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Posts posted by MisterYurei

  1. I've also posted to reddit and both places seem to be saying the same thing:

    "There are other servers doing the same thing, and you have virtually no chance"

    Honestly, they are right. Shoulda done my research. All I wanted to do was to make a trading server that wouldn't fall into the same sort of mess as trade chat, where items aren't priced outrageously, and both the new and veteran players can find an equilibrium. I've decided to shut the server down, seeing as nobody wants it in the first place, and nobody is giving it a chance.

    Respond to this if you want, but I could care less seeing how the community has already responded with what it wants.


  2. So a while back I was observing trade chat and how much of a grouped up mess of offers and outlandish prices it is. And then I got to thinking that if nobody else is going to improve on it or make something better, I might as well take the issue by the horns. And so, I developed a Discord server designed for that very purpose, and maybe some more things along the way in creation.

    I called it "The Sol Trading Company", and as of right now, we have 4 members (sad I know).

    To those who want to join, I'll leave a link at the bottom of this post so you can join, all you need is a verified Discord account, a Warframe account (not a requirement to be on the Discord, but it is highly recommended) and at least 7-27 hours of experience in the game.

    Here's the various services we offer:

    - A category designed for trading between Tenno and the Sol Trading Company

    - A category designed for those with the Associate role to advertise their wares and wants separately from others. (This role is to be applied for but very easy to get in terms of interviews)

    - A leadership program for those who excel at moderating and controlling the flow of everyday trading (Only I do this at the time being because I don't have time currently to conduct the interviews for it, when time does come I shall let the server know)

    - A category made for general communication with fellow Tenno and various channels for various subjects (For example: builds, music, art, and yes, memes -_-)

    - A category made for LFG and recruitment for PS4, PC, and Xbox platforms (soon to add the Nintendo Switch platform)

    - Events and special challenges to make the server a little bit more fun

    - News on any new thing happening with the server, Warframe, DE, etc.

    And much more to come! I look forward to working with you, Tenno.

    For now, however,


    Invite Link: https://discord.gg/j8qmCV8

  3. 4 hours ago, oolgorboid said:

    You're probably using Steam. In the layout for your controller, remap the "A" button to be an "A" button. Right now it's probably the "Select" in-game action. The matchmaking menu doesn't seem to recognize "Select" but it'll work with "A".

    You are a life saver, thanks a million!

  4. So

    I was going to go grind, when I stumbled upon what I think is a really bad bug. I wanted to switch my matchmaking mode, when I found out, I couldn't select anything. I am using a controller, and the UI is totally effed up. I even tried switching to mouse and keyboard, but half my keyboard got reversed, and the mouse cant select anything. I really need to know if this is happening to anyone else and if so, how to fix it. Thanks.

  5. Alrighty.

    So I was going into a mission after the Sacrifice dropped, since I was trying to grind so I can smash Vay Hek's face in, when I noticed that I couldn't select any mode, and when I switched to keyboard, I couldn't select anything. I'm very confused and would like to know why this is happening. Maybe it's a bug, idk. I just wanna experience the Sacrifice like everyone else.

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