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Posts posted by Pure

  1. 14 minutes ago, DarkSkysz said:

    Haha...you guys have no ideia how to use her 4 now right? Its a huge nuke with no energy cost at all (can oneshot lvl 60~70 corpus and 30~40 grineer in a area of 40m costing only 30 energy). Why are you guys complaning?


    Also its 'duration' if affected by range. The further it goes, the more it lasts.

    huge nuke that costs no energy, but costs 30 energy? are u making up random stuff?

  2. Void parts used to be harder to get.  More due to mostly formas dropping from end missions.  Once they added survival and better defense rewards the weapons were easy to obtain.  Also by adding better rare mods it made warframes even stronger and easy to clear.


    This makes new players able to easily get the weapons.  Honestly you guys have no one but yourselves to blame for carrying low level players in the void.  This is no different than mmo's, where players carry new players through instances.


    I don't even see why you guys cry about this.  Who cares if a new players have a good weapon.  Just constant forum qq.  Thats why everything gets nerfed.  Ohh nova has most kills and the warframe i like doesn't. Ohh the weapon i farmed does less damage than the store weapon. /cry  I don't know you could always use a different warframe or get that weapon.

  3. If I played nothing but frames that relied on one move, then yes I would be very bored of this game. I generally bounce around frames, though, and avoid the boring ones. And that would actually be fine for me, but HoM is pretty egregious and abusers of it tend to bring down my enjoyment of the game, whether I'm the one playing Mirage or not.


    And thank you to the people who corrected me on the xp issue, that whole thing is pretty murky sometimes.


    well 4 moves isn't that much harder to push.  this game will always be easy when there are just 4 moves.

  4. It's about the discipline, not because "i can hold it in one hand make me looks like much cooler and stronger"



    and the animation of the skana in the frist trailer is more like a Katana than the Nikana, brandished with both hand and straight cuts.


    Nikana is totally not a katana and the katana stances also not katana moves.


    Some ppl said it's a Iaido style , but i can said, even the laido use both hands to hold sword after the frist strike if the warrier is not going to  replace the sword back in the scabbard immediately.


    and?  are you the katana police?  gotta love the nerds that post everything that isn't realistic in a video game.

  5. I'm not sure why DamagePerSecond is talked about as if it's very important. I rarely need to hold down the trigger on a weapon (with exceptions for mob-killers like the Gorgon of course) to kill something. Usually I'm firing in short bursts to aim at weak spots or take down one or two enemies at a time since the enemies tend to scatter, and they die quickly anyway.


    Wouldn't it be more sensible to talk about weapons in terms of damage per bullet? Am I just misunderstanding the terms used?


    dps doesn't matter if you're still on planets like mercury.

  6. She useless with high lvl enemies, she useless in Nightmare, she useless against most high Bosses and she useless against Stalker, She useless for team, just if she gets enough energy she can somehow tank same or low lvl mass for 25 sec, armor most useless thing I see in this game, and damage from shield that you don't even have... But she is fun to play, anyway sold her, will create Nyx or Loki on main account... But now really boring every sec running with Mag to revive Vlkyr players....


    huh i never died with my valkyr?  why would a mag revive them?

  7. 10s Hysteria? How long does Warcry last then? Might as well not have it equipped. It sucks when you want some skills to last long and others not to so when you "improve" one ability you ruin another.


    he never said he had warcry on.  isn't that playstyle if their different times?


    warcry isn't even good.  you can one hit enemies 1-30 and 30+ you use hysteria.

  8. I don't mind them.  Are you all low level that they bother you?


    Honestly i think falling off things should kill you and not respawn you.  The game is very easy as it is.  I don't see why this something to cry over though.


    It doesn't seem poorly implemented.  Just that players don't like it, so they think their always right.  Then say it was poorly implemented?


    How else would they add it?  Draw a picture.  Show it on forums.  Show it on livestream.  Get a voting system.  Have the lighting experts observer it.  Get voted in by devs.


    The ai doesn't have to hack through doors.  The ai teleports around the map to catch up to you.  Warframe run out of oxygen on earth.  You're character reset to safety when they fall to their death.  And players are trying to find logic in lights attacking them?

  9. The game isn't really optimized, it hardly reaches more than 40% of my gpu.  Games like league of legends use more of my gpu than warframe.


    Alot of it comes from map design too.  It will try to load the whole map and a giant background of space.  Which isn't really needed.  Common mmo's have a distance where it starts loading.  If you change your display while playing you can see through walls for a few seconds and see that it loads more textures than it should.


    So in 4 man missions you have your team, thier projectiles, the enemies that you can't even see yet, and their projectiles that you can be to far to see.  Since the game uses mostly cpu and cpu calculates projectiles it really strains the cpu.  Whiel the gpu just sits there.


    There are other ways they could help increase fps for players like disable particles and map shadows.  Map shadows for the whole loaded map is like double dipping the work.

  10. Now this won't compete with the soma and synapse and those end game guns but the

    Grakata is absolutely amazing until you get to mastery 6

    Here's my build


    Point Strike

    Vital Sense



    Element 1

    Element 2

    Rifle Ammo Mutation

    It's a beauty on T1 and planets where enemies are 0-25

    Umm anything is good on T1.  Think my sentinel kills everything.

  11. Rhino will discard his title as a tank due to too many stereotypes about tanks being slow and due to how Trinity and Valkyr can tank better than them, so we will now be known as the Juggernaut Warframe.


    We are not tanks. 




    Why does iron skin draw aggro then? Learn to tank.

  12. armor is working as intended.  80% damage reduction just doesn't seem like alot when all the enemies are focusing you.  level 20- enemies you can just stand there and take hits.  after 30+  you can take 8-10 per shot and that adds up to 10 enemies. easily 800 damage right there.


    the enemy damage keeps scaling higher and higher.  so once enemies are do 1000 straight damage, 80% turns it to 200. so 200 is like 4-5 hits you're dead.


    solo missions are harder because all the enemies will target you.  in groups it's not noticable because the ai will run by you or switch targets constantly.  for a frame that has god mode i don't see why complain about the armor.  it is very effective level 1-30 enemies

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