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Posts posted by MisterYurei

  1.      Wolf. We’ve all heard and maybe, on the rare occasion, fought him. But there are foreseeable problems with Wolf that are being ignored by DE entirely. I’ve made 2 posts already about this issue to little to no conversation, and I think we must bring this to the attention of DE now, sooner than later. Consider this my outline of how Wolf could be improved, and what needs to be done to make him even worth the effort.


         His Spawnrate:

         It was noted back in Devstream #125 that Wolf’s spawnrate would increase as the event went on. This is, more apparent now than ever, a flat out lie. Wolf has not increased in spawnrate whatsoever, for me, and for many others. It is the very small off chance that he does show up, and when he does, it isn’t even worth while with the next few points I will make. If there is a change in spawnrate, it is surely by very little, as it could be summaraized as a 0.1% increase each week, which in my eyes, is quite sad. Perhaps increase his spawnrate by increments of 5% or 10% each week, that way players have a better chance at getting an encounter per mission, capping it off at the end of the event at around 60-80% of the time, making him very frequent.


         His Fight:

         Wolf is easily described as the most tanky enemy in the game, and while this has been nominally reduced (though it is not very noticeable), he is still a lumbering goliath that takes 10-15 minutes to defeat. He is not affected by status procs, nor Warframe abilities, which both do not make any marginal sense. Make him affected by SOMETHING, doesn’t have to be all abilities or procs, but something that will affect him and make his fight at least a tad bit easier to manage. 

         He now spawns with these three invincible fugitives which have no place in his fight whatsoever. Of course once, or if you even get the chance to, defeat Wolf, you have to then defeat the fugitives which spawn in at his level. At least make them vulnerable to damage so that way they can be prioritized and taken out, lessening the load of the fight.


          His Drops and Droprates:

         Holy crap, we need to talk about this. Imagine:

    You finally encounter Wolf, and after whittling down his health and defeating him, you get an Eleventh Storm. Yeah. You heard right. A Stance that can be farmed out easily in a variety of ways.

         Multiply that scenario by 21 and you have my current experience. Really DE?! Out of all the kinds of drop tables you’ve made, this is the most scummiest and idiotic. Where uncommon mods that I have over 200 of have a higher chance to drop than the COMMON PARTS TO HIS WEAPON, AN EVENT EXCLUSIVE MIND YOU, it’s rude to say, but I call bullS#&$.

         My recommendation for this is simple and easy to do. Take after what you did for the Acolytes long ago, and make his drop table only event. Exclusive. Things. Not just filler you threw in to encourage more player activity. Yeah, I’m accusing you of that DE. The fact that you don’t make it only Sledge Parts and include filler like you did for Stalker is cold and sad. Truly you could have done better than this. So much better. Yet you threw it away for the 900th Molten Fury you had lying around.


         Closing Statements:

         Look, I’m not mad, I’m just disappointed. The Wolf Of Saturn Six Nightwave could have been a very cool and interesting event. But there are so many things that were done wrong in its conception. And hell, I haven’t even touched on the problems with Nightwave as a whole. I’m just hoping DE sees this, because this is something that needs fixing, and now. Because the way I see it, I’m better off buying a set off of someone for a large amount of platinum than actually trying to farm for it and getting disappointed each time, like going to Baro and getting primed ammo mutations and impact mods, but that’s another story for another day.

    • Like 1
  2. 18 minutes ago, MirageKnight said:

    For that matter, nor should I have to to make ONE badly designed enemy bearable.

    Three things:

    - It’s not an easy fight for a very noticeable reason: Thumpers give resources that would take a long time to farm out, and making it easily accessible to new players is kind of a bad idea, and making the fight easier would mean any player can come along and destroy one with minimal effort.

    - Don’t summarize this as DE’s fault by calling it a “badly designed enemy”. Perhaps it’s the complexity of “shoot off shield and blast vent on leg” is too hard for you? If that’s not hard for you to do then I don’t understand the issue, cause Profit Taker is nearly the same way, if not harder. 

    - Someone literally just gave you advice on how to make it easier and yet you turn it down? What kind of logic is that? If someone gave me advice I’d sure as hell use it, not turn it down cause I “don’t want to use Zenurik”.

    • Like 1
  3. On 2019-04-07 at 12:10 AM, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    A name is only a name, it doesn’t mean the frame has to be an exact replica of the source material of which that name originates.

