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Posts posted by Klokwerkaos

  1. On 2021-04-02 at 4:53 AM, Slayer-. said:


    You complain about it, yet you don't offer up an alternative to R10 Gunnery?

    I like it but I can see why some players hate it, I can aim, I have found the lock on with missiles I fire it works really well.

    I think it should have a toggle so if you try it out and still don't like it, you can at least still get your MR from it.

    I have found after making many years of responsible suggestions on how to fix their game in a wide variety of ways that doing so is a waste of energy and is basically screaming into the void.

    I would say based on actual experience, your criticism given DE's track record with responsibly managing feedback (ie, they either ignore the issue forever and never fix it, or it takes at best 2 years for them to initiate a proper band aid fix for an underlying systemic problem that doesn't really solve the problem players are having (ie fetch VS better universal vacuum and a million other examples).  As such, criticising that I'm not making a helpful suggestion is kinda pointless when it comes to DE, they don't actually listen, at least not at a responsible rate.

    In the past I have written thesis papers on how to fix many systemic problems.  While I'm good at offering solutions, the problem isn't so much that I can't, but that unless DE specifically solicits feedback they are unlikely to fix an aspect of their game no matter how many people complain unless it's a huge uproar catastrophy.  Example:  When scott asked for feedback on RJ, I gave many suggestions, about 95% of which were actually implemented.  This is because they asked for feedback.  On the other hand, areas where they don't ask for feedback?  Some of those problems are nearly as old as the game at this point, or at least half as old.

    So in short, while your criticism might seem reasonably, it's really not.  Unless they are asking, it's generally understood that bugs will get fixed on their messed up timeline, and fixes to the game won't happen unless they see huge numbers dips in certain areas because the problems they introduce are often there by design.

    DE has every ability to contact me and every other player to ask what I think on how to fix an issue.  They don't do that.  The ONLY people that have a snowball's chance in hell of having their unsolicited feedback heard are top partners (usually with a history of being sponsored by DE).  On one level I get this, they can't take all feedback and implement it because lots of suggestions are stupid and wrong, and many areas of grey and preference will contradict when you ask different players about what they would like to see in the game.

    But yeah, without that platform, good luck having DE take your unsolicited feedback and implement it since they won't even do this with ACTUAL bug reports unless they feel like it.


  2. 12 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

    Fixed the reward script for Grineer Railjack Missile Platforms and Shipkiller Platforms firing up to 7 times for one completed Point of Interest. Visually the reward popup UI only appeared once, but then later on at the End of Mission screen you would see a reward duplication up to 7 times in some cases.

    Guess I'm done with RJ then, no rewards to be had worth the time in the entire game mode.  I guess I'll have to log till next update.  Shame, was Fun actually playing a rewarding game mode For once.

    • Like 12
  3. Fix Gunnery 10.  I can purchase it with everything else maxed and I won't because it's bad.  Stop it.  This was a bad decision.  Whoever made this call made a bad call and very much should feel bad about it.  Why?  Because we told you it was bad beforehand and you did it anyway.  Stop it.  I am legit reprimanding DE for this bad decision.  STOP MAKING BAD DECISIONS.  

    At this point though... why do I even say that?  It's painfully clear that DE doesn't listen about these kinds of things as a matter of pattern behavior and is borderline allergic to making things work the way they should in a piece of content until three years after the content island is declared dead (see PoE, Fortuna, Liches, etc. that have all been since revamped years later to be what they should have been on launch in regards to system design, not necessarily feature richness).

    • Like 7
  4. Not to parrot Brozime too much but I basically agreed with his assessment of command entirely.  It's not "terrible" and didn't make me angry like a lot of stuff with DE, but this could be a lot better.  The main criticism is that it's underwhelming as described in the following:

    1) respec of points should be mainline not an achievement.  Not being able to respec for players that don't have the intrinsics up front, that's a punishment.

    Do you know what happens in any game where you have to invest and can't respec?  Players freak out until either the devs add it or it gets modded in.  Nobody likes not being able to respec, it's literally a punishment to players for playing the game and investing and not being omniscient enough to know the best build up front, it also disincentivises experimentation.  Even if you say, charge some credits or something so there is a cost associated with it, that's fine, but don't make something that should be mainline a reward, because it's not a reward, it's a punishment not to have and it's also a very underwhelming reward.

