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Posts posted by ADirtyMonk

  1. Fantastic plans for changes overall. I would be very happy with them as is but I think if you go a bit further with the QoL protea would go from good to fantastic.

    1. Grenade fan and Blaze artillery should be one handed. At the very least Blaze artillery should be given its intent to be used for quick damage. Its current 2H nature makes it the players ONLY damage source for a short period of time, especially when casting multiple turrets which kind of goes against its more reactive nature.
    2. Shrapnel grenades needs to have the visuals toned down. OR a hard limit placed on the max number of grenades. Right now its just a visual mess if the protea is spamming.
    3. Dispensary is nice but it would be fantastic if a passive supercharged dispenser dumps energy orbs first
    4. Abilities supercharged by her passive should have BIG visuals so players can tell what's been affected
    5. Temporal anchor needs to have its visual FX decreased significantly. Its a visual mess especially if the protea's movement path overlaps on itself.
  2. 19 minutes ago, Colyeses said:

    That's why Flechettes are so good. Their continuous DPS allows them to exist next to gunplay, instead of in place of it. As long as Photon Strike isn't more than 'a bunch of damage on a small area', it won't ever work.

    You make a good point as well. There is definitely a lack of targets where guns arent the best answer.

    I would be nice if nuke abilities like photon strike could bypass the innate DR or did bonus damage to enemies like Nox/Bursa/Sentients/Capture targets/Demolysts, etc.

  3. 7 minutes ago, Richeatue said:

    But his 4 literally strips armor, and you can use his tether to pull enemies into it.... If you're finding armor to be a problem with vauban you're doing something wrong.

    You did not read the post at all. Please read thoroughly before replying.

    I clearly state in the TLDR and at least one other place in the post that the TTK is TOO LONG for an ability combo that costs 175 energy at base compared to the TTK of a decently modded weapon.

    Photon strike is dependent on the enemy having next to no armor to even be worth considering casting it instead of flechette orb. At a reasonable 200% power strength bastille takes minimum 4-5 seconds to strip off armor. My guns take less than 2 if I'm feeling fancy and swapping weapons. My galatine prime will straight up two shot if I've got enough combo momentum built up.

    • Like 1
  4. Problem: Photon strike is not worth using over flechette orbs

    TLDR: Armor is the issue. The damage difference between a single hit of flechette orb and a single hit of photon strike is significantly decreased in the presence of armor. The higher the armor the lower the difference per hit until there is effectively no difference between one hit of flechette orb and one hit of photon strike. This makes the ability worthless against any high leveled armored and Vauban does not have sufficiently effective armor stripping/ignore to make photon strike worth using over flechette orbs or guns in both TTK and energy efficiency.

    Testing and results:

    Testing with lv 100 corrupted heavy gunner with 500 base ferrite armor, on an unmodded rank 30 vauban without any armor stripping reveals:

    • a single flechette orb vs one gunner takes off just over 50% of the gunner's health over its duration. Average normal hit is ~350 with crits up to 700 but it hits ~100 times.
    • against multiple gunners the hits appear to be distributed between all enemies in range
    • a single photon strike hits for around 700 once, only 2x more per hit at best. More often than not, the damage is equivalent. Furthermore, considering the raw damage compared to the total HP of the heavy gunner (~72k) the damage amounts to ~1% of total HP.
    • ruVHaUT.jpg
    • sxIbQPF.jpg

    Testing with Corrupted Lancers (200 base ferrite armor)

    • flechette orb hits for 300-700 per hit
    • photon strike hits for ~2500 a 3-8x difference
    • aAg1c9h.jpg
    • 7W7RITG.jpg

    Testing with ancient healers (0 armor) reveals

    • flechette orb hits for 3k-6k per hit
    • photon strike hits for around 37500, 6-12x more per hit
    • cT8GC7y.jpg
    • xhI64zm.jpg

    Testing with lv 100 corrupted heavy gunner with 100% armor stripped by Bastille reveals

    • flechette orb hits for ~3000-7000 per hit
    • Photon strike hits for ~31000 a 4-10x difference
    • xhI64zm.jpg
    • syxmps3.jpg

    Testing with lv 100 corrupted heavy gunner with 80% armor stripped by 10 stack corrosive procs reveals

    • flechette orbs hits for 1.4-2.8k per hit
    • Photon strike hits for ~2900 damage, a 2x difference at best
    • gcBbe1r.jpg
    • H3nBo1g.jpg

    Discussion: Given the minimal difference in damage per hit and the multiple other advantageous properties of flechette orb and it is unsurprising that it is the ability of choice to use in against high level armored.