    Just as Wukong is a mythical monkey god who can do just about anything. If DE made an exact replica of Wukong from the Journey To The West storyline, he would literally be god.

  4. I’m assuming you’re suggesting making the fight easier, in which case, why would you do that in the first place for a field boss that can give you every resource on the Plains like the Exploiter Orb does. That would not only make the Plains have a meltdown in my opinion, but I don’t want a boss where players can easily obtain Seram Beetle Shells by killing some trash heap of a tank. It’s just simply stupid.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Perye said:

    If the GOTL were supposed to help people, they didn’t.

    They didn’t, and that’s why the program got terminated. The Guides never cared about helping anyone in the game. They never populated region answering questions players had, they never went to any relay (and if they did they never did anything to help others), everyone simply forgot they existed up until a few days ago, and most of the time they were completely inactive altogether.

  6. There’s a reason the forums exist. Using the players-helping-players page you can easily request help on something. If you mean an in game chat section for help, there’s a reason the  Guides of The Lotus Program got terminated. Plus why would it be necessary since, as unhelpful as they may seem half the time, Region can also be a good place to ask general questions. Plus you know people will instantly go in to screw things up in that chat if it were to exist.

  7. 2 minutes ago, DirePresent said:

    WHY THE HELL DO THEY BECOME IMMORTAL FOR GOD'S SAKE?? I understand you can't damage let's say Sargas Ruk due to his armor, you can't damage Eidolons due to their sentient nature, but those guys are normal soldiers all the time except when Wolf's near them. Do they idolize Wolf so much they become immortal solely by being close to him or what?

    I can agree the invincible fugitives are ridiculous. They're unnecessary and outright useless. Just make them vulnerable during the fight so they are also a priority and not an immortal screw-over machine.

  8. 1 minute ago, Shadowh4nd said:

    ...it should at LEAST be a great mod, 100% of the time.

    I can agree on that, maybe an event exclusive mod. It is mentioned that he does drop mods such as Target Acquired, but the drop chances are so low, it isn't even worth the effort.

  9. I know I have made a post about my gripes with Wolf before, but seeing community response now, I feel as though it is time to take action and point to something that I see is a glaring issue.

    Wolf, as he is now, already has a low spawnrate for most players, even though DE explicitly said in Devstream 125 that his spawnrate would increase throughout the event. This is a flat out lie, as there has been no increase or an announce of an increase whatsoever, and if there was, the odds are it is by a 0.1% increase at best. These should be increased by more and more frequently, because by now, for me at least, it has had nothing done to it.

    Next I'd like to touch on his "tankiness". DE said in their recent Hotfix that they "significantly reduced the Wolf's tankiness". This is noticable, and I will agree, it is an improvement from spending over 40 minutes trying to kill a level 70 Wolf solo. But even now, with high damage yielding weapons and a very experienced squad has a hard time slowly whittling his health down.

    Next is my most infuriating problem, his drops and their outlandish rates.

    Let's take a look at a scenario: you're fighting Wolf, you beat him after spending about 10-15 minutes trying to kill him and you get Eleventh Storm. You say "ok, maybe I'm just down on my luck". Multiply that scenario by 21 and you have my current stance on this issue. For a total of 21 times I've encountered Wolf and successfully defeated him, not one encounter has yielded a part to his Sledge. Only mod drops, and nothing more. This again, could be RNG just screwing me over as it always has, but I feel it is on DE this time as well.

    For example, let's look at the Acolytes. They're an event exclusive enemy with a drop table consisting only of their respective mods, something that gives players a thing to aim for. Each time they may be down on thier luck and get the same mod once or twice, but it motivates them to farm for some of the higher ranking mods. Each time they also keep in mind that these are event exclusives that won't be coming back for a while.

    Looking back at Wolf, his drop table consists of:

    - Useless and easy to obtain mods that have the highest drop rate out of everything.

    - Some rare mods that nobody really cares about all too much

    - Resources

    - Parts to his Sledge that have a very low chance to drop in the first place, even though they are exclusive to Wolf and Wolf only. 

    Do you see a problem here? Because I sure do.

    Why not, and this may be a shocker, erase the filler and trash from his drop table, and implement only the Wolf Sledge parts? That would solve everyone's problems! Why give us useless mods anyway? This isn't Stalker, he's not around 24/7 to waddle around your mission, only to not give you War for the 500th time. He's here as an event exclusive and nothing more. At least make him worth something while he is here, and not a disappointing mess like Baro is every other rotation.