    2) Until rank 8 the command line feels more like base functionality rather than a boon.  Players really need to have some kind of boon attached with those ranks being squished.  Base function needs to happen early, then get boons at mid tier that are decent, and big boons at the end.

    3) Liches are bad crew members.  They need something else to make them worth slotting even if you have a crewmate with all 5's across all categories.  Liches are a major investment of player time (especially for those of us that grinded the whole system at launch when it was grotesquely padded and grindy to an absurd level), they should be worth having as an option.  Right now they are a non option for all the reasons (bad weapon without mods, no skill to use, no buffs to add to the ship, no functional except that they are slightly more tanky but do less damage during the conditional requirement that you are boarded, etc. etc.).  I think giving each a base buff of 1 type to the ship that is roughly equivalent to a max mod (for baseline RJ stats, not abilities) would make them not necessarily "better" than a crew member, but it would make it something you'd have to weigh and consider for your build and would also open up more build diversity because you'd then build around your best lich if you chose to use them as crew.  Given that their boon would be RNG, this would also add some more relevance to liches to grind out the perfect boon for your set up and provide more depth for the modding system.

    4) Obviously rank 10 doesn't exist yet, but it needs to be included with a reworked tree and unlike the gunnery, not have a downside attached.  Like any intelligent player, I have left gunnery at 9 because it's an actively bad ability and I will never rank it until it is changed.  A good possibility I think, would be that you could have your crew go in with you on the away missions in RJ, that would be pretty cool thematically.  Would it trivialize content?  I mean kinda, but lets be real, people that are max intrinsics across the board, all content is already trivial (including SP on day 1) and no amount of tweaks are going to fix that until DE implements systems I've outlined elsewhere (enemy AI, casts and types variances).


    • Like 3
  5. Some Feedback about the Dojo Contest:

    Many dojo decorators that have won previously are very talented decorators.

    Many of them would like to participate but obviously revisiting the same dojo For them is undesirable because it makes it difficult to feature new and interesting decorators.

    How do I know this:  Because i'm part of the ikeaframe discord where some of the most talented decorators are.

    I would propose the following:

    Diamond tier:

    Reward is strictly a reskin of the current tropy with a diamond skin. No additional resources are rewarded.  

    The rewards beyond this are 0.  All tier clans who are prior winners are allowed to participate provided they have made a substantial addition or change to at least 3 rooms (ie total redesign not slight alterations) with a note that drastic redesigns of the entire dojo are preferred.

    A clan cannot win in this bracket more than 1x per year.  This does allow that a particular clan could be, over time a 3x diamond clan or something, but I feel like at a certain point it stops mattering.

    This is not judged by clan size all prior winners are lumped together and winners are selected by merit alone.

    1 winner is picked per rotation of the star chart and all are just considered winners, there is no 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.  To prevent rotation issues with "this clan was featured before X so they are better" just go alphabetical by clan name.  

    This has the added benefit of keeping this content relevant each rotation as even as someone interested in dojos and competitive dojo building, watching past the first 2-3 rotations isn't usually on my radar because the quality tends to dip and we get winners simply by virtue that they entered and nobody else did for that rotation (see Moon Tier that can't even name enough winners each contest rotation).

    What this takes is
    A) some additional review time
    B) A list to be checked against per year to prevent duplicate winners in the same year
    C) a node and icon on the starchart
    D) a quick reskin of the dojo trophy

    All that and you get additional user engagement to the clan portion of the starchart and builders having a compelling reason to participate.

    This is a pretty simple fix, I'd like something like this instituted in future contests please and thank you.


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  6. I have asked around the community of dojo course builders/runners we have as a small subsect of dojo decorators on discord.  It seems of those that responded, a good chunk are also having others report either lag spikes or full drops in FPS overall.  That said, this discord is small because of the nature of it, and this small sub section is even smaller, and only those that self selected to answer answered affirmatively.

    What this indicates is that the problem isn't unique, but I can't speak to how wide spread it is.

