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Posts posted by Warmoer

  1. Didn't like these survival missions


    I and many others agree. I really hate it even more than defense missions. I know some people love it, but as with Conclaves, some of these mission types are so detestable that they should be optional. Bring back Raid missions instead; at least those felt like "missions". A bit more clever mission design would be helpful, but these bogus game modes are sapping the fun out of this.


    Please take these survival missions, toss them in a bin or make it optional for the masochists out there. 

  2. My wife and I have been farming Jackal for two weeks now, and we picked up many Rhino helmet and system drops (good cash when sold), but the chassis seems to be very hard to get hold of. It is slowly but surely sapping the fun out of this for us. It is bad enough that one has to replay the same mission all the time, but picking up the same drops and mods over and over is not fun guys.

  3. Very insightful responses, thanks. My wife, I and our son play together, sitting in one room. We only play private games, so it is unlikely we will ever have 4 players. Last round we played Mag, Exca & Loki. We are each on Braton & Lato, Skana or Chronus melee.

    We may need to focus more on playing to the strengths of our frame capabilities. As casual gamers, this mission stands out above the others as being more difficult, but we'll practise our coordinated efforts to cull mobs and give it a go later. We are doing fine on more difficult mission already, hence my concern over difficulty.

    Thanks again for the tips everyone!

  4. At this point in the game, some of us are still on the starting frames, try to "naturally" progress through the missions. What this suggests is that one should spend a fair bit of platinum to obtain the kind of frames and weapons to succeed this kind of mission, as it basically impossible to do so with the amount of credits earned and limited resources available when reaching Earth for the first time. This severely limits what one can buy and build by the time Earth is reached the first time, and Frost is definitely not achievable this way.

    Am I missing something here? There is no skull or exclamation on this mission, there are just too many of them. Wave after wave of those Grineer rolling balls/mines slam into the coffin, not to talk about the "new" range of Grineer melee troops I only started seeing recently. I play a lot of different games, and I can honestly say this mission is not balanced well, and will be putting a lot of people off and is taking the enjoyment out of what is otherwise a very fun and addictive experience.

  5. Three of us have played this mission three times in a row now. We are getting SWAMPED by the grineer, and fail where we have to protect the coffin. I had a look at some gameplay videos on Youtube, and the older runs appear to be much simpler, and with a lot less Grineer. Have these Mobile Defence missions been made more difficult recently? It is my objective opinion (based on missions with higher difficulty) that this mission is too tough at the moment. Anyone else experiencing this?

  6. Bunch of people whining, crying, complaining, and demanding a refund.

    Because they couldn't play this game a grand total of 3-5 days. Wow, man. You know what? If you crybabies are the playerbase I'll have to deal with while playing this game, yes, go ahead and quit and leave. The level of pathetic I've seen probably grown men stoop to over these past few days for a simple bug that hindered MOD progress, NOT the entire game progress (I had no problem finishing up planets.)


    Seriously, you guys, make DE aware of the issue, then sit back on your thumbs next time instead of storming around your house going 'I WANT TO PLAY. I'LL NEVER PLAY AGAIN CUS OF THIS BUG THEY'LL NEVA FIX. GRRR. I HATE COMPUTER. SMASH WARFRAME.'

    It was not your problem, and your opinion on this smacks of immaturity. Why respond to this thread if you are not going to make a positive ontribution? People spent time to define this issue; least the devs can do is to aknowledge that.

  7. No, my wife and I did not buy anything from the store. We fired up Warframe yesterday, it updated to the latest version (probably the 9.5.1 Hotfix), and we saw the new Transmutate button, and decided to give it a go. Transmutated a mod, and there is where our troubles began. The TM mod would not stick to its slot when applied after missions and game sessions, and although we were picking up the coolest drops, none were earned after the mission debrief. 


    So we suspect ours was most probably caused by the new Transmutation feature, but it could be a wider issue. 

  8. Hi Scopeshot, same issue here, my wife and I. I submitted a bug report, and we are trying different things to see if we can get past this as we are not receiving any of the mods we pick up. She has now sold the mod she got through transmutation, and is testing it with a solo mission to see if that was the culprit.


    Update: Getting rid of the mod obtained through transmutation did not solve the problem. We currently do not earn ANY mods through missions, and there is not reason us to play any further until this gets fixed.


    I feel a bit cheated as I bought some platinum for my wife and son just this morning...

  9. Further update: It appears that one member of our group receives the mods, but two of us do not. We confirm that we all picked up these mods under the Rewards page of the Results, but then two of us are not actually granted these mods. Strangely, the two of us that are not receiving these mods are the only two that us using a mod obtained through Transmutation. We are still having issues with this transmutated mod that it keeps removing itself from our weapons between missions, even though we insert and apply it every time.


    Something is bugged here. I submitted two bug reports on these issues.

  10. Hi SlyBoots,


    Thanks for the response. We went through our inventories and they are definitely not there. I received Reach through transmuting earlier today, and pick up a Reach drop during this last missions. I now have only one Reach.


    My wife also has a transmuted mod (ice damage) that she applied to her Skana that keeps on dropping out.

  11. Just had a game with 3 people, and although the results page showed the mods we picked up in the mission, we never actually received these. Logged out, and logged back in, but they are not there. Anyone else seen this with 9.5?


    To make things worse, I earned Reach the first time today, and apply it to my Skana. However, everytime I go back into my Melee inventory Reach has "unapplied" itself? Log out, log back in, go into Melee inventory and Reach is out again. Something is wrong...

  12. I have only started playing Warframe a few days ago, and in Solo mode only (not interested in online coop). The first three to five missions were relatively easy, but suddenly got a lot more difficult. I am playing the Excalibur Warframe, and after about 6 missions and a few hours of play I have finally reached level 1. I am not finding many mods for weapons along the way (and I search any and all containers during the missions). I suddenly started dying during my missions, and died 3 times trying to take out Vor (hiding in cover when I could, running attacks and shooting from cover). So I worked out that the missions have a higher level requirement (3 & up, while I am still at level 1), so now I am replaying the first missions to level up, but I find them much harder now and I don't feel that my Warframe is adjusting with this level of difficulty. So after playing 1 mission today I have 1 revive yet, so I'll try again tomorrow (although I killed Vor, I failed that mission). 


    I am not enjoying this as much as I did during the first few missions, and feel the progression is much slower than the increase in difficulty. Just a n00bs 2 cents...

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