    As a last note, make it consistent, as I'm sure other players know: Seeing someone with multiple sets of something while you can't even get a single part is privy to jealousy and upset. 

    Please fix Wolf. And fast.

  10. As far as the Plains of Eidolon Rework is concerned, I am enjoying it. I'm loving hunting Thumpers and doing conservations whilst roaming around. There are, however, minor problems I and my clan mates have encountered while doing so, and this is but a small report of what has appeared.

    General Bugs:

    - On certain occasions, the capture target in capture incursions/bounties will not display the prompt that allows players to capture them, thus preventing completion.

    - Sometimes conservation targets will have a habit of being clipped into the ground, preventing capture.

    - On rare occasion, the caches in cache incursions/bounties will be generated underneath the map.

    - The datamass in terminal defense incursions/bounties can have a chance to fall out of the world and infinitely do so, preventing completion. 

    - Not sure if this is a Plains bug or archwing launcher bug, but after gaining the ethereal Pyrana, which increases fire rate and doubles magazine capacity, and entering archwing mode at the same time, the ethereal counterpart would disappear, but the fire rate and mag cap would stay. This would go on until I had about 96 rounds in the magazine and an insane fire rate as my base for the weapon, going up to 192 rounds when triggered.

    That is about all we had in our experiences so far, but there could always be more lurking about. If you have any bugs you'd like to add to the report, please comment below with what you have!

  11. Just now, IvyMorrigan said:

    Maybe give him the spy mods or easy rathuum stances or something, so each kill can give you something you don't already have

    Or maybe just make his drops ONLY Wolf Sledge drops that way we aren't stuck with useless mods we can get anywhere else, and everyone has a fair chance at getting the parts.

  12. 32 minutes ago, sleepychewbacca said:

    Sell prime junk, ayatans and corrupted mods. 

    It isn't ideal, but the passive income is better than using your own paid plat. The sets are cheaper compared to the day one prices. 

    I got a set, but I didnt sell it given how much a pain it was to obtain. 

    However, I still hold hope that it'll be easier to farm. Eventually. 

    Thank you for the info, but I've already tried selling my things before. Nobody, and I mean nobody, ever buys anything I try to sell. I'm always met with either 'nty' or just no reply in general. Though this is another gripe I have, it should be saved for another day.

  13. I’m not sure if anyone else has heard, but the Wolf is a bit of a hassle. His spawnrates are still incredibly low, even though DE outright said his spawnrates would increase over time (which haven’t at all by what I’ve noticed). When he does spawn, let’s say in a squad, it is a pain to even whittle down his health by a small margin. 

    Even after defeating him, it isn’t even worth the effort. Out of anything I could have gotten, all that drops for me has been the Eleventh Storm Stance, and Molten Fury, concurrent drops that never cease to plague my eyes upon every single encounter. I’m not sure if this is just rng being its normal cheapskate self, but surely after defeating him over 20 times now since his release I would have gotten at least 1 part right? No. Just those two mods, and nothing else. 

    In my eyes, it’s kind of saddening that I have to see everyone else getting full sets within the first two weeks of launch, and I can’t even get the common parts to drop. It’s gotten so bad I’m beginning to resorting to buying a set, but I’m sure prices are still hiked up, so much so that I can’t even afford one with what I have.

    Truly disheartening.

  14. Got a couple of Rivens I've been needing to get rid of for some time. Any price is welcome here!

    Knell Critatox:

    + Toxin, + Critical Chance, - Corpus Damage

    Karak Visidra:

    + Fire Rate, + Damage

    Synapse Critabin:

    + Critical Chance, + Ammo Maximum, - Zoom

    Drakgoon Visitio:

    + Damage, + Electricity, -Reload Speed

    Laser Rifle Satitio:

    + Multishot, +Electricity, - Status Duration

    Cyath Vexi-critabo:

    + Channeling Damage, + Electricity, + Critical Chance

    Unrolled Zylok: 55p

    Unrolled Ooltha: 70p

    All Rivens above (except for the unrolled one's), are up for grabs at any price (just not ridiculously low). Just reply here and I'll get back to you as soon as I can! (Ive been suspended from chat privelages so I don't have other means of communication)

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