  7. Can someone get on this:  Today's date: June 30

    It seems we're just not updating drops and pushing them back.  I know quarantine and covid has affected a lot of people, but we're quite behind on this (we have 2 drops in July now).  It seems like in a month's time we'd at least be able to have someone toggle a switch that is supposed to take over duties for someone else.  Whoever is in charge of, or in charge of coordinating with twitch, please do look into this, and if there is something going on, can you give those of us that are paying and supporting both companies at least a small update about what is going on?  Would be appreciated.


  8. There is no other way to get anasas in the game as Far as I know other than random drop in a mission and they are almost always lower grade.

    Endo is always useFul because endo is plat.  Plat is anything you want it to be.

    Players that value the anasa drop?

    They exist.  They are newer players.  The ones that should be doing sortie level content.

    The trouble is there is no dailies For high end players.  

    As others have said, the reason anyone values anything is because they don't have it in abundance.  Making the pool smaller will only increase those drops, making them less valuable.

    Additionally iF people want something worthwhile to grind For, they have to do what they have always done... wait For new content to drop.  That's how it works.  That's how its' worked For the liFespan oF the game.  That's probably how it will continue to go.

    Even umbra Forma and rivens (yes even For new weapons because it's not a big deal to just drop 10k here and there on these min/maxed every so oFten when you earn many times that between content releases) are joke to most high end players, we're really aFter a Few small things:  cosmetics, new items, and more plat to Fund Whatever nonsense goals we have invented For ourselves because the game doesn't cater to that level player.  Anasas Fill 2 out oF those three goals.  I strongly believe they are exactly the spot they need to be.

  9. This bug is triggered by entering the sentient tile, then entering the gate that shoots you through space in that tile, not sure what it's proper name is.

    Essentially got stuck walking in space in the sentient tile.  Couldn't type to chat to team unless I opened the esc/progress menu.  Unstuck did not help, it put me back at the gate but I was still stuck in the "flying" mode except i was walking.  Not sure what's up with that but there you go 🙂




  10. I tend to run 1000p community competitions for the dojo course every so often.

    For I while I had to stop running them because the lasers were broken.

    After whatever changed with them recently, I'm getting reports of FPS drops about 30% of the time down to numbers around 4-15 FPS, this includes after lowering graphics, effects and using window mode.  Many players report they think it's the lasers causing the issues.

    For these players (I can't speak to their hardware specs but I assume it's a wide variety) the course is completely unplayable and thus they kinda have to bow out, and that's a feel bad moment.

    Please look into the FPS drops.

    If it helps, clan dojo is "Hands of the Void".

    Not sure if other course makers are having similar issues, though I am starting to ask around.

  11. Again, thanks for sending out team members to do these.  Much appreciated, it helps A LOT.  Do this often.

    Some things:  
    1) Grannum Void should add bulk Void Traces for replayability.  It makes sense with lore (it's in the void).  This would make this mission have a purpose beyond protea grind.  There is also no other good source of bulk traces.  There is a source of more reliable traces (requiem relics) but they have an extra layer of grind.  because Grannum Void is RNG drop rotation based, this makes it a possible good reward here, something like 300/500/600 would be good enough to make me want to seek these out when they drop.  Less would mean that you would be better off running requiems.

    2) Rewards in general for evergreen should be a currency that allows a table of options like arbitration/NW/syndicates does with a variety of possible rewards that the user can decide upon and should have a monthly/quarterly cosmetic that rotates that you can earn free in game and is added to the in game plat shop 1 year after it cycles out (ie, you get limited exclusivity feels, then DE can still cash in on it and players that missed it aren't robbed of it forever).  You already solved this problem with evergreen, you just forgot you already solved it.  Choice is the solution to evergreen in warframe.

    3) Liches are indeed unrewarding and I am fully disengaged from it.  Liches are also way too early for many players, but the thing is MR is a Vague understanding of player ability.  Some MR 8's can carry an ESO 4 man 8 rounds.  Others don't know how to make an elemental combo at MR 20.  Because of relative rewards, experience and learning (and of course, pay to skip), these are not great measures to use.  The problem is there isnt' a better metric objectively speaking for player progression besides MR.  IF I was going to tack liches to a spot, I would MR 12.  The only way you'll catch me doing liches again is when NW requires it (which it shouldn't) and if you add more weapons/cosmetics.  I 100% agree also that 5 forma on all of these is fatiguing, but you know this already.  I also agree that the system itself is disconnecting from the rest of the game and that's the problem with it, but there also isn't a clear solution since players shouldn't be forced to fight someone else's R5 lich in at MR 2 in a random pug.

