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Posts posted by skull755

  1. so i was playing around with my volt prime build when i noticed something weird and that was that he had 110% power duration as his default stat. i don't own normal volt so i cant tell if its just the prime that has this. can anyone tell me if this is intentional until now i thought that nidus was the only frame with a stat like this 

  2. 4 minutes ago, Beggining said:

    Ah, so the normal "damage addition" then? Thanks. I agree with the flight speed and magazine capacity helping the weapon, but it also has a minus damage to Grineer (which is okay since it's mostly impact damage anyway) so I feel like I could re-roll it into something better.

    Inb4 I get -132% damage

    you can decline a re-roll if you don't like the results and want to keep the current stats so Id say give it a try 

  3. 8 minutes ago, Zivilfer said:

    Riven's are a pretty cool concept... until you get one for a (sentinel) weapon you are certain you'll never use, then comes the anger for the low drop rate from sorties

    DE did say they were planing on making the drop rates of sorties better


    but other than how hard they can be to attain i completely agree with this post there are so many weapons i had a lot of fun using or looked really cool but could never use them in end game because they were too weak to use but with the addition of riven mods i can finally use them in late game (that is at least when i finally get one)

  4. i think its the void during the quest teshin refers to the void a " the world that watches and dreams" so it could be possible that the void has some level of sentients plus it would also make sense based on what the voice says "you're nothing without me" the void gave the tenno there powers and without those powers the tenno would be weak they would be "nothing" its also thanks to those powers that the tenno managed to survive the zariman which would explain the "you owe me" line

  5. the way i see it there are 3 problems with operators 

    1) there extremely weak with only 100 hp a level 5 runner can kill them in just a few hits

    2) there energy pull is very small making it hard to use any of their abilities more than a few times or for more then a few seconds

    3) they are very slow even when running and although they can yous there void dash to cover distance more quickly that still suffers from the 2nd problem about energy


    my suggestion is first off they should get a speed buff if only a small one just to make it easier to get away from danger as for the hp and energy problem it would be nice to see some kind of leveling system added that would increase these maybe even add the ability to get and yous mods for the operator that would buff energy and hp 

  6. these are some very interesting ideas and all of them sound really cool though a couple of them seem like they would be a bit op and would need some balancing

    when the next augment design pole comes around you should post some of your ideas i am shore you will win     

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