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Posts posted by Spartan336

  1. Upon request, I have updated the thread with a picture showing how strong we still are! And providing proof that not even Oberon can salvage my current color scheme. 


    For the CUPHOLDERS!



  2. And so I fill up my cup with some Coffee Prime.

    Then I go out to kill some bad guy's and


    I spill it all over the floor.

    And so I walk to the Relay and wear pink ties

    And I take a deep breath and get in line

    And I scream from the top of my lungs


    And I say Hey, Yeah, yeah, yay

    Hey, yay, yay

    I said Hey! DE! I spilled my cup! 

    And I say Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah yay

    Hey, yay, yay

    I said Hey! DE! I spilled my cup oH HooOOOO!!!!! (Spills it everywhere D:)

    And he spills...

    Oh my GOD!, do I spill.

    I spill, all the time,

    In this institution. 

    And he prays...

    Oh my GOD! Do I pray.

    I pray, every single day.


    For a Cupholder oH! HooOOOOO!!!!

    And I say Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah, yay

    Hey, yay, yay.

    I said Hey! DE! I spilled my cup! 

    And I say...

    Don't... Spill the cup...
    (Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah, yay)

    Just keep it upright...
    (Hey, yay, yay.)

    And place it on a cup-hold-er!

    *DE is cooking in a pot trying to ignore the protest.*
    (Hey, yeah, yeah yay)

    *More stirring*
    (Hey, yay, yay)


    I SAY HEY!!!!



    -A HEYYEYAAEYAEYAA(Whatever the rest is.) Cupholder adaptation. 

  3. Some of you may have noticed my absence. This is due to my internet hating my guts. BUT FEAR NOT! For I support you in spirit, and my next Cupholder adaptation is just right around the corner. 



  4. You're walking in a Relay.

    There's no one around and your Coffee is spilled.

    Our of the corner of your eye you spot him:

    Shia LaSchmalz.

    He's fallowing you, about 30 feet back.

    He get's down on his disk and breaks into a roll.

    He's gaining on you.

    Shia LaSchmalz.

    You're looking for your Liset, but you're all turned around.

    He's almost upon you now.

    And you can see there's Coffee on his face.

    My God, there's split Coffee everywhere!

    Running for your coffee. (From Shia LaSchmalz)

    He's not letting you flee. (Shia LaSchmalz)

    Lurking with the Infested.

    Warframe Developer Shia LaSchmalz. 

    Living in the hood. (Shia LaSchmalz)

    Spilling for sport. (Shia LaSchmalz)

    Drinking all the coffee stains.

    Anti-Cupholder Shia LaSchmalz.

    The power has gone off and you seem to have lost him.

    But your hopelessly lost yourself.

    Stranded with a Spiller.

    You ninja silently through the hallways.

    Aha! In the hanger!

    Your Liset is running!

    Hope! You move stealthily toward it.

    But you leg! Ah! Clem has caught it!

    Gnawing of your leg. (Clem! Clem!)

    Limping to the Liset. (Clem! Clem!)

    Now you're through the hatch.

    Sitting inside: Shia LaSchmalz!

    Talking to Ordis. (Shia LaSchmalz)

    But he doesn't hear you enter. (Shia LaSchmalz)

    You're sneaking up behind him.

    Strangling Developer Shia LaSchmalz!

    You limp into your chair.

    Blood oozing from your eaten leg. (Clem!)

    But you have won; you have beaten.

    Shia LaSchmalz.

    Wait! He isn't dead! (Still had revives!)

    There's a cup to your hand, and understanding in his eyes.

    He also has a Cupholder...

    Thank you Developer Shia LaSchmalz!

    Legendary drink with Shia LaSchmalz!

    Average update, with Shia LaSchmalz!


    Stalker swings an axe at Shia LaSchmalz!!!!!!!

    But blood is draining fast form you stump leg. You cannot help.

    Shia's blocking every blow, he's using a Cupholder.

    He counters to the right, he catches Stalkers cup.

    He holds out the cup.

    He just served Stalker some coffee!

    Stalkers head looks down, shameful.

    He kneels to Shia, seeing the error in his way's.

    You're coffee is safe, from accidental spill. 

  5. Dear DE,


    Don't Let our Coffee be Spills!

    Yesterday, we said we'd stand here.


    Make our dreams come true!


    Some people dream of Cupholders.

    Wile we're gonna stand here and work hard for them!


    We will get to the point

    Where anyone else would quit.

    And we're not gonna stop there.

    No, What are you waiting for?

    DO IT!




    If your tired of Coffee spills.

    Start adding Cupholders!

  6. Cupholder peaceful protest group log entry: 9 hours in. (Or at least around 9 hours) 

    Suddenly the Blues strike again! This time, we have a mediator, and a debate ensues! 

    "I didn't know Tenno were democratic." 


    EDIT: After a rational, mass debate over freedom of choice and ideals, we came to the understanding that it was 3-4-5 am, and we should continue this conversation again when we can think. We continued to talk a bit, then I went to get some sleep. I'll be right back here in the morning.




  7. Cupholders are Love, Cupholders are life.


    I was only 9 years old. I loved Coffee Prime so much. But one day durring an exterminate mission I spilled it. It was then I realized... I needed a Cupholder.


    I Pray to Cupholders every night before bed, wanting them to become a part of me. To hold my Coffee Prime in it's sweet embrace.


    Cupholders are love. I say. Cupholders are life.


    The Lotus hears me. She tells me to get out of the pink wall and go kill some Corpus.


    I knew she was just jealous of my devotion to Cupholders.


    I refuse. Stating that I will not move until I get my Cupholder. 


    M'Lotus scolds me harshly and revokes a Mastery Rank from my Profile. 


    I'm crying now, and my Coffee Prime is still all over the floor. 


    I stand in this wall, and it's really cold. They need to hook up central heating in this Relay.


    A warmth is moving towards me.


    I feel something holy and warship-able touch me. 


    It's Pimp-Master Cupholder.


    I am so happy.


    He whispers into my ear: "Your coffee is mine."


    He grabs my Coffee Prime cup and hands it to me.


    I am ready.


    The pink, fluffy wall slowly disbands.


    It hurts so much, to get up off my pink butt and move away from my friends, but I do it for Cupholders. 


    I can feel my cup shaking, begging to be filled and placed. 


    I fill it. 


    I want a Cupholder. 


    The cup, and the beat, drop as Pimp-Master Cupholder accepts my Coffee Prime onto him.


    DE walks in. 


    Pimp-Master Cupholder looks them straight in the eye's and says: "Its all Holder now."


    Pimp-Master Cupholder leaves in my Liset. 


    Cupholders are love, Cupholders are life.




  8. I started playing Warframe a few day's after it came out but around a year and a month ago i got a medical condition that suspended my from playing it. Now i'm better and back but every time i try and log in it say's ERROR_INTERNET_CONNECTION_RESET. Is this because i was gone for so long or is it something else? Also how do i fix it? Help would be much appreciated. 

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