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Posts posted by BBaw

  1. Ma - Would ya'll just look at that beautiful grass the neighbors planted over there... Ain't it just the greenest thing you ever seen?  My, my, my.... I do declare!  You know what, maybe we aughta plant us some of that grass too, ya think? 

    Pa - Oh honey dearest maybe we aughta wait ta see how it do in the summer heat....

    Ma - Nope,  I'ma plant some richeer in the livin room, I mean its so green how could it be bad?

    Pa - Well honey dearest it does say EA on it...

  2. We could just pick a side and slaughter the rest,  or make our own side and slaughter the rest.  That would make us less jerkish.

    Or, we could do nothing and just let every side enslave their various portions of the galaxy.  While we just sit back and chill and maybe watch some popcorn and eat movies.  Because its more important to be fair to the Grineer, Corpus, and Infestation than it is to actually save communities from undue oppression or protect peoples lives from limitless tortures as the Orokin once did, in their perfect little world.

    This is what those iPhones will do to ya!  One moment you're minding your own peaceful business the next you're an Orokin, dependent on your shiny gadgets and technobaubles for your very existence all at the cost of the moon!  Look what you're doing to the moon!  I call you iPhone user soon to be Orokin moon destroyer!  I shake my fist at thee!  You will walk out to your back yard at night and stare up into that serene sky only to see NO MOON!  Then stub your toe on the pitch black earth as you walk back inside without the dull illumination of that celestial body.  I shake my fist at thee,  Orokin moon destroyer!  You and your silly iPhones. JERKS!


    This poetry moment has been brought to you by the letters B B A W.

  3. Its not cheating.  No, they wheren't turning in points,  that doesn't make anyone a leach either.  Typical play in the index usually comes down to..

    A - Carry - People bring a tank to pick up everything that drops and turn in once they reach 15 or 20 base count

    B - Kill - People show up on a DPS frame to quickly kill enemies, they usually take a solitary position on the map and keep an area clear

    C - Both - Some people show up to Kill and Carry

    I don't look down on the killers any more than I'd look down on the tanks for being too tanky.  All 3 of those methods are viable and contribute to the games success in the index.  If anyone wants to put up an argument saying it leans heavier one way or another I'd say you're just inexperienced and haven't been in there long enough to see all 3 versions play out pretty much equally.  I have.

    There are other less used methods like using Ash or invis frames to avoid being targeted.  While these methods can work great as well I'd say some of them where a little less fair to group play as it makes the visible frames the center of attention, maybe attention they don't necessarily want to own.

    I wouldn't call this guy standing still in one place a cheater or say they aren't contributing to play any more than I would say a Mesa doing the exact same thing is cheating.  Its just how the index is played. Duality Equinox can do the same thing.  The only main difference is you see an operator standing beside the warframe that is not moving, instead of just a warframe that is not moving.

    Right now it just feels off because the Specter version of Umbra doesn't register the kills to the player so things just "appear" to randomly die. 

    Its still not cheating,  other frames do this, its typical index game play, and all within the bounds of how DE built Umbra.  If how DE built Umbra and its specter form are an issue, I'd go post your thoughts in the Feedback > Warframes section.

    • Like 1
  4. I will agree her 1 is kinda underused.  Really not a lot of point in it but it does fall in line with similar frames with the same abilities and mods for them.

    As far as not doing higher level content.  I tend to run Ember a lot in arbitrations, sorties, and kuva farming.   To say she can't do any of that I wouldn't say is accurate at all, she can do it just as much as volt or mag.  Do people tend to use her for that?  No.  I very rarely see ember in higher level content, outside of when I bring her myself.  But,  when I do bring Ember to higher level content she performs well.  A lot of warframe abilities don't scale very well upwards.  Embers can pretty much scale up infinitely if you're using your weapons to do the killing like most warframes have to do.  She can basically run through high level stuff and take no damage at all.  And yes of course when things scale so high they're one shotting warframes, they also one shot Ember.  That isn't broken, that just is the way it is.

    By the time the damage falls off from Ember its falling off from everyone but Saryn and like all those other frames you have to use your abilities wisely to keep going and take no damage at all.  Ember can do that just fine.

    This isn't my opinion its just what I do every day,  so I know her potential and I know what is possible.  No she isn't meta for high level content,  yes she can still do it.  Her 1 isn't very useful but a lot of the older warframes don't have very useful first abilities.

