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  1. I had no expectations of them. I would have been happy and just fine with it if my teammates were dead weight, and I had to do everything myself. I didn't think my expectations NEEDED to be any lower. No, it was _WORSE_ than that. I was softlocked, because of a mechanic that I wasn't made aware of, and misslead over. I had an objective saying "Go here! Go here!", why would I ever suspect that going through that door is going to be a 30 minute softlock? (Okay, I admit, this is warframe, if you told me this a week ago, I would have said that doesn't sound unexpected in bugframe, but this isn't a bug, it's by design.) The closest thing to this is friendship doors. But even those only require ONE teammate to be not afk.
  2. Hello! I thought I'd like to write up how I experienced Duviri as a returning veteran. So, the questline. It's good. It teaches you how the drifter works, shows you your abilities, explains lore (Though I am a bit hazy on what the undercroft is, and why it matters), and hooks you in emotionally. Good job. I then decided to try playing Duviri after the quest. I see three options. Hmm... I'll pick the middle one, it's the way it's intended to be played. And it has side objectives. Oh! I get it, other open worlds have the same side objective system, like where in Vallis you need to make sure the Corpus don't open any crates, and you'll get a bonus reward. I then go and select a Warframe and my weapons. I get three options for a Warframe. Good. And I have... Effectively one choice for weapons. My primary and melee I don't get a choice in, but I can select a sidearm. Eh, whatever. I pick one and go on through the portal. Game starts, and I see an objective to connect some power lines. Oh good! The quest taught me what to do here when this objective shows up. I just shoot the markers in a specific order, and follow the bursts of light, then open a chest. Neat! Next objective, enter the undercroft. Splendid! The tutorial quest also taught me about this. When this comes up, you go to a portal, and through it, and then deal with SOMETHING down there using a Warframe. I then do what I was trained to do. Man, I'm glad that this tutorial teaches me how to play, now I just need to wait for it to start. Man, it's taking a long time for it to start. Like... a really long time. Am I doing something wrong? Did I forget a step? Am I bugged? This is Warframe after all. Wouldn't surprise me. I ask in chat what's going on, and if I'm bugged. No response for a while. Eventually someone responds "We're getting rss". No idea what that stands for. No response when I ask either. I eventually figure out that they're probably farming for those weird bonuses, judging by me getting them every few minutes Huh, maybe I should go help them. NOPE, can't exit the undercroft. I'm apparently the host. I know how much host migrations suck, so I stick around. I go watch TV. One episode of spongebob later... I'm still waiting. I give up. There's no way this isn't a bug. Sorry other people, but you're going to have to endure a host migration. I later learn that this is how people play Duviri. Skipping the objective for a while and building up decrees. ----------------------------- Now, where did I go wrong and do something dumb? I played warframe before. I know how it works in general. Sure, Duviri is a bit different, I expected new styles of combat, new puzzles, new objectives, that sort of thing. I read the description of the game mode type. It said it had side objectives. So, I naturally thought about what that likely meant. I remembered how other open worlds worked. They have side objectives too. It'll work the same way, right? Wrong. So very wrong. It means that if you do it like you do other open worlds, you'll be stuck in a waiting room for 20+ minutes. This has soured me to the entire Duviri experience. Please, for the love of god, let people exit the undercroft waiting room.
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