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Posts posted by Oli121210

  1. I didn't use any sarcasm. Tongue-in-cheek humour, but no sarcasm. But that's hardly a big deal; interpreting tone over the net isn't easy.


    I find it difficult to see how you can interpret anything I said as a complaint; I was calling you on complaints, not complaining myself. And the only insult I offered was that you were acting like a child. That was intended and I make no apologies for. If that counts as 'wading' then you may be unique in how you judge the magnitude of the word 'wading'. 


    Don't say 'many' when you have no idea how many people would agree with you. State your opinion, but don't pull imaginary votes in your favour from thin air. If 'many' do agree with you, then say how many and how you got to that number.


    Oddly enough,after taking a second glance at your words--I suppose I can accept you saying they were more in line with being tongue-in-cheek than they were sarcastic.  


    Agree tone is difficult and might add that it is likely to be misinterpreted over the net.


    Regarding complaining: perhaps attempting to patronize might be nearer the mark (e.g. "I don't think you understand how this works...", or  "If you don't want to wait for armour 2.0. . . tough."


    ...as well as being downright offensive: 


    " Stamping your foot and saying 'I don't wanna!' is going to get you nowhere." 


    Quite the petulant child you descriptively imply there. Totally incorrect, of course, but never mind. Some of what you write manages to amuse, so I guess I'll humour you.



    More rough.


    Offensive, typical, condescending drivel in the weak guise of advice:



     "If you can't be patient, then go and play something else."


    Evidently--I do not want to play anything else.


    Hence post.


    I could go on, but I won't. 


    What I will do, however, is inform you that I do not suffer comments I interpret as insults lightly. Nor do I appreciate much of the tone you blatantly used in a disparaging manner that is itemized and analysed above. 


    You may want to make an apology for that. Then again, I should not expect nor assume too much, eh?


    Regarding your attack on my use of "many". While I admit it is quite without statistical evidence, when used as a generalization of a very likely perceivable belief or thought (as in the case here), I'm afraid you, once again, are way too bold with your sweeping (negative) generalizations:



    Don't say 'many' when you have no idea how many people would agree with you. 



    Contrary to your derogatory and, frankly, insulting remark I do indeed have some idea (based upon common sense) of how many would agree with me on this particular topic. Actually there are already three posts in this thread that either infer or imply that a change, in the manner of a buff, would be welcomed.


    What's that about thin air again? 


    Oh--that's right. Nothing. Just another lowly snide remark.






    Lose them.


    Oh..and, "You're Welcome." 


    Goodbye Sparrohawk. I don't anticipate you replying to this anytime soon.


    Digression aside: Devs, I hope you might consider some of the points raised in this thread. Thanks.

  2. @Sparrowhawk:


     I think the tone of your post might be improved if it didn't rely upon sarcasm as much.


    Nevertheless, after wading through the insults and complaints I've come to the conclusion that you do make a few decent, informed, points. So, thanks for those. I believe I've made my point(s) perfectly clear. But, to reiterate:


    The weapons, as others have mentioned, look magnificent. Many would like them to be more viable at ALL levels, just LIKE other primes are.


    Not god-like.

    Not pay-to-win.


    Just more viable.


    I think this may well be clear and concise enough to avoid misinterpretations.





    PS: Apologies for not quoting you--I was unable to perform that function just now.

  3. I don't think you understand how this works. If you don't want to wait for armour 2.0. . . tough. Stamping your foot and saying 'I don't wanna!' is going to get you nowhere. If you can't be patient, then go and play something else. Being a Founder does not in any way entitle you to act a child about changes within the game.


    And, if you don't want to accept that they're not necessarily the best weapons? . . . Well, tough to that too. They might get a buff. They might not. Posting useful and valid feedback in a constructive manner is the thing to do. 

    And besides, are you seriously that upset by the fact that these weapons aren't absolutely godlike? You paid $250 and get a real, quantifiable voice in how the game is developed (to an extent, at DE's pleasure, etc. of course) by voting and posting within the Design Council, and you get cranky because your kit isn't good enough? That's not a legitimate claim. It's like getting a huge pile of your favourite dessert and complaining because a tiny side dish isn't what you wanted it to be.

    Wall of text.

    Since when does requesting a justified buff mean SCREAMING for GODLIKE weapon???

    Oh wait--that's right. IT DOESN'T.

    What is this nonsense?

  4. Having an attitude about who can post will not get you popular support for a buff. Comments like this are only going to get people that would have otherwise ignored this topic to flame you.

    That would depend upon how what I have written is interpreted. I think asking people who simply do not have the opinion(s) about something that another group do, due to ownership, is a reasonable request.

    Nothing more.

    If, however, some feel this isn't a reasonable request then so be it. Ultimately, the aim of this post is a positive (i.e. have two beautifully ornate exclusive weapons become more viable in this bloody good game).


  5. I do not have it, but just looking at the Skana Prime it is just a useless pangolin sword with 5 more damage. This weapon along with all the other useless 1-handers needs a buff anyway.


    Lato prime should be significantly better when they change armor. A Lato Prime is better than a standard Lato and equal with a Vandal I do not know what more you should be expecting from it because it is already a good "Lato".

    Oh, what I'm looking for is really quite simple: Prime weapons that CAN hold their own (and do so easily) against other primes.

    Just wait for Armour 2? No thank you. Buff everything? No. Didn't ask for that. Accept that they are BY FAR the poorest primes in the game? Erm...don't think so--hence this post.

    Oh, and do me a favour, IF you haven't got either of these weapons (and don't expect to get them in the future) then please do not post here, thank you.

  6. A big disadvantage of having weapons become better over time is that every time a new tier comes out, the exclusives all need buffs. We should wait until Armor 2.0 until we start suggesting more specific buffs.

    Again, I would be more inclined to agree with this view, IF these weapons were not:

    A). Primes--these weapons should never be, or feel, weak, meek, meh, or pathetic. They ARE Primes!!!

    B). Seriously exclusive. They really do need to reflect this.

  7. @Eagle:

    That's the thing Eagle: Primes should never feel OK, and, given the significant investment required to obtain these items, these items should be, imho, continuously periodically revisited to keep them up to date with current game mechanics.

    I seriously shudder to think what a new founder might feel upon using these weapons as they currently stand, especially if that founder has game experience and / or has upgraded their package.

    Devs: PLS prioritise revisiting them! Just for the record--I've form'ed my Latos Prime 5 (FIVE) times to try and give it some more umph. Alas, it STILL falls by the wayside and I, sadly, find myself choosing a Bronco Prime over it.

  8. Cool beans--I just hope this event isn't as "grind" orientated as those previous. Players like to achieve the highest rank / band / score on these events; however, due to real-life work / study / family commitments, creating goals which can require up to 10-13 hours of play time may be a little excessive.

  9. I'm new and, thus, still trying to feel the game out.


    I chose Loki as I enjoy infiltrator-type class builds; however, it seems way too early to be able to comment--after nearly 15 successful missions and spending the complimentary 50 platinum: I still run around with the same basic weapons (and, subsequently--tactics).


    Is grinding (i.e., doing the same monotonous, laborious thing repeatedly) to level up (and, thus, gaining access to weapons, mods, skills and powers) worth the time and effort?

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