    • it is a set and forget ability
    • it has a far higher damage potential due to hitting ~100 times on an unmodded vauban
    • it can crit
    • its base range is ~2x that of photon strike, ~10m vs ~5m
    • it has some soft CC
    • it doesnt knock enemies out of its damage radius
    • puncture procs are useful as they can significantly reduce enemy damage output
    • it is 67% cheaper to cast than photon strike
    • against high level enemies two hits of flechette orb is equivalent to one cast of photon strike

    Corrupted Heavy Gunners were chosen because they are a classic testing medium. A good middle ground of HP values, Armor Values and one of the most commonly encountered "heavy" enemies that can be challenging to take down depending on a player's gear.

    The level was set to 100 to test how Vauban performs in the higher end of "DE approved difficulty" which is found in cases such as Sortie 3 and 30 minute Requiem relic survivals.

    Beginning and middle game viability was not tested due to the lower armor having far less damage reduction and the difference between armor and no armor is not as large.

    If the damage potential of photon strike is dependent on armor stripping, then Vauban should be expected to be able to strip armor not only very efficiently, but cheaply as well considering the cost of a single hit of photon strike. However he does not.

    At base stats it takes 10 seconds to strip armor (~10% per second), this value can be decreased to ~3s at >300% power strength which effectively cripples the rest of the build, or more practically 4-5s at ~200% power strength. At a 3-5s TTK per enemy, it is more effective to use a competently modded gun or melee weapon.

    Accounting for cost, bastille+photon strike is 175 energy or 77% of the total energy pool. Placing all 4 flechette orbs only costs 100 energy or 40% of the energy pool.

    Manually armor stripping via corrosive procs is extremely limited in effectiveness meaning that against lv 100+ heavy armored as even with 80% armor strip the armor value is still high enough to significantly reduce the damage of photon strike to the point where one hit of photon strike is at best equal to to two hits from the flechette orb. If we are considering raw damage numbers, even at 80% strip one hit of photon strike does 2.8% of total health (~72k as per warframe wiki) of a lv 100 corrupted heavy gunner.

    Indeed, compared to my corinth prime, at 80% armor strip from corrosive, my secondary fire does 24-114k damage per hit (depending on crit and element critting) which is an instant kill on the heavy gunner.



    Furthermore even if this damage discrepancy were to be resolved, what use is there for photon strike and other high damage single hit abilities? There are no enemies in warframe that are simultaneously targetable by abilities and must be immediately burned down lest the survival of the squad be at risk and have no damage gate. I suppose an argument can be made for comba/scrambus but between the cast time of photon strike, the time it takes the hit to land, and the mobility of the unit it is faster to just gun them down with hitscan weapons. Sentient Battalysts with their AOE sweeping laser would have been a candidate but between innate health gates, armor, and elemental adaptation they are effectively immune to the ability. Demolysts are also out given their nullifier fields, high mobility, and immense base stats.


    Suggestions: There are several paths DE can take to resolve this discrepancy. With few exceptions, armor has been a long standing issue for non-exalted weapon damage abilities.

    In my opinion, the definitive solution which maintains the viability of ability damage while still retaining the obstacle which armor represents to guns is to add some type of ability damage scaling with enemy armor. The higher the enemy armor, the more damage the ability does to that particular enemy up to the point where the protection of the armor is effectively negated by the scaling. This solution can be applied to any damaging ability.

    Of course, if non exalted ability damage is made viable even at very high levels of armor, then the tremendous energy sustain options available to end-game builds become an issue but that is outside the scope of this discussion.

    Alternatively if we are considering Vauban specific fixes there are some other possibilities.

    For one, Vauban's armor stripping can and should be improved and streamlined to improve the overall health of the warframe.

    1. Bastille currently only strips the armor of lifted enemies, it should strip armor of all enemies within range although perhaps with a larger penalty to lifted enemies
      • This would also solve the problem of bastille not stripping the armor of enemies that are simultaneously caught by Vortex as they cannot be lifted by Bastille, nor can they be released from Vortex until the ability timer expires which can be a significant amount of time.
    2. Consider a base armor/shield strip that instantly applies to all enemies within bastille on top of the strip over time
    3. Consider increasing the base rate at which Bastille strips armor to say 30% per second meaning around 200% strength it takes 1.5s to strip off any armor which makes the TTK somewhat competitive to gunplay and other exalted weapons

    For a solution dealing specifically with photon strike and flechette orb DE could simply combine the two abilities. Photon strike is clearly too weak against armor and has none of the area denial power that characterizes Vauban. Flechette orb can be argued to be too powerful for its low cost. Minelayer can be argued to be too clunky to constantly have to cycle through and spam 4 different options. Combined, photon strike becomes appropriately powerful for its cost as you get the alpha damage and all the other advantages that come with the flechette mine AOE DoT as listed above. Minelayer becomes more streamlined, balanced, and easier to use. Vauban's kit improves as a whole without all that much change.