  5. Her entire conversation is just strange to me.  Are we meant to kill this person or help her?

    "Help! My kavat is stuck in a tree!"

    "Help! My orbiter is on fire!"

    "Help!  My race/culture/planet/way of life is in eminent peril!"

    These are all things that I would careen my orbiter towards a planets surface to address.  After I grabbed a ladder, a pail of water, and possibly some duct tape.

    and then we have...

    "Hey, I've wasted my entire life plotting revenge and finally carrying it out, can you relate to that?  I think you and I will make beautiful music together."

    "Uhhh...No?"  "I think you and I ended up in the same zip code by mistake..."   is the general direction my response is heading. 

    I mean why would I want to get mixed up in someone else's paranoid depravity.   The Man?  The System?  Those are all battles she's gotta fight in her own mind,  not something I wanna get mixed up in.  I'm not gonna suit up Mag and go wave a banner saying "heeck no, we won't go,  heeck no, we won't go"   Or just go murder somebody cuz shes angry about her situation,  I mean its not like all the revenge in the universe will ever fix anything.

    So, is the truth really nothing like this at all?  I'm really interested to see where they go with it cuz if that was supposed to be a cry for help, well, shes got a funny way of asking.   There is definitely no intensity in her voice.  Shes trying to sell me stale bread is what shes doing,  toasting it and putting a little butter on it to make it appear to be something it ain't, a little grape jelly on the side so it don't taste........WOMAN I GOT FRESH BREAD AT THE HOUSE! Getthatoffamyplate!

  6. 1 minute ago, DerGreif2 said:

    How about the general section and not that one in feedback? Otherwise I also get radio vibes from it.

    This is my feedback.   I'm not really sure if her tone was intended but that's what I'm getting from it.  It doesn't seem to fit the game for me,  and like I said, I'm definitely not very motivated to help her out or even discover what has her all terminally bitter.   That kinda bitterness isn't something that gets fixed by pandering.  Her tone is as if she is relishing in lifelong vengeance and bitterness.   Vengeance isn't a cure for anything and I don't wanna help the girl further on down that dark road she has chosen.

    It just sounds a bit corny too, in a not so immersive way.

  7. Nora Night sounds like she runs a 3AM radio program dedicated to the smooth sounds of the golden oldies..and murder.   Shes going on and on about stuff that doesn't make any sense, murders, beauty and love, all things that don't go together unless you're a psychopath.  I imagine this is a pretty appropriate time to blabber on about these things as the only people awake at that hour are actually half asleep.  I keep waiting for her to take a question from caller #1.

    Whatever is coming might very well fit into all of this and I certainly hope it does but if it doesn't come quick its going to get a bit old and more than a bit creepy quick fast in a hurry.  It also, in the present, doesn't sound very much like warframe materiel.  It sounds like like I was playing warframe and accidentally tuned into some strange late night radio broadcast on my scanner.  I think Ordis has a screw loose again and I'm not real sure which module I need to craft in order to fix it.

    I'm used to the familiar tone of Ordis and the Lotus.  There is always a sense of urgency without paranoia, more so with the Lotus.  Very fitting for the environment.  It helps keep me excited about things to come,  and gives the character a sense that they aren't alone to make all the decisions themselves as there is someone else there with a competence and control.  Its a matter of stability and reliance and has a necessary grounding effect before we blast off to tackle the great unknowns of space. 

    This, Nora, has no sense of urgency, she sounds like shes bitter, been playing some sad game of life for far too long.  Shes mumbling on about shallow thoughts of beauty and love when its clear she definitely has none of that in her life from all the bitter overtones.   You don't talk about murders or betrayals or gasping a last breath and in the same thought bring it around to love and beauty without being a sociopath.   Sounds like shes lost her mind. Shes droning on and on.  I'm not really motivated to help her all that much whatever her plight may be,  doesn't sound like shes got very many redeeming qualities left in her.  I mean I like Ordis, hes got a bit of silliness in him despite his hard knocks life,  and the Lotus,  who doesn't love their mom, right?  Her sense of urgency rests strongly in her desire to keep the Tenno safe.  I'm sure she has motivations and aspirations about all kinds of things that we where not privy to over the last thousand years.  Shes got a lot on her plate.  Daddy issues, Mommy issues?, and most of the warframe universe is unaccepting of her children. That single mom definitely could use a little understanding and maybe a helping hand. (Still waiting for that one to come back around)

    ....but this lady... ehh,  I'm still trying to figure out how to change the station to something more upbeat,  I mean you think its easy to pilot this orbiter through the dark reaches of space listening to that drone on and on and onnnnnn.... Its already hard enough to keep my eyes open, what if I crash into a planet!  Have you thought about that?!

