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Posts posted by Phextsen

  1. I'm actually in the boat that locking it behind one of the harder junctions is kind of bad game design. If it was an optional 'unlock a warframe quest' like sands of time, that's fine, but its a story update right? You want everyone to play that sort of content. I went through and unlocked what junctions I could when they got added but some of them are very difficult for a solo player. Yes, I could go ask a bunch of randoms for help, but it defeats the purpose of a solo option then. I also don't enjoy interacting with the community in game as most of the time they are rather unpleasant, or I'm just very unlucky with the people I meet in game. I'm sure there are other individuals who want to play entirely solo, thinking its a valid option, who are now struggling to get puzzles they can do alone. 

    This game is a multiplayer, but when you give an option to play the entire game solo, you can't just lock them out and say "lol, git frends scrub". If there wasn't a solo option, this wouldn't be an argument worth having since you should be playing with others, but since there is a solo option, it is a flaw in progression flow. 

  2. So I'm playing as normal, hack a locked room open except it never leaves the sort of zoomed in-ness of the hacking screen and I'm now running around being able to see a bit of my face and my arms as I play. With sprinting you can see the back of the warframe's head and with flipping it zooms back out for the duration of the flip. Interesting bug. Here's a gif that I attempted on the fly to record. Doesn't show it greatly but you get the idea. 


    Occurred multiple runs of said mission with Ash but elsewhere seemed fine when I was using other warframes. 



  3. After the Helmet is claimed from foundry you should have the Archwing Interception mission for gathering proof fragments (which they look as same as the navigation ones). But if you do have enough proofs you can build the Orokin Archive (yes, again) in your Foundry to be able to access the next mission which is on Phobos (for systems). Proof fragments are also tradeable from what I remember! :3


    Isn't that Limbo's quest? My issue is that Mirage's helmet has been collected from the foundry and there has been no new message in the inbox from Ordis with the next riddle thus the next mission hasn't been unlocked (I checked, it's the normal mission rather than the Hidden Messages one). 

    Even after the recent event is over the problem still persists. 

  4. I know this has been said before but I couldn't find anything on it that was recent or closed with a few short searches (if you could link me to anything I'd be grateful).


    I've been away from the game for a while and came back, having done the kubrow quest before I left and after letting it mature I put it in stasis knowing I'd be away for a while.

    I come back today, let my kubrow out of stasis and play a few missions. I remember that I still hadn't completed the quest line for the collar, go check and it still says "Wait for your Kubrow to mature".


    If there has been a fix for this I apologise and would be grateful to know if it is something I can do on my end.

  5. I've gotten a number of bugs and so far they've fixed themselves by logging off or doing other missions a couple times or entering my clan dojo but I've had Vor's Prize: Confront Vor for a while now and I've completed the mission it refers to but still prompts me to complete the mission. I can't access the mission again and completing other missions or restarting the game hasn't fixed them like the other issues I've encountered. Seems to be a combination of some of the confirmed bugs listed. 


    On a side note I'm enjoying the changes and updates very much. Once you guys get the kinks sorted out it'll be a great step forward and I think the tutorial will make newer players feel more comfortable with playing. Feels more like a progression. Just got a few HUD errors and event sequencing bugs to tussle with and it'll be top quality. 

  6. So Stalker finally shows up for me. I'm ready for him and get ready for him to pop up in a plume of smoke. Does he? Hell no. My speakers which where on pretty low explode with a loud roaring sound and the screen shook to insane levels after a minute it stops and in panic thinking I caused it somehow I moved and Stalker appears like normal and one shots me. However, he was walking on air. I have no idea what caused this unless he tried spawning in the wall behind me since when he spawned after the minute of quaking it was where I was standing a moment ago.


    I wish I was streaming, it was one hell of a shocking sight. It'd be incredible for a giant boss's greeting or another, more feral Stalker-like enemy. 

  7. The best way of doing this right now without upsetting the mission based gameplay would be a public lobby sort of thing. Basically a dojo that isn't set to a clan and it's entire purpose is just for players to mingle in-game. You could even make it into an access point to the starmap screen we have now but that would be unnecessary since it would only be an illusion and you'd not actually be in the lobby. Could even have a Lotus room or something where we can talk to the Lotus as an NPC but all she says is "It's the Grineer!"

    I'd rather push an idea like a public hangout than a fully open world solar system. I prefer diving into missions in Warframe quickly rather than having to walk/run/fly/teleport/zipzapzobbidyboo to where I want to go adding extra time to my plays. 


    The main problem with that though is that it would only be able to have a certain amount of players in at one time and having a bucket load of them to compensate could mean lag issues anyway. It'd depend on the limitations of their engine. Besides you can get this sort of thing from a clan dojo, it just means mingling with less people.

  8. Every other time I start Corpus missions usually on Venus I hear that whispery noise that Stalker usually makes, turn a corner and up against a door or in an elevator there's a freshly killed Corpus just starting to fizzle away but Stalker doesn't show up. It's got a really nice atmosphere to it. I hope it's intentional. If this has been around for a while then my bad for not noticing it sooner lol.

  9. The Stalker showed up in the game I was in and since we had two Rhinos and an Ember we didn't notice he showed up after one flicker and I was laughing so hard when I realised he was already keeling over.

    I did miss this "ending" though could someone PM what was said to me?

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