    4) As a larger clan leader, speaking to the "casual" player being undeserved... honestly I feel like the clan leaders often are filters of Content Creators who are filters of the devs/the game to those players.  In general the issues they have are the same ones we've always known about... you need a wiki and 100 hours of Videos and someone to explain to you what all that means in context to understand the game.  I think Brozimes notions of adding searchability to the starchart in the game would go a long way along with updating API's, but really, the players that want to engage in a more hardcore sense will do so eventually, and those that don't won't.  I think trying to speak to this player's needs outside of the new player experience and UX/UI improvements isn't going to help much.  Someone will always need to have their hand held, even if you pop up with warframe's version of clippy and ask "do you want to farm rhino now?".  Those people kind of need to just have their hand held and nothing short of that is really going to fix much for them.  I think Reb touched on a note of genious when she said "yeah, and FF14 just owns it"... yeah, so does Path of Exile, so should warframe.  The game is easier to progress in now than ever, so... yes lack of knowledge is a problem, but the answers to all the questions are never more than a google search away thanks to the partner/creator programs and wiki and Q&A channel.  I feel like if you push too hard in that direction you run the risk of making the game "dumb" and by that I mean dumbed down to the lowest common denominator.

    5) Railjack needs new mission types.  Please.

    6) Ayatan stars, I honestly disagree with the others in the podcast, I do feel that the requiem relics are rewarding enough at present and that may be because they aren't see the total value... speaking as someone that has hundreds of stars and arb ayatans and 7k in mission hours.  The reason you run a Requiem relic isn't just the star, or the riven shards, but also the void traces, this is huge because it makes you have a free way to radiant your non radiant relic Drops and you get a free drop of these every hour that actually helps break fatigue in other areas of the game (ie, you'll stop grinding X for 5 min and run a flood every hour.  It is an extra layer of grind, but it does work out, reward wise  (you end up with the ability to run only radiant relics always) and I honestly feel these relics are one of the things you guys got really right the first time.  What I would suggest instead is add Umbral Forma to Riven shards options at a rate of 50 shards to one Umbral Forma.  This makes it Very costly, but also something you can obtain reasonably reliably, but also makes it OK to use an umbra forma.  Most players I know, don't use them because A) they are too rare and B) they aren't needed on 95% of frames to be exceptionally OP.  Much like everything else in the game, players end up with tons of surplus of rewards.  This would give me something to do beyond just rivens at a rate of 1 per week, which can't keep up with my personal riven shard acquisition even a little.

    7) For Reb: Yes, Deadlock Protocol was a much needed course correction.  More of that please.  The "That" being, story, new frames, New Weapons, New Game mode.  Only issue is Grannum Void Rewards still, but yes, proper release that feels good to at this this person with 7k in mission hours.  This was the first time I personally felt immersed with the game since Sacrifice.  Cinematics MATTER.

    8 ) I would like to see fissures in more locations.  Having an endless fissure bounty in overworld would be hot.  Having Grannum fissures, Arb fissures... stuff like that would really make the fissure system have some much needed updating.  As it stands you run 1 of 2 types of fissures.  1) speed Fissure, whatever is fastest, usually capture, sabo, disruption or ext.  2) lazy farm endless survival (not defense, because they have annoying breaks, inability to leave when you want, and sometimes spawn dudes which are infinitely more annoying to protect than standard stationary because of their mobility).  Having more diverse fissures and fissures that reward on those levels would be keen.  Also I made a thread recently about a really bad map that was added.  Please kill that map as it reduces reward output by an average of 75% (could be more but I used generous numbers rather than ideal when describing times).  the key to adding these is we need to be popping them at the rate that we currently do with other mission types, ie 3 min or 5 min for endless.