    This is obviously premature and....it would be great if everything I wrote was misplaced.  Maybe she gets moved to a daytime slot, finds herself a little ray of sunshine and an ever so slight glimmer of hope back in her life?   That girl needs somethin, mhmm.

  8. I want to see Alad V with all of his speeches against Vor with all of his speeches.  It'll be a battle of nit wits!

    Or General Sargus Ruk against Lech Kril. They could live stream it and you could check back every couple days to see if either one made it to phase 2.

    Meanwhile, Captain Vor and Alad V would be reciting epochs to each other....."It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way—"  Captain Vor, from the Void 9876 AD (he may or may not have ripped this off from a book)


  9. Define tanky, taking hits well or taking no hits at all?   I just ran my ember through 45 minutes of kuva survival with 1% of the damage taken by the squad,  with mag and volt I can get pretty close to the same thing.  Spammable stun lock builds are how I like to tank a lotta stuff.  Stuns pretty much never quit scaling.

    I could also spend days and days in almost any mission on octavia with infinite tankiness and infinite damage scaling as long as both my connection and sanity held out.  She absolutely destroys corpus missions,  they do so much damage and are so accurate the ramp up time is almost instant.

    I like inaros and valkyr for just standing around getting beat on, but they have their limits,  neither one excels with the corpus after a certain point.

    I have to revive too many rhinos to like him.

    I'd like Nidus more if the first thing they did every mission wasn't run off to some corner and hang out there forever hoarding sTaAaAaAaaaCkSsss.  Its pretty hilarious, they start out making a go of it with everyone then...."hey where did Nidus go?"  he'll be the player 350m away not helping anyone do anything 😛 staaaaaaaacks...... 

    I play Trinity for boss fights mostly for convenience sake. 

  10. Your friend won't keep playing unless they have something invested in the game, like their own time.  Nobody ever does.  Nobody wants someone else to do everything for them.  Anyone that has ever gotten power leveled in a game generally quits as soon as its done or shortly after.   That's why I'll never power level anyone ever again or boost them, or take them anywhere they aren't willing to go by themselves cuz there really isn't a point in wasting my time and theirs.   You don't have to believe me you can just go ahead with your plan and see for yourself.

  11. 7 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

    Rev and Loki are also good choices that are pretty straight forward.

    Loki is pretty awesome but I unfortunately found out he can be sort of like a speed nova at times. When you radial disarm everything they tend to grab their sheev's and go bum rush the harvester and to be honest its pretty hilarious till they actually destroy one because people aren't paying attention and then  you're like "Oh what have I done"  You do have to be prepared for whats coming. 😛

  12. The focus here is on the PUG - Pickup group.

    There are generally 2 types of survival in WF.

    A survival mission where you can rely on life support beacons to help keep  your team topped up and a type where those beacons are used to harvest kuva.

    In the first version a random smattering of people join together in a group, roam around aimlessly, each employing their various play styles to convert enemies into life support pickups  and can generally last a while.   Usually best hopes depending on mission type will get them to the 1 hour mark without much effort.   All of the poorly geared, poor play styles,  and random location bouncing can all be covered up by simply walking over to a life support beacon and clicking in order to cover up ones mistakes.   The mistake being the inability to perform a group coordinated effort to collect life support.   This is by design.  Who wants to take the fun out of survival missions by enforcing a stricter boundary on game play?   Not this guy!  Lets keep it pretty random and forgiving.

    Effort doesn't need to be there

    Skill doesn't need to be there

    Coordination doesn't need to be there

    Communication doesn't need to be there.

    This is all fine.  The game should be fun and the very forgiving nature of the survival mission helps it to be so, for all types of players coming into a mission.


    Then there is kuva survival.   Kuva survival missions are more like defensive missions.  Everyone has to stay roughly in the general area of the converted kuva harvester in order to be able to defend it.  Every lost harvester is basically 200 unmodified kuva down the drain and time wasted.

