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Posts posted by ItsDaKoolaidDude

  1. 18 hours ago, (XBOX)C11H22O11 said:

    Game is free so you could see for yourself.

    People could say something positive here but you might not end up liking it or something negative that you might like, it's better to find out for yourself 

    As much as I'd like to go with the "just dive in" thing, its a preference to go that way and I'd prefer knowing the waters and be warned there's rocks about 5 inches below the surface or not. As for ppl saying something positive or negative, that's honestly just how conversations and recommendations go tho.

  2. Someone with 2.3k in-mission hours and having started back in 2017 before dropping after TNW came about and mostly dropped due to burnout on Deimos' unrelenting (and slightly unforgivable) grinding, my interest is slowly coming back into Warframe. However since I've been hearing a lot of new things being dropped in to grind more for, I'm a bit wary on joining back and getting back into the groove. Another thing thats somewhat keeping on the fence is the need to reinvent my builds across almost all of the warframes, pets and weapons I've got built up and the memories of the sheer horribly done powercreep that's happened since 2017.  Sank quite a good large amount of money in, put in a few small hours into trading, learned fashionframe...

    So should I rly be dropping back in or is this just someone better off not doing so and just watching others?

  3. 16 hours ago, Acos said:

    I'm glad we all waited for developer response before jumping to conclusions or becoming enraged by our own assumptions for 9 pages. 

    That sounded so authoritarian I almost thought I was being told that im not allowed to voice my complaint, consume and never think.


    We were just proven right two times in a row. It wasn't a fix, it was a nerf like DE always does, and it was explicitly said that it was intentional.

    • Like 6
  4. 8 hours ago, TheGrimCorsair said:

    And good riddance, no frame should be able to heal static defense targets.

    Going by that logic, maybe only one frame should be allowed to heal anyone or anything period. Just keep trinity and scrap everyone elses abilities that can heal. 🤔

    • Like 2
  5. 10 hours ago, Fire2box said:

    I'd be fine if they were upfront about it and just say they want to nerf it because they feel it's too strong or nerf it for the duration of the event because it screws with their 75,000 credit healing drone. 

    But outright lying saying it's a bug is why I'm more then happy to never financially support DE again and if it wasn't for me falling for obvious sunk cost fallacy I would be drowning in Monster Hunter World.

    Ive already had to move on and let go of Warframe and drown myself in oldrim.

    • Like 6
  6. 27 minutes ago, TheGrimCorsair said:

    And nothing of value is lost, the redux.

    Seriously, Khora aleady has two excellent CC powers that are both very valuable in defense.

    This nerf is a good fix for consistency sake.

    Khora has never appeared in defense in all the times I've played in defense/excavation missions (except for people who use her in Hydron just to get MR exp, and Vodyanoi because she was pretty good at solo farming endo), thus that just ruins and defeats the point you're attempting to state.

    Khora's Venari still has the bug that lets the cat stay in one place in healing mode, being a useless meatshield instead of being a useful healing meatshield

    Once again, I've never seen or met a Khora in defense outside of Hydron/Vodyanoi.

    And what consistency, other than removing a use for Khora in Defense/Excavation?

    • Like 2
  7. I don't currently have art or anything to "show" rather than "tell". If anyone's interested at taking a stab at that, I'm willing to talk about that in DM.

    (I'm also not a very fancy boi, hence there's no artistic stuff happening.. yet... maybe...)



    Bokluk: The Neglected Frame

    Armor: 10
    Health: 10
    Shield: 10

    Energy: 50
    Sprint Speed: 1.50



    Passive: Waste Not
    When passing by recently killed enemies (both by self and allies) Bokluk can acquire armor from Grineer, shields from Corpus and Health from Infested. Affected by strength mods (1%/3%/5%) and scales with enemy level. To specify the maximum that can be gathered, Bokluk can receive around 250%(debatable to change) of armor/shields/health from a level 250 enemy. Significant fall damage (Around 50m, or the minimum height of triggering the heavy landing animation) can reduce/strip all gathered armor/health/shields, heights greater than that can inflict self-damage. Sprint speed falls by increment of 30 for every acquired buff, the maximum his sprint speed can be reduced is to .90. Sprint speed mods can affect this.


    First Ability: Compactor
    In a 40 degree area (3m/4m/5m) all enemies are gathered in one spot (~2m off the ground) and crushed with the damage percentage depending upon their remaining health (1%/3%/5%)  Total Ability time ~7 seconds (casting ability, gathering and damaging enemies before release) No I-Frames while casting.