    9) Regarding Reb's idea of state of the game VS Dev Streams:  I think it would be a big loss to cut the current dev stream format as is... I think the game would benefit from a bi weekly state of the game, but cutting dev streams entirely would erase a lot of the human face.  Perhaps consider cutting them to monthly VS bi weekly if you want to do it, but to erase it entirely would create the problem the streams initially overcame, which is offering a humanization of the devs.  This is important because yes, community managers absolutely get plenty of facetime with us, but not the senior dev team as a standard.  Limiting contact entirely to community managers would create an artificial barrier where there isn't currently one.

    10) creating the if/and protocol for BP + relic would likely be an overall benefit for BP drop duplication in reward tables.  I understand the concern of trusting the client, but lets look at what abuse can occur:  Someone that doesn't have the BP can now get the relic a grand total of twice more than they would have total.  Is that cheating if someone makes the client lie?  Yeah.  Is it super egregious and game breaking or even worth the effort to cheat at?  No.  If someone did take the hour or so to cheat this it might require to dig into the logs and change things, well, they could have actually played the game and gotten the drop several times over by then.  I'd write that off as a significantly low risk of occurring, minimal reward potential exploit.

    11) additional endo farms:  I will differ from the streamers on this.  I think there is so many sources of endo at this point that the market has visibly tanked (ie, what was a 20-30p rank 4 anasa is now 10p since arbs dropped).  I don't think more endo is the solution to anything at this point in the game.  Players have plenty of ways to obtain it at various stages, and adding more would only help to disincentivise those modes currently.  Consider this:  Arbs give players a reason to complete the star chart in total.  Do you want to cheapen that?  I hope not.  Vodyanoi gives players a reason to learn to put a specific build and team together earlier in the game, do you want to cheapen that?  Do you want to cheapen weekly ayatans by making them less profound for new players?  Dissolving mods in bulk gives old and new players a reason to interact with the mod screen, do you want to cheapen that? Etc etc.

    12) when people speak about the devs "not playing their own game" I don't think anyone means "they don't play it at all".  A better translation is:  They don't play it enough to be aware of things that are even rudimentary knowledge to more advanced warframe players.  A recent example being the limbo nerf in scarlet spear.  That's something a lot of people could have told you long in advance and is a thing that's just on our mental checklist:  "oh, new defense thing, lets grab limbo, at least until we figure out something better".  More generally this relates to them not testing things at top levels of game play though... like not understanding that maiming strike is now a useless mod in 99.99% of builds accessible to advanced players, or how slide crit on rivens is lower in total crit than regular crit even though it's a less accessible technique, compared to the other that is accessible at all times.  Stuff like this makes many of the more advanced players want to scream into the void endlessly and in that frustration comes the phrase "they don't even play their own game!".  When you see that phrase, please try to understand the "why" of whence it came, because the "why" is usually resulting from a real problem with the current state of the game.

    Additionally for many I don't know that they don't quite get that when we see community managers play on stream, I'm about 95% certain that they use more casual set ups as an intention, not necessarily from a lack of game knowledge, because it then sets the precedent that "this is the way the game is meant to be played" and the effort there is to make the casual player that might enjoy this type of stream OK with the notion that they don't have to be the most meta of meta hardcore players.  That's good overall, and lets be real, these streams are not designed and catered for the hardcore player base, they are for the casual fanbase which are two distinctly different populations, often with conflicting priorities in the game.  The problem this creates is that it seems to implicate a general lack of build knowledge overall on the part of the team, and that then get reinforced and shown as evidence to incompetence when real problems occur, of which there are many.  How the team chooses to deal with that situation so far, hasn't really proved satisfactory for hardocre players, and from what I can tell, the team either.  I don't necessarily have a great solution for this and mostly want to point it out if it isn't already apparent, because any solution I have come up with has costs for all the benefits, and that's more something that someone internally needs to weigh, and while I'm sure they have, I'm simply reporting that it still feels unsatisfactory and at times infuriating.


  12. Please fix this map. 

    This is the worst map I think in the game.

    Is it pretty?  Sure.

    Does it encourage parkour?  Absolutely.

    Is it absolutely the worst Defense/map in the game  to run?

    Hell yeah it is.


