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Posts posted by KainDarkfire

  1. The bodies dissolving takes flavor away since you don't see the damage-specific effects (dismemberment, etc.)

    Pretty sure you cut enemies apart as they dissolve and float away like balloons still, haven't been using ragdoll type to see if that works though.  As far as the other base elements go? They're kind of annoying and often break corpses when you're not the host, any way to remove that issue is fine by me.  AS a Nekros. (Hate being able to spam on a corpse that doesn't actually exist anymore on the host side and ultimately waste time and energy.)

  2. block to cancel melee animations is mandatory! No question!!!!

    Meleeing is risky enough BECAUSE I NEED TO GET IN THEIR FACE WHILE THEY SHOOT AT ME.  It doesn't need a-whole-nother level of risky because I need to wait over a second for my attack to finish, flourish, go into the blocking animation, THEN actually be flagged for blocking.


    I know it's a new system, but that block cancel needs implemented just as bad as more number tweaks.  (MR5 Marelok at a 160 damage shouldn't sorely outclass MR8 Dragon Nikana at 85 damage, not even counting the fact that Pistols get multishot, a 10 rank base damage mod, and have 1/10th the risk.)

  3. Stealth attacks are made to be silent, lethal attacks targeting vitals, they should do tons of damage, if not just flag them as dead instantly.


    On the topic, how the hell is Scythe's stealth attack the opposite of this?  WHY AM I WHACKING THIS GRINEER WITH THE SIDE OF MY BLADE?!


    If you don't want to completely copy Zashelamel fine, but at least make it so I'm trying to kill them.

  4. Maybe when Melee is actually improved and not just playing second fiddle to guns.  Until then, let's worry about Warframe damage scaling, or lack thereof?

  5. Well, Melee 2.0 is fancier, I give it that.


    But it's still lacking in about every category.  Maybe the issue here is that melee numbers are so low because stealth frames give a ridiculous x4 multiplier?  Kind of locks out 17 other frames from being able to use them in this model.  (Well, 16 if you count Excalibur spamming his Blind in every fight.)


    Still have issues like the Cold and Electric mods being 60% damage, and 11 cost, critical related mods giving miserably low %s, and our big damage increase comes at the cost of 5 power per hit.


    Maybe the next step after that would be to lengthen the window for the chain very slightly (Perhaps add killing blows to the chain counter or timer), and make it more reliable against the heavy units it was made to help kill (you can't block in the middle of a combo, even at the end of an attack, EVEN when your character goes into the defense pose,)

  6. I love the aklex, but it looks more like a Corpus weapon, all dark and boxy. You can claim the Corpus bratons were reverse engineered from the braton prime (described as an Orokin original). Give me vandal aklex instead, but please with customizable colors on the pattern.

    Dex Lex

  7. ----- 1 -----


         Seems to need a lot of number balancing in mods still.  And I mean a LOT.  I know you've been paying attention to them, the puncture combination mods were fixed in the past few 'hotfixes' to not work off the base damage anymore.  Does this mean the physical damage mods are finally going to be buffed to not be pointless in full builds anymore?  I never understood why they were so low to begin with (in conjunction of only working off the base amount of that damage type), physical damage isn't exactly super effective against anything in particular. (A low priority general damage that scales poorly versus a very specialized combo element that scales amazingly... typically)


    ----- 2 -----


         So Charge attacks are out (outside of Glaive).  Okay.  I heard someone talking about deleting them and giving compensation in the form of legendary cores?  I personally hope not.  Would it be possible to change the charge damage into increased performance of melee channel and charge speed into power efficiency?


         I got nothin' for the Melee Channel mod itself though.


    ----- 3 -----


         I need to test this again, as I haven't in the last few minor patches, but would you mind if Steel Charge would stop lying to us?  Last I tested it, it was still only a 30% melee damage increase, listed as 60%.


    I see, it just adds in with Pressure Point, my bad.  Though, sounds like - polarity wins again then. =\  Much rather have Enemy Radar or Corrosive Projection in that case.

  8. Kunai Prime would be amazing.....golden and shiny...

    This.  If only because I want a throwing knife that is relevant again. (55 damage and 2.5% crit chance arc projectile Vs. 160 damage and 15% crit chance hit scan....)


    Wouldn't mind an Afuris Prime that matches up with Wraith Twin Vipers either.

  9. CJZcoLX.jpg?1

    Wonder how Valkyr will change in Melee 2.0... and Glaive.


    I had a few pictures I liked, so I saved the originals on my Steam screenshots, including this one.


    EDIT: I saw someone else take this same pose and build, so I guess I won't be using this one.  (Even if it's more my style anyway with all the fire; see my normal avatar...)


    EDIT2: Then I saw multiple people using the re-sheathing animation for Glaive, guess I'll just use my original afterall. xD

  10. Starts updating just fine until it gets to some 7 KB file, then instantly dies.  Can go back, and pull down other language files, reaches this file again, dies.  Wonder what this file is that either doesn't exist and the update log points to it anyway, or simply refuses to upload.

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