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Posts posted by Mithrah

  1. Hello, 

    I know there was previous talk, way back when Kdrives were first being demonstrated, that there would eventually be skate parks that you could put in them. I know that DE is working on a lot for the game right now with Empyrean and the New War on the horizon, but even enabling Kdrives in the Obstacle Course architect room so that we could create our own skate parks would be awesome. Just a suggestion, no clue how hard it would be to implement.

  2. I may be the only person in the entire game that misses the Boombox. But if it were at all possible I'd put up some cashflow for an optional legacy skin to bring back the Ogris that I fell in love with. Help a man bring back his old favorite look for his favorite primary.

  3. So, this isn't really a complaint that we have too many mods or anything, because I'm one of the players that thinks there can never be enough mods. However, I'd love to see if Aura selection became more relevant with a higher variety, so instead of the broad scoped ones we have now, we could have some build specific ones that are more powerful than traditional auras, but do not stack. Like this for examp ->


    V Slot - Precise Strikes - Increases the chance when dealing a critical hit, that the critical hit will be more severe (a red crit.) by 20% for squad members.  


    So essentially for those crit lovers, it gives a percent chance when you actually crit to have that crit be a red critical, would be excellent for an ash player for example as an aura. Another as an idea.


    Dash Slot - Iron Curtain - Icreases the armor of squad members by 45%. 


    Good for squishy frames that have decent armor base without having to slot a steel fib/


    D slot - Dampening Matrix - Increases elemental resistance of squad members by 15%, gives squad members a chance to resist knockdown by 15%, increases shield capacity of squad members by 30%. 


    A good aura for someone like frost, who is a mix between a tank and a utility character

  4. So, regardless of how he may be underpowered against anyone except for Corpus missions, Volt has always been my most played and favorite warframe. So much so that while most people have been expressing a large outcry for him to be bumped up, I have been largely ignoring his under utilized state. That was, until Mag got buffed yet again, and pull has been made into one of the single best powers in the game, both doing outrageous damage and being a CC ability on a spammable power. All of that on an already stellar frame. So now I feel the underpowered state even harder than before, as Mag is now what Volt should have been from the get-go, the gunplay alternative frame... That being said, this is what I would love to see happen to Volt: 


    1. Shock should apply an effect that causes the next Overload volt uses to do a significant amount of increased damage. The first 3 enemies that shock hits should stun.


    2. Speed is fine, no change needed.


    3. Electric shield is great, no change needed. (even if the dome idea gets implemented, cool, but the weapon synergy of electric shield already makes it the best utility power in the game.)


    4. Overloads effect and range should stay the same, but it should change from a channel into a deployed AoE, much like Vauban's Dark Vortex.


    The largest factors in what makes this ability underpowered are that it's full damage potential is based on the tile you are fighting in, and the fact that armor mitigates it's damage (which makes no sense, I don't think Grineer use rubberized armor, but I could be wrong about that.) But even more important then both of those circumstances, is the fact that volt becomes a floating target, screaming "Hit me please" while channeling it, unable to shoot things or cancel out of this state whereas other frames that do as much damage with similar abilities, can cast them on the fly and not effectively CC themselves for it's duration.


    Let me know what you think here.

  5. Thank you for an honest apology. The attempt to ease some of the frustration that has been caused is very appriciated, but i´ll promise that this will happen again to you guys. Why? Not because you want to, but because your game is designed this way in the moment.

    Let me explain...

    It all, as always, boils down to RNG. As you release new Gear constantly you are always forced to find a place to put it, but since there are only a few places actually available, you are forced to "polute" your own droptables constantly with the new content. This dynamic steadily increases the need of you, DE, to focus on creating new places to put new drops in, instead of focusing on what the community really wants:

    -Lore (each Planet with it´s own Story,Bosses,Minibosses,cinematics and unique objectives.)

    -A clean, easy to navigate info-rich UI

    -Endgame Challenge (In form of "Cells" -> uniquely generated Missions with short storys and customized high-end rewards, as well as MASSIVELY increaed difficulty.)

    -A fair Market Price Structure, in which Weapons are equally Priced based on their Tier

    -Balanced and Fun Gameplay improvements!!!

    You are trapped DE, trapped in a cycle of supplying us with content which we don´t need, because you think if you stop, we will stop playing. That is not the case.

    Free yourselfs from this cycle. We have more than enough Weapons to farm towards, too many infact.

    The Solution is simple... Start by removing the RNG component of the game entirely. It has ONLY been the cause of frustration, unease and displeasure. Find a way to implement Mods and Weapons as fixed Rewards for certain Missions or Milestones.

    How are people gonna level up Mods then?

    Easy! Implement an achievment/challenge system. The foundation for that already exists in the game. For example if you wanna level up a Fire Rate Mod, you have to equip it and kill 3 enemys in 10 seconds 10 times for level 1, 25 times for level 2 and so on... Examples for other Mods are easy to find. This would be an actually fun system and would reward Skill and planing ahead other then randomizing acomplishments.