    Second Ability: Toxic Waste
    Bokluk releases a combination of Toxin, Viral and Radiation (1/3/4 seconds) in a liquid form at a 60 degree area (2m/4m/5m) the pools will remain on the ground for (3/4/5 seconds) Casting time is around 1 second, no I-Frames.


    Third Ability: Disposal
    Bokluk sheds everything and in (4/5/6) seconds becomes a tornado and pulls in enemies, dealing damage to any enemy that is in the tornado. If armor/shields/health were collected, they contribute additional damage but are not taken away. Casting time is 1 second, no I-Frames.

    Fourth Ability: Walking Junkyard
    In a surrounding area (5m/8m/10m) Bokluk can pick up and absorb ammo, energy, and health drops. Ammo can supply armor (2%/3%/4%) Energy orbs increases shields (1%/3%/4%) and Health orbs buffs health (2%/3%/4%) Ally/sentient pickup mods takes first priority unless ammo and health are full and energy is 90% full. There is constant energy drain while using ability (10/7/5 per second when efficiency/duration are applied, 10/13/16 when efficiency/duration aren't applied) When taking damage, Bokluk must reacquire drops to replenish depending upon damage and how much was gathered. Mods, resources and other collectables (except for ayatan sculptures and stars) are also collected but they do not affect Bokluk. Casting time is 0.5 seconds and the I-Frames while casting is 2 seconds.


    The stats and numbers are placeholders, I'm more focused and worried about abilities for now. Then I'll buff the numbers up.

    My intent with Bokluk is to have him be a Scavenger-looter that is focused upon picking just about everything that's not nailed to the floor, relying upon whatever his enemies/containers drop. Itzal's Cosmic Crush does come to mind at the similarities except the ability is spaced out between a passive and two abilities.

    • Like 2
  8. Alright so, I and a few buds went over to Hydron, Sedna to do a bit of EXP farming. One of us ended up triggering the Stalker so we cleaned out what we could before focusing on the Stalk. When he spawned however, he appeared as a black shroud misty form as if he had turned invisible and remained that way for most of the fight with him (which was about 5-10 seconds once we realized where and what he was)

    When he died, however, he did not go into kneeling animation as usual and instead fell over and acted very much how every other player fell over when they lost all their HP and enter the bleeding out stage. Also, the Stalker did not "bleed out" but rather hung around until the mission itself hit round 5 and bugged out further by not bringing up the Leave/Stay prompt.

    We waited around for about 5 or so minutes before taking as much pictures as we could and left the mission.

    There is nothing wrong with our PCs so theres not much point telling PC specs, its not on our end and its not the internet lagging or anything everything was running smoothly as we could tell.


    So yeah, DE?





  9. I don't even see the point of reaching rotation B on arbitrations due to how quickly you can die even during host migration and loading in. Me and a team (premade) was doing ok for rotation A then immediately fell apart as I first died by getting railguned in the side of my warframe head by a normal moa that I didn't see at all, and once I fell, everyone else just fell apart like a house of cards.

  10. Alright, as far and fair as you've said this is a rant, how you ranted kinda kept me from leaving that quickly.

    So lemmie try and break it to ya.


    As far as I've bonked my head against everything that wasn't the right direction with bullet jumps and what not, I and my potato of a laptop (10-29fps min to max during public and solo) didn't find most of problems you've listed. The instructions in a great deal of them were pretty clear and easy to solve.

    For the Archwing, I've seen and dealt with worse. (That pursuit mission can burn in hell, those hitscans and buggy movement are borderline BS) That silly S#&$ ain't nothin to me and my potato laptop, even during its worse laggy times. With the scanners, just hug the boat and keep up with it, slowing down or speeding up when you needed to. Stay within the front to middle of the boat and you're good to go. Paying attention to when the lasers aren't there helps too, as you can speed straight for it and have enough room to get through.

    I'll give you a point on the Operator dialogue. They really need more dialogue and ones that are better than what was given. It was like the Legend of Spyro trilogy all over again. Christ, the plot was good but the voice actors were bland AF (even poor ol' Frodo/Spyro[Elijah Wood] didn't sound that great!) and their lines were crap.

    To be fair. I didn't know who Tenshin was until I bothered to take a look around Conclave (aka PVP) and found him standing around like another syndicate person waiting for my potatos to be sacrificed where I needed the potatos more than any syndicate would even imagine.

    For that "Either leave now and do whatever or be committed to this mission until it ends" that's your own personal problem. This has been present in several other games and no one took a giant S#&$ about it. Seriously, don't nitpick on that.

