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Posts posted by TheBalrogTx

  1. Same, currently can't swap polarity on Dual Kamas Prime.  I get the same error.  Note that I have not merged an account.  Same PC-based account I've been playing for years.

  2. I can reproduce this issue whether I run Solo, or in a limited group of friends (Friends Only mode), or in a PUG (Global mode)

    Before people set out to explain to me how the Scan process works, let me save you the time and effort.  Here's what I have when I launch into a mission where a Simaris Synthesis scan target (mine or anyone else's) should be present.

    - Trap Loaded in Gear Wheel: Check (also reproducible using Rhino Stomp to incapacitate targets)
    - Synthesis Scanners Loaded in Gear Wheel: Check
    - Active Simaris Synthesis Scan Mission:  Check  (Current Synthesis target is Ancient Disruptor [requires x4 scans])

    I've tracked and scanned many targets over the years (my own, and that of other players as well), I know how this process works.  Here are the things that should be happening:

    1. Load into mission, and once Ordis (simulating the Lotus) finishes the mission intro, Simaris should announce that there is a Synthesis Target available on the map.
    2. When I get within range of the Target, I should get a warning from Simaris that the target is close by.
    3. The target should have the special cream/beige marker on them to let me know where they are, and that same marker should show up on the mini-map.
    4.  I should be able to trap that target for a few seconds, to scan them at least in part.
    5.  To scan the target, I should load my Synthesis Scanner as my active 'weapon' and I should zoom in.
    6.  When I zoom in on the target, I should get (typically) 4 Glowing Dots on the target, each of which needs to be scanned separately.
    7.  I should be able to scan those 4 dots (realizing that I may need to incapacitate the target more than once) whether I have completed that mob type in my Codex or not.

    Here's what happens, whether I run grouped with friends, or full PUG.

    1.  We enter the mission, everyone else gets Simaris's warning that there is a Scan target somewhere in the zone, I do not.
    2.  When I (or anyone else) finds the Scan Target, I get no message from Simaris indicating that the target is near by.  I MIGHT get the message sometime after the target has been stunned or trapped, but never before, and certainly not when someone (including myself) is merely 'in range'.
    3.  The cream/beige marker does not appear on the target (for me) until someone (myself or anyone else) either traps him, or scans his first dot.
    4.  Whether I find the target first, or someone else does, and whether I am the first person to stun/trap the target, or someone else is, and whether I try to scan the target first, or someone else does... I NEVER get the 4 dots.  All I get when I zoom in with my Synthesis Scanner, is the normal full-body glow on the target that you would get if you were just out and about scanning random items.  In fact, if the Scan Target happens to be a mob type that I have already scanned enough times to complete them in the Codex, I get the 'Codex Entry Complete' message on the screen, above the target... which I should NEVER get for a Synthesis Scan Target (Codex completion should have no bearing on whether I can scan Synthesis Targets).
    5.  When someone else successfully completes the scan of the target, the whole group gets credit (including credit for Nightwave 'Simaris Scan' objectives), but I don't despite standing within feet of the target.

    Here's what happens if I run a Solo mission on a known spawn location of my own SImaris Synthesis Scan Target:

    1.  I enter the mission, I get the Lotus mission intro, and then I do not get a warning from SImaris that a scan target is present in the zone..
    2.  I can clear the entire zone, and never find a scan target (I've done this multiple times).

    Problem started about two weeks ago when I noticed others in PUGs were scanning targets that I didn't even know were available (I probably killed a few along the way accidentally as a result).  Then last Sunday, Nightwave added an objective to complete 5 scans for Simaris, and I found that I wasn't getting credit when others successfully scanned their own targets even when I was standing right there when they did it.  Yesterday I decided to attack the issue head-on (Nightwave weeklies are close to rolling over) by getting my own targets from SImaris.  That's when I was sure it was broken, because I can't get my own to even show up where they should... even running solo (where no one else might load-in first and get their own target to spawn).  I've tried the following to try to clear it up on my own:

    1.  Spent some of my Cephalon Simaris faction points (was at 125,000 of 125,000, spent it down to 25,000 of 125,000).  No help, same results (solo & group).
    2.  Removed Synthesis scanners from Gear Wheel, completed a random mission, re-added Synthesis Scanners to Gear Wheel, ran a Simaris Target mission.  No help, same results (solo & group).

    No idea what else to try.  If anyone from DE wants to run with me to see this for themselves, please feel free to contact me.  Happy to demonstrate the issue in person.

  3. Same here.  Whichever one is progressing during a mission, resets at the end of a mission, regardless if I'm at 10 or 100+.  I've also seen one (or the other) reset mid-mission.  Whatever the root cause of the double-mission is, neither copy can be completed.  Bummer.

  4. 30+ attempts so far in the last 4 days, still no Harrow Neuroptics.  And before you say 'it's RNG', note this:  In those 30 tries, I've gotten 16 Power Throws as the C-rotation loot drop.

    It's not JUST RNG, something else is wrong, especially given that the Harrow Neuro and Frostbite are both 11.28% drop chance, while everything else (including Power Throw) has a 6.45% drop chance.  I took Probabilities and Statistics in college.  I can tell you that I understand RNG, as well as the difference between the 'chance' of something dropping, and the 'odds' of something dropping.

    The ODDS of Power Throw (with the lower drop chance) dropping 16 times out of 30 runs is so astronomical, as to be impossible in a truly 'RANDOM' roll.  Something is broke.