    Fastest way to run relic missions is capture and you'll maybe average 3 min or so with a typical PUG (and if you have a good team you can do some maps in under 2 min, but lets be generous), but IF you're Feeling lazy and don't want to load screens but just murder some dudes, you pop in an endless which should take about 5 min or so to clear.

    This map?

    OVER 11 MINUTES.  That's almost 4 full relics.  I can clear bosses From start of map to finish with invulnerability phases in less time than that (and so can half the player base, that should not be the case)

    Now, if I was going to be super intent on using a speedva and saryn premade set up, sure, we get that down to at best 8 min.  That's still obscenely too long for players that can one shot everything on the map and have excellent mobility skills.

    This map is terrible.  I will never play it again except if I click by accident and then do one round and bounce.  It's too large, too many layers, too much time for the AI to path to the players/stuff for them to have to climb over.

    This might seem like an elitist gripe to some, but it's really not, the level design is just bad and should never have made it into the game.  To top it off I got to find this out when it was the only endless fissure running, woo!

    I understand the devs were probably aiming to encourage more parkour with this map, but the spawns and pathing is just too long to get the job done, it spreads all over the map and the reward is simply not worth it when I can run almost 4 relics in the same amount of time as 1 relic here.  It's obscene.  Even if I min max it, we're still  looking at almost 3x  the time to run a relic elsewhere, and more than 1.5x the lazy I don't feel like using load screens method.

    Please fix this map.  I hate it and I'm sure in time other players will come to as well.  It's not because it's "new" that it takes this long, it's just too large with spawns too far away that path too slowly.  It's the worst.  God Forbid anyone use a slowva build on this, they might die before they finish cracking their relic.

    If you won't fix it, please remove it, it's basically a punishment to the player map as it reduces your rewards by about 75% for the time you put in.  That's obscene.


    • Like 2
  13. I just collect them in case something changes.

    The only frames that really really want an umbral forma are Chroma and Oberon or if you have the obscene Nidus build I do that most players can't run.

    You can make the case for rhino, but he doesn't really need it and he only needs it if you want all 3 builds and are running tanker meme as one.

    Besides that, adding it to other frames is kinda... unnecessary?  Like you can but in most cases it's just saving you regular forma.

    To make it worth it you have to have a frame that wants all three, particularly if you're not running steel charge.  To add it to like... Saryn?  I mean sure, you can, but why?  Saryn run's range, and you don't need it to fit intensify.

    These would have a lot more value if they weren't so rare because then you could use them in place of several other forma.  As it stands right now it's not worth it to use them unless the frame mandates it because of how rare they are.

  14. 21 hours ago, _R_o_g_u_e_ said:

    I can afford platinum, I was just happy to grind the frame out. I spent 4 hours getting her parts. I thought the hard part was over, then I saw her build requirements.

    I stopped playing warframe when RJ came out. It was dead on arrival, broken and everyone hated it.

    I’ve now moved to PC and been playing for 3 weeks. I have never in my 3 years of this game seen something quite this bad. The only thing I can compare it to is Auroxium. Meaning, if you don’t have the recipe it could take 3-4 days to unlock. 

    But at least Cetus bounties are something EVERYONE can work on.

    I’ll be starting RJ soon, I just need to finish up some of the games systems first to actually have the hours in the day to make beginning a new system plausible.

    When I opened the build costs and saw 120/3500 Carbides it was a little bit devastating. Know it took me 3 weeks to amass that 120. I didn’t know RJ gave you those. When I googled it it told me you get them from eximus units.


    So many people here got angry and *@##$y, I’m just a dude that didn’t want to farm for weeks to play the new frame.

    Is that really so god damn unreasonable?

    Since you asked...

    Yes... well less unreasonable, since your tone is reasonable, and more like an invalid gripe that I have no sympathy for.

    Additionally, if you don't want to farm it, and you don't have to, and you are choosing to farm it anyway even though you don't have to... in what universe does that make your argument have any leg to stand on?

    the game is centered around farming items, this is not new, everyone knows farmers play free.