    All I got to say for that "all the powers get taken temporarily" trope is plot development and plot. Not my problem that you hate having a story with your games, but not everything is a Doom franchise. Some of us wants to sit down drink our daintily little teacups and listen to how the universe came to be and the characters in it go through character development. Not everyone appreciates Michael Bay and his explosive obsession and storylines as shallow as the pretty girl next door that cheats on you the millisecond you turn around.

    Not everyone likes having an all powerful character just roam around like its Skyrim or Doom, that's something called Mary Sues and Gary Stus, look em up and realize how boring and an even worse trope driven creatin they are.

    As for that one part where spoiler is trying to kill you, simple plot development. Annoying as hell, I know but just dodge and run around in circles until the door opens, our sentinels still have S#&$ aim.

    The deal with the Operators themselves were an interesting twist, that snowy mountain thing is more of a symbolic or spiritual thing than whatever the F*** Skyrim tried. Besides, we're unlocking another power on top of whatever the hell frame you prefer. That "totally foreign environment" S#&$ is expected because its the first @(*()$ time you're moving outside of that frame. You're nitpicking again.

    That dialogue selection is part of the "moral" system that is at some point going to be discussed by DE. NO ONE ELSE KNOWS YET. You're not gonna be that special sno-flake that gets to learn about it instantly.

    Trial and error is part of the learning process, deal with it. It's how we learn and how we get better and there's not much else that anyone can know how to specifically teach you, Git Gud. Also "Stun" means they stop attacking and stagger around like a drunk dumbass for a few seconds. Said Trial And Error (And what Teshin kept saying) taught me how to kill the guards, which happened to have been "Stun, then ghost through them, then shoot em" Same thing with Spoiler's shields, look for the glowy S#&$ and shoot it, this has been an unfortunate and overused trope in waaay too many games, most notably abused by Dead Space. With the Spoiler and "steal the staff" he clearly said "Use your dash to steal the staff!" 

    That seems pretty clear instructions to me, no idea how you didn't understand that one.

    Also finding the health bars on things help too, if you see a health bar it can be killed. Just gotta figure out when or how is the only trouble.

    Fair enough point with the Orokin Gate being in the way and whatnot, I didn't realize that pressing E still worked until I went through the keyboard and mouse dance to figure out what else I was capable of doing as a spoiler, once I realized that E was still melee, I attacked everything in sight including the gate.

    Also fair enough point with what you said when we returned to the orbiter. I ran through not knowing that I was supposed to press 5 right then and there instead of going anywhere. Ended up bugging the game on my side before I had to log out and re-login and even had to google (Oh yes, even I had to google sometimes) on what I was supposed to do before getting it done correctly. DE dropped the ball on that by not making that little bit a lot more clearer (personally I would recommend not letting the players go any further into the orbiter by not allowing that ramp to go down)

    Also, yes. That War Beacon bit was a serious pain, especially having that parkour part. Maybe DE wanted to give that "tutorial test" crap on us so we'd know what we could do, idk since I'm not part of their staff.

    Buying 2k+ plat for support, and what? You want fries and a medal for that? Not all support gets gold statues.

    I started the game and quest without wiki'ing it too, and yet I got to and past TWW alright and without too much trouble outside of asking, poking around and finally googling it whenever I needed a better answer, going as far as YouTube and the WF wiki.

    Once again, you're complaining over stupid things, unskippable cutscenes and quests do in fact exist and sometimes they're made well enough that it's negligible to kick and scream about them. The War Within is a bit close to that "well enough" border, the game's still in beta, this might be changed at whim.

    "Along with everything is, (edit: upps) "player hostile crap" Are you aware of what the definition of "Player-hostile" really is? Take a look at EA's Star Wars Battlefront 2's lootboxes and point earning system, THAT is player hostile. Lets go back to the Nintendo 64 era and look at Superman 64, that piece of S#&$ is player hostile, and so's Sonic '06 despite how entertaining the bugs are. In fact if you really take a step back and look, MMO's in general, are player hostile due to: Subscription Fees like World of Warcraft; Microtransactions like Battlefront 2 I just mentioned; And DLC, the worst of this is Dead Space 3 sharing the Microtransactions as well as putting the "actual ending" behind a price tag. The MMO communities on certain games are even player hostile, such as League of Legends and Dota, Sheer Toxicity.

    I'm sorry that this particular mission didn't give you any entertainment, and sorry that you had to rant about it, Though I am glad you're at least complaining in a constructive and respectable manner, unlike a lot of other twits I've seen yell and scream.

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