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  1. SneakyErvin's post in new areas require more GPU? was marked as the answer   
    It's the new fog setting that does it most likely. I cranked them up to max a while back and my GPU fans started to sound aswell at that point so went back to whatever it was set to as default, medium I think, and the sound went away. And I couldnt see any particular difference with the fog, cant really notice a massive difference if I just turn of the setting either, so. 🤷‍♂️
  2. SneakyErvin's post in Help with a Lavos Railjack build? was marked as the answer   
    My Lavos build that I use for practically everything is the following.
    Combat Discipline, Primed Sure Footed, Umbra Vit, Umbra Fiber, Umbra Int, Overextended, Blind Rage, Stretch, Piercing Roar and Primed Vigor. Piercing Roar is replaced with Augur Secrets or Augur Reach in builds where I dont want the puncture effect from roar or dont use roar at all, which is when I run Archons, where I either run basic roar or xata's whisper.
    Arcanes are Grace and Avenger, except for Archons where I rely on minimal crit for the incarnon perks to trigger. I just replace avenger with +damage to primary arcane or guardian really.
    Shards are 5 red strength. I did run 2 cast speed earlier, but at times it screws up when you brand skills and triggers the skill instead of applying the element(s).
    While efficiency is low with this build it really only matters in content that doesnt have very many mobs, where I feel it to be a waste to cast AoE often anyways. In dense content the massive range makes up for a large part of the low efficiency, so you can nuke often enough and wipe out the whole map when you do so.
    Prefered element mixture on skills is Gas for me.
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