    Of course things such as finisher damage, further increases in base damage, an exalted weapon slot, etc are all potential fixes.

    DE could get very creative with synergies. For example.

    Vauban's passive could be altered/buffed to simply strip a flat 50% of armor/shields of any enemy caught in one of his abilities.

    Simultaneously Photon strike could also be buffed to not just land where the grenade lands, but to also simultaneously strike the location of any of Vauban's other deployables. For example if 4 enemies are caught by Tesla Nervos and there are 4 flechette orbs and 1 bastille on the field. A total of 10 photon strikes will occur. One at the thrown grenade, and one for each deployable.

    There are many potential avenues to explore.

    It is unreasonable to expect perfect balance in a game such as Warframe, it is an impossibility. But it should be reasonably close. The presence of clear discrepancies within even the kit of just one warframe against a commonly encountered scenario shows a lack of due diligence on their part. Ultimately Vauban's kit, while in a drastically better place than before his most recent rework, could still use some more thought, consideration, and testing by DE. Same with many other Warframes.


    Edit: Better suggestions.

    • Like 4
  5. 28 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

    Kuva Bramma Changes:

    The Kuva Bramma has received balance changes to address it’s overwhelming chart topping usage. The Kuva Bramma still goes boom, and we look forward to your feedback once you’ve given it a try.

    Full detail can be found here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1199010-kuva-bramma-changes-explanation-and-timeline/

    • It has a smaller reserve ammo (15 to 5), and gains fewer arrows from ammo pickups - This is to encourage players to aim the bow deliberately at crowds of enemies and not fire it wildly everywhere.
    • Fewer cluster bombs are produced on impact (from 7 to 3) - Reduces the overwhelming AOE potential somewhat but also makes the Bramma less visually busy. Players have said that the many many explosions produced by Bramma are hard to see through.
    • Increased cluster projectile radial attack size from 2.7m to 3.5m.
    • Reduced cluster projectile fall off from 100% to 50% - Fewer explosive fragments, but they cover more area and generally do more damage.
    • Updated the Kuva Bramnma description to include these changes:
      • This Grineer bow delivers vengeance in the form of cluster bomb-tipped arrows that can be detonated mid-air or on impact. Low quiver capacity, arrows are recovered singly.

    FINALLY. Good. It needed it. I just wish you guys didnt wait about 8 months to nerf the damn thing. It should have been done at least 2 weeks from release.

  6. 9 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

    Pet Companion Stasis Removal:
    All Stasis slots have been converted into Companion slots. All your Kubrows and Kavats are now listed upon equipping a Companion in the Arsenal!

    Due to no longer having Stasis, if you currently have a pup Companion (not yet Matured), upon equipping it in the Arsenal the UI will prompt you to either Mature or let it roam your Orbiter. The option to let it roam is only available if you don't have a proper Kubrow/Kavat equipped. When starting an Incubation your current roaming Companion will be put away.

    • The ‘Nutrio Incubator Update Segment’ now entirely disables DNA degradation!
    • The Pets Breed is now displayed beside the Pets name in the description when viewing in the Arsenal.

    I pity dog breeders. They'll never find their non dog companions again.

    Update sounds great. Classic warframe update emphasizing the tried and true corridor style shooter with just enough of a twist, new gear, and improvements on old systems to keep things interesting. No other game genres, no grand experiments, no bullS#&$.

    Keep em coming. Just like this.


    • Like 2
  7. 3 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

    Removed the whirly spin move of one of the Sentient fighters. He was having just a little bit too much fun and the other Sentients were just not having any of his funny business. 


    3 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

    Made each RJ Hazard type even more, MORE harmful to the Railjack based on Public Test results. 


    3 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

    Archwing Gun stats normalized - space combat now uses ground “Heavy Weapon” stats.