    What does NOT have to be there -

    Min maxed builds

    Rare mods or arcanes. 

    Meta play styles, weapons, and warframes

    Operator amps of varying configurations

    Nekros,  Hydriod,  Atlas,  Ivara

    Have you ever been forced out of a kuva survival mission with a nekros, 2 saryns and whatever character you where playing by the 20 minute mark because life support ran out even after someone accidentally clicked a beacon instead of applying a catalyst to it?  I have.

    Have you ever wondered why?  I wish I could say I did, but I already knew the answer before we started so yes at some point a long time ago I wondered why, but in this case no,  I see this every day in varying configurations.  Players failing to do something simple because they try to bring ESO mentality or normal very forgiving survival mission mentality into Taveuni.  To be honest none of this is a big deal.  Join, stay for 20 minutes, rinse/repeat, its all fun and games.  but... The most fun and games I've had on Taveuni was in a mission containing 4 warframes that where not Nekros, Hydroid, Atlas, Ivara.  We stayed for 65 minutes and left because most everybody had things to do after a little over an hour goofing off on Taveuni @85% life support no less.  It was a lot of fun, especially for a PUG.  A random smattering of players just out for a good time.

    So why where we not at 50% by 12 minutes and running for the exit at 20 like every other PUG on Taveuni, that isn't overburdened with Shadows of dead enemies.  Its pretty simple really.

    The things we did right

    Stayed together -  Enemies all over the map focused on our location

    Moved together - See above

    Stayed on task -  When it was time to move we moved, defended,  killed in the immediate area only.

    Didn't block off sections of the map with unnecessary CC allowing enemies free roam -  nothing got bogged down or stuck anywhere

    Didn't AOE kill massive sections of the zone in attempts to get our kill counts high -  We had a Saryn that didn't over nuke the map, she kept it pretty simple and probably wasn't even the top dps,  just kept the immediate area debuffed with a low/mid range build.  Best Saryn player I've seen on Taveuni, by far.  Map nuking builds = the worst players on Taveuni, regardless of warframe used.  They're probably great at ESO.

    Defended kuva harvesters with our lives -  We didn't lose any, EVERYONE contributed to that.  /highfive all around.

    Didn't wander off to solo because one player or another was getting more or less kills than the other -  Pretty much selfless game play from everyone there.  I'm guessing they where all stable adults and didn't care a whole lot about trying to look better than the next guy,  just did their jobs and where pretty awesome.

    Didn't just kill things for the sake of killing things - When we where at 100% life support nobody ran off looking for things to kill all over the map just because the enemies seemed more sparse.  We where patient.

    Had casual conversation for an hour -  That was pretty fun,  its nice to actually talk to people in a mission when you aren't being overloaded with every poor choice in play style to show up that day.  I didn't even realize we had been there for a little while until the 45 min mark or so and I was like "wow time flies here".

    Take aways from all this -

    Stay together -

    Keep your range of influence and TIME of influence low on the map -

    You don't need massive damage or particular warframes,  this survival is won by picking up life support pickups that drop IN YOUR RANGE - 

    Generally efficient builds work the best -

    Bring something you're comfortable using and surviving with for (up to) an hour -

    DON'T try to be meta, the games meta way of dealing with enemies doesn't work on Taveuni, relatively speaking, its Grineer, show up to kill grineer, thats about it.

    Try to have fun and play together with the people you joined.  If you're looking to go there and solo with 3 others you are looking to fail, and you deserve it.  I wasn't expecting any of this.  I was expecting more of the same.  Every selfish player and their grandma seems to find their way onto Taveuni every day, every mission.  They are only out for their kuva and are willing to blame everyone else when the slightest thing goes wrong but they have no clue what they're doing or why anything goes wrong.  That is the normal,  I was pleasantly surprised when things didn't turn out that way.

    P.S.  You actually have to work harder to screw this up than you do to get it right.  It takes more effort and more ability casts of all the wrong things in all the wrong ways with all the wrong builds in all the wrong play styles than it does to just do it right. 

    "To each their own" in my opinion is an idiotic statement - unfortunately that is the meta thought process in PUGs.   I'm just glad nobody thinks that on the drive to work,  everybody would be in a wreck and things would come to a grinding halt.  The people that don't agree with this are sitting on the side of the road in a burning hulk of what was once a mode of transportation,  they no longer have the ability to reflect on life's choices.