    By doing this you make your game more rewarding for veterans and more accessible for new comers. Trust me that combined with fairer market pricings, people still gonna pay for convienience a lot, since the time consumption to access the whole starchart alone is already overwhelming for casual players.

    You build grind walls so high that even the most dedicated MMO Players loose interest, because the outcome justifys the timeconsumption and frustration in NO way! I can promise you that the PS4/Console community will loose interest much quicker then your Open Beta Community has. We are sticking with you, because we can see the Vision of what Warframe could be, not because what it is. Your art design and basic game concept is soo inredibly promising, but ever since U7 you have not focused on that, but solely on expanding your Arsenal to an amount that it´s left feeling completely &*$$genized. And creating new places that may look cool, but we still left doing the same thing there as much as anywhere else.... GRINDING AND PRAYING TO RNG!!!

    The repitition has become unbearable.

    The sadest thing is that even if you reacted on this suggestion tommorow, it would still be already to late. A large amount of damage has already been done. Trust has decreased and expectations have been lowered.

    These changes have been demanded from the community for nearly 6 months now and we have gotten nothing but false promises so far...

    Many people, dedicated players, FOUNDERS of your game have already been driven away....

    We understand that developing a game costs time and money, thats why we are paying you. What we dont understand and what we are not paying for is for you build things that your entire community despises and wishes to be changed.

    The time to act is now DE, focus on the important things and listen to your community as you always say you want to.


    I actually agree with almost everything you've said. And that achievement system for leveling up mods sounds like ridiculous fun.

  6. First, the incredible messed up drop rate.

    Second, the entire incident when Void first released again.

    Third, apology once again, and said things are fixed.

    Forth, first incident, refund everyone Void Keys. This time around, putting Void Key Packs on 25% off.


    Conspiracy? Call me crazy, but all this seems too damn fishy.


    DE, you gave me a slight bit of hope. Sheldon was it? The apology was a tad bit heart warming, I like people who are able to own up to their mistakes. So there, I threw in $30 more for you. I didn't bother sending support ticket, I know it won't help. So instead, I threw you a bone and bought more Void Key Packs.


    Hey, what the hell do you know? Out of the 20-ish key pack, I've only gotten ONE T3 Exterminate.

    I had to hunt, beg, trade people in the chat, to try scrape some T3 Exterminate together, in hopes to finally get that god forsaken piece of Dakra Blade.


    But all I've gotten was Forma BP, and...Hey guess what! Frost Prime System. 


    You know what, I'm out of luck, screw this RNG system, you want to keep it? Keep it. Please bring in the god damn trade system already. Don't tell me I'm lucky to have Forma BP. You want it? Vote for trading system to be implemented, I'll give you all the god damn forma you need and want.


    BP too slow for you? Heck, I'll even throw in some damn instant Forma. Sick and tired of this RNG.


    Spending time. No reward

    Spending effort. No reward.

    Spending money. No reward.


    The hell I've to do to get one single item?

    I agree, RNG is bullS#&$, it should be a token system where you recieve an ingame currency to buy keys you actually want.

  7. My point is that there is no situation to be alleviated. Regardless of drop rates, you didn't have to buy the key packs. You could have gotten keys for free. Even if the drop rates were not nerfed, there is still a chance you wouldn't get any parts you wanted. Would you still complain then? The only problem I see is people spent money on a F2P open beta and expect everything to work out in their favor. Then when something goes wrong, they immediately want a refund? Sorry, but it doesn't work that way, and you should have known that before you bought plat. I understand that there were some issues with the drop rates, but asking for free plat really devalues your argument imo. I agree that something should be changed going forward, but to retroactively hand out plat? Not happening. Instead, why don't we discuss alternatives to drop rates? Or something else that's productive?


    EDIT: You got what you wanted: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/110474-an-apology/

    My point exactly, this guy gets what I'm sayin.

  8. Um, I never used the word everyone.  If your trust in them is unharmed great for you.  I chose phrases like a "large number" and "many".  I never even claimed the majority, so cool your jets.  I didn't ask for anything free, except a token sum of plat, which means nothing to me.  I have 1,300 plat, I'm just fine.  If you had read I don't need mutagen either, but many do from what I read on the forums.  You are just the self righteous a**hole who skims something and pretends like he knows what they said so you can hate rant.  Have fun eating hot pockets in your momma's basement, trying to troll people on the forums.

    Claims to not be a self righteous A******, flaunts things he has on his account like he is above others, then proceeds to insult someone in a post. 4Chan logic.

  9. DE Megan said "We messed up and we're going to make it right.", but just saying sorry clearly is not going to be enough.  Intentional or not people are going to assume the worst about the situation, and either way DE profited from it.  Creating extremely expensive items while nerfing the drop rates, thus increasing plat sales because people needed forma and key packs, and the most hurtful part was that they lied about it.  Trust has been deeply fractured between DE and a large portion the community.  Here are some things that would help appease me, while not being over the top.