    3 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:


    • Increased size of Velocitus projectile in space.
    • Quick shot Damage increased from 200 Magnetic to 150 Impact, 150 Puncture, 150 Slash and 150 Magnetic.
    • Quick shot Critical Chance increased from 25 to 30%.
    • Charged shot Damage increased from 1200 Magnetic to 400 Impact, 400 Puncture, 400 Slash and 400 Magnetic.
    • Charged shot Critical Chance increased from 30 to 60%.
    • Charged shot Critical Damage increased from 3 to 3.6x.

    OOOOOOOOooooooOOooo WEE

    3 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

    Defendable Objects: Healing AoE and Damage Reduction Changes

    Looks good. Now increase the amount of mobs that throw themselves at us to compensate for the increased healing. Add some "super heavies" like thumpers and demolysts and whatnot that require specialized single target weapons to down efficienctly so we dont have a 100% saryn-mesa meta.


    3 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

    Brain Storm (Grakata): On Headshot: +100% Ammo Efficiency for 1s.

    This + arcane pistoleer.

    3 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

    Shrapnel Rounds (Marelok): +200% Multishot, -66% Damage.

    Can this apply to like. All multishot mods? You know. Tone down the damage discrepancy a bit?

    3 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

    Conclave Mods Converted to PVE: 

    NGL a lot of the effects seem pretty damn weak overall.

    3 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

    Helminth Cysts can now be removed in the Helminth Infirmary after one day as opposed to waiting a whole week. 

    Praise the fashion gods!


    Love all the fixes. Going to jump in to test Railjack. 

    Keep it up DE. There's a long way of fixes to go and its not as exciting as new shinies but the game desperately needs them and I'm glad you guys are sticking with it.

    I hope the public test servers were of some use. I highly recommend culling players based on the quality of their feedback.


  8. On 2020-04-01 at 1:11 AM, TheLexiConArtist said:

    DE: "We've made this mission 'solo friendly'"

    Also DE: "Just kidding, we're punishing solo players with a 75% speed reduction / 400% defend time extension, which they implicitly can't be versatile to compensate so a defense frame and/or cheese is mandatory"

    Also Also DE: "HA HA NO actually we've also made the giant eyeball soft-cap DPS from any single source, so the only way to scale damage fully is to have multiple sources firing on it at once, your attempts at stacking power all onto your solo self are going to be neutered."


    OP: "Force multiplayer, outright bypass everything that lets a solo player actually complete the missions already artificially stacked against them"

    It sounds like you're complaining that my changes dont allow a solo player to easily run the entirety of a mission scaled around a 4 player squad because the only way this was possible was to AFK with a broken ability for 45 minutes. 

    Sorry you're salty you wont be able to 100% solo what is essentially an 8 man soft-raid but I for one would actually like to play the event instead of shooting at frozen fish in a shrinking barrel all day.

  9. On 2020-03-30 at 4:29 AM, Kydilla said:

    Actually the Limbo stasis is not helping against the Battalyst disco. 

    Addition to the Murex satelite: The crewships can one shot it while you are transporting it. The only way around that is using the Particle Ram Avionics. Which prevents the damage to the satellite completely. Mechanic removed by Avionics.

    I find this to be very inconsistent. Sometimes you can freeze the battalyst before it uses the move but if the disco ball comes out the ability will 100% fire regardless of what you do and that's pretty bad.

    I did not know about the crewship satellite instant kill problem since I always run Particle Ram. Good to know and looks like I'm keeping it on at all times now.

  10. TLDR:

    1. Limbo completely breaks the game mode because enemies have no counter to Cataclysm-Stasis
    2. Melee is once again a NON VIABLE OPTION
    3. Sentients are horribly designed
    4. Op-link does not scale or heal. At all. I thought we just solved this issue with excavators?! Without cheese mechanics like limbo, late waves are instant fails while early on there is zero risk
    5. There is zero meaningful variation to the missions. They are all exactly the same, every mission, with no meaningful randomness/variation and this is just asking for player burnout.
    6. There is no Railljack to the Railjack mode. All the effort into maxing out the railjack and its just a glorified Uber. It's scaled horrible so you cant do anything but be an Uber past Murex 3 anyway.

    Overview: So now that most of the game breaking bugs and reward issues have been fixed, SS is a decently fun mobile defense and a quick way to stock up on arcanes but riddled with issues everywhere. Some are issues inherent to the event, some have been festering for ages.

    Instructions/Intro: this could have been made much clearer and an example video of how scoring works would have helped a lot as it is clunky to explain in words. I do not recall reading anywhere that you could leave a flotilla after you have scored points with it and still potentially get the bonus reward. That would have been nice to know before I wasted that hour and a half.