  13. So, is there going to be gun blocking?  Or tap melee to bring the melee weapon to bear to start auto blocking, and hit channeling key to parry.  Basically just removing the weapon swap animation and block key press?

    What about all my holstering mods?  Vigorous swap gonna be meta with 100% uptime.

    Might be time to wield a silva n aegis prime with my kraken.

  14. I like Silva n Aegis Prime, or pretty much all sword n board weapons are nice

    Lesion, cuz its still one of the best weapons in game, I think my no forma build is still insane dps.

    Ninkondi cuz I'ma ninja!  And they're actually kinda awesome.

    Hirudo cuz they're also awesome,  no switching for heals!

    Cerata cuz its my go to glaive,  even though I wish glaives where less clunky. 

    Long reaching melee swish swish weapons are nice and all, but they're stupid.   DE shouldn't have allowed that to happen.  Its literally taken so much away from the game and the use of like 80% of the melee weapons out there has gone to nothing because they don't fit the max range swish swish bill.

    Honorable mention - the Rakta Dark Dagger ❤️  Its got some neat gimicks.

  15. Name : Limbo

    Occupation : Player

    Age : Timeless

    Interests : sTrollin through the Rift


    Is you get'n tired of vo-cab-u-lary from yo... Larry?  Does yo Grineer agg-re-gate continyuh to ag-i-tate??  Gurrlll!!! Let me mend that rift in yo pitiful cata-clys-mic-ally broken heart.  Envelope yoself with this purple coat with the pink leopard print lapels.

    I writ you a poem to commemorate our date.  Ahehmmhmm. "Yo roses ain't red!!, Yo violets ain't blue!!, cos Larry didn't wutah yo flowers!!!  You been try'n to wutah them with yo tears, I see.  Gurl you let me deal with Larry, this infested cane ain't for ma pimp limp ya dig?

    #Dontbelate #Igotsascheduletakeep #languagebarrier #Trollstrollin




  16. The horde shooter design will never be outdated for as long as the real world does battle or go to war that way.   And it still does, it always has, and long after our great great grandchildren are put into the ground on their final days will it still be the sole way that wars are fought and won or lost.   One side has to bring enough people to take over and occupy the thing that they want to take for themselves.   That is just how it works and it will never be outdated.   You can argue with the enemy about how they're not being progressive all you want but they, more likely than not, will still have 50,000 guns pointed in your face.  With a horde holding them.  Its not the guns that win the wars its the ability to occupy the space you're taking with living breathing people and hold it, and in this Warframe is pretty true to life!

    That all might seem like its a bit off topic but for me its not,   Warframes core game is a game about war,  battles, struggles, the occupation of territories,   the strong trying to take over the weak, and the few with the power to do something about it facing off against this horde and these factions.   That is the core of Warframe.    The many instances of assassination missions we have that have the player charging forth to go fight a singular foe,  met by a throng of its security forces along the way might to some people be considered monster hunterish.   These assassination missions all come with targets that have varying abilities that the typical foot soldier grunt does not have, I have found some of them pretty challenging in the past.

    Its not like I think the OP doesn't have an understanding of the many different aspects of Warframe game play,  some of which don't focus on killing even a single enemy to complete a mission, or that the OP didn't bother to consider any of them at all.   I think what the OP is trying to do is contribute to some new missions types or game play modes or something that hasn't already been done in Warframe so far.   And, if that is the case,  I'd say head on over to the Mission and Levels part of the forum and give it your all!   But,  if that is the case it does seem like they're starting in the US and driving to Mexico on their way to Canada.  Kinda like my response here!  We'll just use it as an example.

  17. Someone did the math.  15 is the most efficient number to reach and then turn in to maximize your bonus vs time spent,  not taking into account how long it takes you to kill the progressively higher level enemies.   If you can kill fast get 15 then turn in.  If you are a very dps weak group, horde a bunch, cap a few to keep the timer up and hope everyone is on the same page.  They've even removed having to bring the timer back down after you win.  Its pretty easy now.

    To be honest its not really worth making  a post about being frustrated by 1 players actions.   If everyone was always doing it and there where never any alternative play styles  available, I guess,  then I could see the point, but that isn't the case.