  5. Totally agree that it's frustrating.  Had this happen to me a few times as well.  I think the door closing is by design (exits won't present themselves until you trigger the timed portion of the the run and either pass or fail).  That said, the main door into the rooms that have that type of door should remain open for a longer window of time OR there should be an auto-fail if the door closes and no one is inside the ante-chamber area at the time.

    In the software world, Dev would reply that the door closing 'works as designed'.  And that's fine.  But the lack of a pass/fail check once the door closes (did someone manage to get in or not?) is a Bug (or at the very least 'lazy coding').  Either way, that pass/fail check should be added to these missions.

  6. It's not a Zephyr or Rhino-specific issue.  I've seen the same playing as Wisp and Harrow as well.  When you get him down to 0, he will remain at 0 for about 2-3 seconds before jumping back to full health and forcing you to damage him all over again.

    Two things I've observed:

    1.  Tends to happen exclusively if someone manages to jump onto him BEFORE his shields are dropped to 0 at the bug zapper (regardless which tower that happens to be).  So from a Code Bug perspective, it shouldn't be possible to jump onto the Rapo before his shields get knocked down to 0 (but on all three zapper fights, it frequently is).

    If Observation #1 happens (regardless whether it happens at the first zapper fight or the last one), get the rider to jump back off the Rapo, finish dropping his shields, and then jump on and fly him into the bug zapper like you normally would.

    Assuming someone managed to jump onto the Rapo before his shields were at 0 (again, any zapper, at any point in the 3-round lead-up to the final fight), you can still recover, because of my second observation...

    2.  Once you do manage to get him to the center platform for that final fight, park someone at the fire controller for the main laser.  When you see that the issue is present (you knock him to zero health and it suddenly re-fills to 100%), knock him back down to 0 health and QUICKLY fire the laser (you have to catch him in that 2-3 second window).  Any delay, and his health comes back to 100%, leading to his flying away and you have to repeat the whole final fight (once he comes back to the center platform).

    This pair of problems frequently leads to groups running out of ammo during the final fight, making the match unwinnable.

    So two Bugs, as I see it:

    1.  It shouldn't ever be possible to jump onto the Rapo while he still has his shields (this is what I believe sets up the second bug, and in effect triggers everything that goes wrong afterwards... because I have yet to see this issue come up at all when people wait until his shields are all the way gone before jumping onto him).

    2.  Once his health is down to 0 (final fight on the central platform), there should be no way, and no logic in the code that would allow him to re-generate health (but it currently does, assuming Bug #1 is triggered).


    These bugs have both been present since the release of the Rapololyst fight... and they are excruciatingly frustrating.  If you have a regular group and they all know NOT to jump on the Rapo before his shields are at 0, it can be avoided.

    But it seems like every PUG I join for this fight, there's always someone who's Eager Beaver to get on the Rapo as soon as they can, whether his shields are down or not... so unless I park myself at the laser firing controller and do nothing but watch his health so I can fire the laser at the exact right 2-3 second window on that final fight, it will devolve into a lost cause.

    Worse, most groups don't stay together long enough to explain what's going wrong, and why, so the same Eager Beavers likely go on to mess it up for others without even knowing it... which they couldn't do, if the first bug didn't exist.


  7. 5 times I've tried to run Onslaught between last night and today (before and after the most recent patch).  All 5 times, after Round 8, someone drops from the group, which starts an endless circle of death while the Host attempts to migrate, or the vaunted 'Network not Responding' message starts to blink at me.  Of course, as expected from DE... I lose all the loot that I did manage to gain, and my boosters all continue to wind down.

    Worse, when this happens it seems like the Warframe client starts doing something akin to a DoS attack, as it ALWAYS takes out my network (Discord drops connection, and every system in my household loses internet connectivity).  Mind you, I ONLY get this experience when running Onslaught missions.  Anything else I do in Waframe I can do for as long as I like, with no network failures.  I end up having to kill the Warframe process, and reboot my ISP router to clear the issue.

    Total waste of time (and money) trying to run Onslaught missions at this point.

  8. It's more than a simple IP lockout (which in and of itself is a stupid way to handle this type of issue).  My daughter has this issue.  Somehow an extra few characters were added to the "Account" field (resulting in her email address plus a few extra invalid characters), which made the account being logged into the wrong account, not even her own account.  She was entering the right password, she just didn't see that there was extra characters in the account field.

    I changed my daughter's IP address on our network (and did the requisite ipconfig /release & /renew to pick up the new IP address), and it still won't let her login using valid credentials. I also can't login to my own account on her system.  She can login to her account from my system on the same network, no problem. I can login to my own account on my system as well.

    Given that I've given her PC a new IP address, and the issue persists, I assume this means they actually put something in her local config files (or *shudder* her registry) on her PC that will self-destruct after some amount of time (rather than manage the lock-out on a simple timer at the server end, like EVERY OTHER ONLINE GAME).  If in fact the lockout timer is 24 hours, that's a crappy way to deal with the issue of failed logins.  Too many ways that can screw a player when there was no ill intent or foul play.

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  9. Trying to complete an Alert Mision to Rescue some folks.  Get all the way to assembly point 'C', and the rescuees get there, but you can't interact with them to make them go. It has happened on two tries in a row.  Aborted first mission.  Started a new one with a different random group, same results.  Groups 'A' and 'B' are responsive and can be rescued.  Group 'C' won't allow themselves to be interacted with.  If Host drops from group (aborts), then they can be interacted with (they even say "OK" when you tell them to move out) but they still don't move from pillar 'C'.

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