    If you think that this farm is bad, forget the hema, that's child's play, go back to the one farm they actually removed because it was so bad... stealth condroc farming tower white.  Worst Farm in the game to date by far.  Did it solo for my clan because I'm baller, and yes, I did complain on the forums, because that was a farm that took about 40 hours to complete with a min/max set up equinox maim with a rarity and doubler booster active (on all party members) which was the only way to do it reliably, and even then, it was basically walking in circles on PoE for a week straight doing nothing else.  More people in your squad (all of which must be in your clan)?  yes you get more incredibly low % rolls, but no additional spawns, the spawns aren't affected... oh, and if it's raining on cetus... too bad they don't spawn at all, hope you didn't want to farm during these hours...

    That was a bad farm, and the only reward you got for it?  A single lighting color for your dojo.  WOO FREAKIN HOO.  It was so bad they removed it and replaced it entirely with something that should take anyone with brains no time at all by comparison.  There was a thread here that was routinely bumped for ages about this one topic, and it was hell and they deserved all the ire they got for it because it was incredibly poorly thought out.

    This is a farm to cry about.  it sucked, it had a bad reward for the effort, it made you not play the game at all and it drained your soul.  Even then, people had to complain for YEARS before it was changed and tons of us did it anyway.

    Do that farm (not that you can) and I'll have some sympathy and at that point you'll know better than to complain about this warframe.  Protea?  Resources?  Get out of here with that, it's ridiculous.  Not only is it not the farm you think it is, even if it was it would be nowhere near as bad as the only farm i'm aware they directly removed and replaced entirely (this is not counting arcanes from raids, because they didn't stop raids to move arcanes, they moved arcanes because they stopped raids).

    You are wrong about how hard the farm is to achieve.  That's not something you can dispute.  If it hurts your feelings because you to farm a resource you don't have, which if you didn't quit, you would have literally millions of by now, well, that's nothing I have any sympathy for.

    Grinding is hard.  And you know what?  A lot of times DE gets it wrong... like REALLY wrong.  This is not one of those times and your complaints, while valid in the respect that they exist, are entirely invalid in comparison/context to the rest of the game and I'm sorry you seem to be having trouble with that, but you're just wrong in this case and your complaint is reactionary and, in context, unreasonable.


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  15. For the past While I've been having a bug where I go to select my dojo from the start chart after coming out of a mission and it won't let me select it (or other dojos that are featured either).

    To remedy this I've been opening my arsenal and then going back to the star chart and selecting the dojo which is a work around but sucks as it has lots of extra loading screens.

    I'm assuming because this resets the star chart when you open another interface, which means it's not loading the interface properly when exiting a mission.

    This happens about 30-40% of the time to me.  Cache is optimized btw, so it's not a laggy performance issue caused by that specifically that I know of, unless the optimization process is indirectly unoptimizing.

  16. 5 hours ago, RamonLeeYJ said:

    Agreed, but I guess that is not abnormal of DE, the timegate pushes players to minmax their loadout and give a sense of urgency. They'll most likely add more stuff to grind in the Granum Void with more updates

    Currently Xoris might be the best glaive-type weapon (Pathocyst is too slow) but that's not a really high standard for glaives.

    Being the best glaive is not a point in it's' Favor.  Yes you can meme with it.

    Glaives however, probably should just be secondaries.  At no point in time is it worth giving up your strongest weapon type in the game to just sit there while it Flies around.  Glaives are honestly just bad.  The mechanic it has to not decay is also worthless to anyone at endgame since your combo should always be at 12 anyway.  "But heavy attacks!" yeah, what about em?  Single Target and small radius is trash when it comes to clear speed.  Heavy attacks serve 2 purposes:  It gives mid game level players a seat at the table so they aren't useless (and they Feel special because "big number!"), and it is good For the two times in the game you want single target For Trash (ie, not a boss where you would just Chroma/titania) being Grannum Treasurer and Demolists.

  17. DE Forcing players to grind to get more stuff... weird....

    As others have pointed out, your notion of how hard the grind here is very skewed.

    Also there's a button that lets you skip that grind entirely too.  I hear you already saying "I can't afford platinum"... the cool thing is, you don't need to buy that either.

    Pro Tip:  If the game is ever too hard for you for any reason, it's because you didn't grind enough where/when you were supposed to.

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