  18. Hello,

    I just came back to the game sorta recently.   It didn't take me long to max out my vitus thingmastuff from arbitrations.   I've now bought everything,  doubles of some of it just cuz and I have hundreds of vitus thingmabobs stacking up.  I don't really need the endo even though its nice to see it as a consistent reward,  definitely don't need more statues for the pile.  I've gotten all the mod drops and I believe that's everything arbitrations have to offer.  

    Now I just run them with increasingly squishier frames just to see how long I can last before dying.   Its really the only thing I have left. 

    It would be nice if you guys could add some consumables such as finished health / ammo / energy plates via a 1:1 trade at the rewards vendor, or 10 for 12 cuz bulk discount, I could use up this pile of vitus thingmajigs quick fast in a hurry and have a compelling reason to go back to this satisfyingly challenging content.  This content is actually boarder line requiring people to work together in a group,  something I have seen very little of since the raids died out and hardly ever on the star chart.   Mostly for me warframe has been 4 solo players joining a mission each with the same solo objective of soloing to see who soloed best by that top row of numbers in the final mission screen.  At least for these I've actually seen some players working together,  and a lot of the soloers just die early and we're left with a couple of us working together.  I do not digress,  I love doing them,  and additional reasons to keep going back would be nice.  At the moment I just have nothing to spend endo on, statues on, vitus essence on etc etc.   Please help!

    P.S.  .... it doesn't have to be consumable plates added to the vendor window.   It could be any in game useful consumable we have or you could make up some new ones like fashion frame consumables good for a 1 time, 1 day, 1 mission, 1 click etc etc kinda thing,  but purchasable in bulk 10 for 12 cuz discount etc.  Like give my nidus or mag some googly eyes for a mission.  Turn my infested polearm into a tree like the teralyst has for a mission.  OR! turn me into a miniature Orb Mother for a mission or let me run around as Captain Void Vor.  Cuz still he speaks. OR OR!  Let me be on fire the entire mission with a fire aura with a 1 heat dmg proc for  a mission....... or plates.

    Either way I need a renewable purchasing plan for all this extra currency I got laying around, nudge nudge nudge.  FEED ME!

  19. For those endless missions that do not have a way for players to stay in part, while others leave, could you please fix this.

    I don't think death in arbitrations should be the only viable way to leave while allowing others to stay,  the same goes for endless relic runs or any other mission that doesn't have the same mechanic that allows people to stay in defense missions while others are free to go.   I've had to ask "if you must leave early please just die, there is no penalty to your rewards just resources (which really shouldn't be the reason for showing up at arbitrations).  Unsurprisingly, only a few players have been nice enough to follow through.   I can't say I blame them it shouldn't be the only viable means of leaving if you have to go after 10 or 20 or 30 minutes in.  Simply asking at the beginning how long people plan to stay does not always give you an honest answer and some people just can't foresee the things they might have come up halfway through an extended mission either.  Other people shouldn't be penalized for this.

    I hate choosing void endless survival relic missions with only 2-3 minutes left on the alert timer only to have a couple of people who only showed up with 1 relic force everyone else out. 

    I hate starting an arbitration run, which only comes up once an hour,  to have everyone or at least a couple of people run to extraction and force everyone else out after only 10 minutes in.

    I hated every time I needed something from rotation C and had to solo it because others leaving would force me out before we even got there.  Leaving solo the only option available.

    I've been gritting my teeth at being forced out after the first 5 or 10 minutes now for long enough.   Could you please bump this up the list of things to do and make it an across the board feature for ALL missions.

    I'd like to think you could trim some fat in your programming by standardizing the exit strategy for every mission as it shouldn't hurt the core of the missions at all, but the last code I wrote was I made a little choo choo train go around a track in the 5th grade on a commodore 64? I think :S  Maybe it was an IBM of some sort,  I don't remember.

    Even if this means just putting an extraction pad in every mission that is freely available to use after 5 minutes, even defense missions.   Just make the exit the same for everything, and take away the requirement to have the entire team extract at once.   Make it single player use.  The people that are gonna leave are going to try to leave anyway,  at least this would give players the option to stay if they wished. 

    ALSO... This might give players in defensive missions an incentive to stay past 5 minutes if instead of simply "clicking" extract  they had to run somewhere to do so, instead of watching the ping pong extract me, ,extract me not, extract me, extract me not, extract me, extract me not until everyone just settles on extract.  I hate hate hate hate hate the 5 minute endless defensive mission.  The endless part being the repeated  length of only 5 minutes, endlessly..

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