  10. It's funny how you don't think the game is hard enough, but then shy away from increasing the many ways of increasing difficulty for yourself.


    Let's be honest. You don't think the game is hard enough. You just want to drive away people who have fun with matters as they are by making it an exercise in masochism.


    Go play EVE if you like that.

    Lets say I removed all my mods, how would I stop the random Pubs I group with from having mods?

  11. Yeah let's ask for the game to be made even harder, even though they just jacked up most enemy levels by like 20. Who cares about new players?

    No. I didn't say make the enemies harder, I said make the Tenno power ceiling lower

  12. he said he's new to the game so he probably has a low level warframe not well moded. If that's the case then he probably can't fight the stalker and win.

    Nah, Stalker's a joke since they gave him the new weapon set. I beat him easily when I forma'd everything at once and he spawned.

  13. The game isn't just about leveling stuff you know?


    Do you not have fun killing stuff anymore?

    What's the point? Nova hits 4 and everything in the entire room dies. Oooo flashy gets boring after a bit.



    The whole "Fun" argument gets lame after awhile. It's the same thing Planetside 2 fanboys said to me when I said the game would tank if nobody had any goals or real reason to play. Guess what, the game tanked hard when people realized that playing was pointless.

  14. "We re too powerful"


    Nah is just the AI being $&*&*#(%& as always i dare you to say that against a level 100 heavy with minor tactis is going to melt you shield in sec.

    I doubt it, I wouldn't let him get a shot off. CC isn't exactly hard to come by.

  15. Exactly, it's marketed toward team play. That's why when you get a good group, it's alot of fun and your enemies are left in the dust.


    I understand what you're saying - you want more challenge, and not just in solo mode. Currently DE is trying to give that to those of us with high end warframe/weapons/mod ranks. It's an ongoing process - Nightmare Mode being part of it. According to DE_Steve, we're going to be faced with alot more challenges in the future. Warframe's still extremely in its infancy... I suggest holding out a bit longer.

    First off, I like you. It's nice to see someone who doesn't resort to insults.


    Second, my main point isn't so much that I'm worried we won't see a difficulty spike in the eventual future, so much as I feel the potential power with Forma, no skill cooldowns, and so on, is way too high. Sure Difficulty might spike, but it'll take a long time to match the potential power of the Tenno. Hell it'll take a long time just to get to where a middle of the road guy is with one or two Formas and only a few maxed mods. Powers are just so powerful that you destroy everything with one button.

  16. This game is nearly broken when 4 people are in the same mission because the difficulty drops to near zero. DE really didn't do group balance well because the warframe's 3rd and 4th power trivializes every obstacle in game. Playing high level defense mission could be done more efficiently by using a few bots to play the entire team since it is repeating the same steps every wave.


    As screwed up as solo play is, it it about the only way to play the game and have real difficulty. I again blame warframe powers and how easy it is for a group to smash any mission so long as the proper frames are used.





    Son, have you done T3 defense gl

    Yes. I have, plenty of times. And cleared it. without ever taking damage or the pod. Because Frost Vauban Nova Rhino.

  17. If you really want to challenge yourself at this point then go play end-less defense and see how far you get. Simple.

    Aye, I do, but playing one mission and needing to get to 40 or so before It becomes something I can't just alt tab out of kinda gets meh..



    Well isn't that how a group oriented game works? Each person in the group strengthening each other by filling the holes in their defenses? I'd absolutely hate a game that didn't offer the ability to work with others to form a cohesive unit. that's why I'll once again say Solo mode is where you want to go for a true challenge. You aren't in a group, so no one's aiding you in covering your weaknesses. You have to fully play by your strengths.

    And that is true, but If I do want to Solo I think there are other games better suited for that. A game like this I play for the team play... and it's marketed as such.

  18. You do realize this game doesn't have that much in end-game material to offer, right. Nightmare mode and endless defense so-far are the closest things to end-game material for people who are looking for a challenge to test their gear. If you want more of a challenge play something else for awhile and wait till they implement new challenges.

    It'd be a pretty massive leap in difficulty to make something hard for a Fully Forma'd max mod player from something that someone with maybe one Forma can clear any room in the game.

  19. I'm basically trying to imply that all your statements are starting to ping on my truth o meter as the following:


    Still loving how rather than being rational you're saying that you are an above average player and just tossing insults.

  20. So much this.



    One of those tools they desperately need is some teamwork and cohesion. The Grineer for example will rush into a room and then spread out to take cover randomly, rather than pairing off to try and flank you. Infested units will always rush you rather than say, huddling up with an Ancient Healer and rushing together, or having Chargers try to harass you and distract you from other units, instead of their attempts to maul you. The fact that the AI goes as far as unit alone rather than groups of units is a big issue that needs to be addressed. The day Corpus Techs recall flocks of MOAs to them to make a shielded push against a squad, is the day people will start having to pay attention to what they are doing.

    That would be a nice increase in difficulty and immersion, aye, I very much agree with that. But even with that, Vauban can still lift that entire group for me to charge attack them to death long before the skill wears off.

  21. Oh I know Rhino isn't the only problem. He's just the most noticeable.


    Also, I wouldn't give mods -that- much credit, because even though you can circumvent mod capacity points by way of catalysts and formas, you still have a limited number of slots available. You have choices in the matter - buff energy, buff survivability, or try and balance the two.


    Let's take Nova for instance. If you want to spam her Molecular Prime, you're going to have to go with most of the energy-buffing mods. You can fit HP and shield mods there, but she's still paper thin thanks to her lower defensive stats and capabilities. Frankly, thanks to Stalker being able to nullify her most powerful attack, she's one of the worst warframes to fight him with unless you can -quickly- find a safe spot to snipe him from. I know this first hand. Nova's AOE abilities are definitely the strongest, but no matter how many mods you have on her, she'll die pretty damn quick if she doesn't kill her enemies first. Since the best way to use MP is to be in the middle of a huge group of enemies...yeah, she's strong, but there's some real risk vs. reward going on there. Defense? She's queen. Bosses? Her abilities really help save the day, but one on one she's heavily vulnerable.

    I suppose, but that's partly where a team comes into play. Any real downsides one frame has, another frame can instantly fix it. And to the game's credit, I do see most people playing whatever frame they want, which typically results in nothing ever touching anyone's HP.

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