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Posts posted by (XBOX)RubylaRouge

  1. On 21/12/2017 at 12:13 AM, (PS4)bigkeith24 said:

    I started right at the beginning of this year, here are my thoughts:

    1. Early credit gains are abysmal, they slow progression and a new players ability to try new weapons and find their playstyle.

    2. Broken mods are equally abysmal, they need to be eliminated. If i had not watched a beginner guide i would have wasted many of my hard earned credits on these (see 1).

    3. Clear direction on how to complete each mission type is missing, perhaps making the initial tutorial include a few more mission types, making it longer, would improve this situation.

    4. Mastery rank tests are confusing and extremely cumbersome. The practice tests need to all include tutorials and tips for completion, and they need to be both repeatable and restartable (from pause) without leaving the test. Popping in and out of a relay, which could have any number of new people in it since you first arrived (changed from calm to busy or full), causes unnecessary lag and frustration because of the loading screens to get in to the test. If we are in there to practice we want to actually spend our time practicing rather than staring at loading screens. 

    5. Make MR practice tests into tutorials. It would also give them replayability for players like me that went through a number of tests very quickly and eventually want to go back and practice the skills in those tests. For instance the hacking test is one of the best ways to practice difficult hacking for sorties, since ciphers are so easy to use I found that once I started sorties I didn't really have the skills to pay the bills on the harder consoles. I practiced and got better by replaying the test.

    6. There needs to be clear direction about where to find and who many of the NPC's are. Darvo, maroo, simaris, teshin, all are found randomly without clear indication of what and who you have stumbled upon.  At a very minimum a dialogue could be added to explain what they do for first time encounters. Simaris is especially critical since he has the aforementioned MR tests. 

    7. Better modding tutorials that are much more up front for new players.  For instance, combined elemental statuses are discussed in the codex tutorial but not in the tutorial from the modding screen.  

    8. The tutorials themselves bury the lead.  They are all dynamic pretty pictures that have almost nothing to do with what the tutorial is supposed to convey.  The actual content is in text that often is difficult to read due to the dioramas behind them. Modding example again, why is there not a picture of the modding screen and slots with the order of precedence? You could easily make the moving pictures show adding two elements together and the damage numbers changing from the individual elements to the combined, then add a third and swap two to show how the order matters.

    9. Make the simulacrum MUCH easier to find and usable for new players.  Allowing them to try new weapons before having to face the hordes of enemies and be a little more comfortable with the mechanics of each can only help a new player enjoy the game.  Putting non enemy targets in (like the MR test orbs) and removing the need for the key to enter the simulacrum would retain the scan for new enemies mechanism while allowing new players to utilize the simulacrum. 

    10. Add the simulacrum to dojos as a room. This would allow experience players a much more controlled environment for taking new clan mates into the simulacrum (not to mention helping server load on relays). Which incidentally also fits in with the theme of dojos as a place to practice and teach clan mates skills.

    11. Show required MR level in the market on all weapon thumbnails (no matter your current MR), this would actually help experienced players know what new players can and cannot use quickly and easily.  I know one of the most asked questions new players ask vets is what weapons they should get next. There are many answers to that question and allowing visibility on what MR weapons are locked at for new player makes that discussion much easier.

    12. Steve once promised utility items like slots, forma, etc as MR test rewards, that would help early players (and vets) immensely.

    I am sure there are other suggestions I could muster, but this list is very long already.

    ^ This!

    I am a newb, started the game something like a month or so ago and I especially agree with point number 4 that bigkeith24 listed, mastery ranks were so confusing at first and I only just learnt a week ago that you can practice the tests at the relay. It was such a relief to know that I could practice them, but then to have to go back to the relay every time I failed a practice became a game of patience and frustration. The waiting to load out of the practice area to return to the relay and then load back into the practice, I seriously feel like pulling my hair out! What a waste of time... just add the ability to try again if you want, a message box at the end would be good, something like - "Do you want to try this practice again?" "Yes" "No"

    Also the in game tutorials are soooooo NOT helpful as bigkeith24 points out in number 8.

    That's all I have to say for now.

    Thanks for hearing us out.


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