    A:  On the next livestream, accept responsibility for this fiasco, and sincerely apologize without making excuses or shifting blame.  This will help sooth people who, rightly, feel hurt and had their trust betrayed.


    B: DE took plat, so give some back.  A token amount of 200-250 plat for all players, just so people can get key packs, or forma, etc. to replace what they wasted and/or were deprived of.  This will show that DE was not out to just make a bunch of money off the situation, and dispel people's growing opinions that it was an orchestrated attempt at a money grab.,


    C: Set realistic costs and drop rates for new items, and at least this one time, release the drop table spreadsheet.  This will really help start building trust again.


    D: Set up more polls in the forums.  Polls will give you a lot more concrete data on what the community wants, and how they feel.  Plus, it encourages more participation on the forums without having to jump into the fray of emboldened opinions.  No more, should Nova get nerfed, and both sides claiming they are the majority.  Put it to a poll!  Again this provides DE with better, more complete, data, and will encourage more participation in the sharing of opinions in the community.


    E: A weekend event focused on mutagen.  I personally have enough, as do most of my clan mates, but many don't.  Host a weekend event where mutagen drops more frequently, and lower the time to create a mass down to 1-3 hours.  This way people can get the parts they need for the new clan tech.


    F: Finally, build trust over time, once again.  No more lies, silence, or half truths.  When I found out I had to farm coordinates to build a key, to farm another set of coordinates, to then finally fight the boss which you farm for the pieces for the new warframe I was mad as heck.  Not because of the amount of work, which wasn't actually that much, but because you planned it to be this way and never even hinted at it.  Not to mention it scarred a lot of people into just buying the Nekros with plat, thinking that it would be a tough never ending farm.




    I hope to see some, or all, of these implemented, or maybe some things I didn't think of.  I hope DE is sincere about making this right, and that they can win back me and many other players.  For many of us, DE's response will dictate whether we stay or move on to a new game.

    No bud, YOUR trust, has been hurt by DE. Not everyone's, yours. Quite frankly, update 10 was launched before it was ready, and they did that for people like YOU. So what exactly did they make worse? Drop rates for Mutagen Mass have increased substantially from what they were, they just drop in only 1 map now. The infested weapons (with the exception of synapse) are underpowered, but will be addressed. People were "scared" to buy Nekros? Really? People were *@##$ing about the fact that you had to farm him from the new mission without even attempting to see how difficult it was, then after they saw the 33% drop rates, they proceeded to complain about how EASY he was to farm. The community of this game could not complain enough, if things were too easy, that's a complaint, too difficult? Also a complaint, it's never ending with you all. All this OP is screaming is "I can't get stuff easily enough, so I deserve free S#&$." I for one, would absolutely love less players like you in this game, so I do hope you move on from it. 

  10. I am not a DE employee, do not represent the company and am neither paid by DE. I highly resent the accusations that you throw my way here. I also do not find your choice of words appropriate.


    With that being said, you are blaming DE for people being immature about a value that can be easily replaced wit choice of gear, mastery rank and other factors of discrimination. You are saying that it is DE's fault that people discriminate against others based on arbitrary reasons. That is a bold and void statement. People discriminate against people. You are also generalizing the playerbase on the grounds of some circumstantial events, reducing the community to the mental maturity of a child in your similies. That is both insulting and incorrect, as many people here don't care the slightest bit about any distinctive value and will carry even the weakest loadout through missions. There are two ends of every spectrum - tolerant people and intolerant people. You are taking one end of the spectrum and apply them to the community as a whole.


    I for one do not accept any of those accusations for myself, and as you can see from this thread, many others do not, either. Calling the slippery slope here is ust the outcry because you felt slighted, directly or by proxy, and are now seeking some sort of justice or revenge. And since you assume player mentality to be free of responsibility, you are shifting the blame, very much so, to DE, for them to carry the burden of dealing with the shortcomings of choice players - who already did what you accuse DE of enabling.


    Your observations fall short where this is not new behaviour. Removing identifying values from the game because some cannot handle that information responsibly is a quite drastic solution. What about the solution of exclusion? Do not play with such people. Just like in real life, avoid the people you don't like or get along with. The removal of Conclave score will not make you more likely to play with people who discriminate against others. They will find you on a "wrong" frame, see your "too low" rank, or not invite you because you use the Boar. Or the Lex. Whatever it takes to make themselves feel superior and enjoy social elitism.


    I highly suggest double-checing your position before you call such a large group as the Warframe community immature intolerant children. A swallow in the sky doesn't make a summer.

    Agreed, if you were with my clan, we would do the same thing whether or not conclave score existed. If you used bows on a T3 defense, my group would kick you, conclave is thus irrelevant in circles of players that already know what they are doing. Don't forget this is also going to be needed when the game difficulty increases, which is what DE is currently working on, as lack of difficulty was a major complaint before. Ultimately this patch is just absolute proof that you cannot please a gaming community, and you all that support this thread are an ideal example of the ideas that get in that ruin this games progression.


    After "Carrier", I guess I shouldn't be surprised about the things that people will waste their time complaining about.

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