    The first week: The event was released into live build in a ridiculously broken state. On DevStream this was stated to be because they did not have enough people to properly test new mission-sync mechanics and whatnot. I call BS. Many major games have dedicated test servers to iron out these problems. Why should the bulk of PC players waste their time as unwilling QA testers, especially when many also purchase plat? Star citizen uses this to great effect with their Evocati test group. They selectively pick and choose the players who are most prolific in leaving high quality feedback and then invite them into a special test server, sometimes for weeks on end to QA. I guarantee you there will be no shortage of willing volunteers, if only for the privilege of getting to see/leak exclusive in-progress content early.

    Overall mission feedback:

    1. I do like that the missions ramp to a certain point that is difficult for your average random squad that isnt cheesing yet have a defined end point. There is so much cheese in warframe right now there is no point of true endless. It just devolves into who can cheese and no-life harder.
    2. Squad composition would matter if you want to go into deeper waves due to the tankiness of the Condrix and the squishiness of the Op-links. However it caught on pretty quick there is absolutely NOTHING enemies of any level can do to Cataclysm-stasis so the event has now devolved into becomes a boring AFK fest where nothing is happening except to wait for the timer to tick down.
    3. There is zero variation to the missions. No modifiers, nothing to change things around a bit which makes running it over and over a chore and prone to player burnout.
    4. Op-links do not scale in any way. There are too tanky in the beginning with no risk at all and too squishy towards the end. Combine this with the naturally ultra tanky-but also high damage sentient models and you get a swarm of lightning-bruisers which can instantly end missions and wipe squads...unless you cheese with cataclysm-stasis.
    5. Squad reinforcement is pointless. Geared squads have no issues clearing the full missions. Also the price is way too high. I refuse to spend that large a chunk of my hard earned credits on an unknown squad that probably isnt even geared right for a single use, minimal benefit effect.

    Suggestions for missions in general:

    1. As a stopgap, throw in Demolysts. They have a nullifier pulse which disables Cataclysm and are tanky enough to get there. While the all or nothing interaction with cataclysm is less than ideal, it potentially solves limbo cheese, or at least forces Limbo to think about how much range they really want and/or invest extremely heavily into 2 or more DPS memebers.
      • Ideally change the way nullifiers fields and pulses interact with abilities, especially ability timers. Sure keep that null fields dont let abilities through. But entering a null field should not flat out negate buffs either. I would say while in a field, abilities tick down at 10-20x speed. Quantified abilities (like iron skin/negating swarm) lose 10-20% of charge every second. Getting caught in a nullifier pulse immediately knocks 15-20s off of any buff timers that are running. Quantified abilities (such as iron skin or Negation swarm) lose a flat 20% (ex. 100% -> 80%, 1000 max iron skin -> 800 iron skin -> 600 iron skin).
      • Introduce rare units that can spam throw "nullifier grenades". Corpus have isolator bursa (with its cheap instant nullifier nade which needs to be fixed) but Grineer and other factions need this as well. Its up to the players to kill the nade fast enough before it releases a large non damaging AOE pulse.
      • I realize this does nothing to solve the problem of Mesa, or Saryn, or energy pad spam, or Trinity spam, or Exodia contagion or other broken mechanics. Those interactions need to get fixed at some point too. Hopefully soon.
    2. Introduce "HP gates" for objectives. For example. The oplink has 20,000 HP. Non-regenerating. Drop the HP by 50% and put a 15s gate at every 5% HP with a final gate for 30s at 2hp. Low level enemies now need to chew through 500 HP per tick which is a decent amount but doable, but now high level enemies both hard hitting and rapid fire need to hit the link at least 20 times to kill it and the link is guaranteed to survive for around 300 seconds (5minutes) of continuous fire which should be more than fair.
    3. If you're going to do squad reinforcement, do it right.
      • A member of the squad that needs help PAYS some event currency to summon another player.
      • Let us EXCEED THE 4 PERSON CAP, up to 6 total players, with the caveat that only players with all rank 30 gear that are MR 20 or have an MR equal to or higher than the highest MR in the squad can join.
        • Example. a squad with highest MR 7 will allow anyone with MR 20 or over in. A squad with MR 25 highest will only allow MR 25 or higher in. Will this stop trolls? No. But the community has so few trolls in it overall the system should work well.

    Sentient feedback: Sentient enemies have 3 levels of tankiness:

    1. Squishy
    2. Oh my god why is it so tanky

    This enemy mix is really un-fun to play against when every three enemies is a status-immune hyper-tank. This is my Exergis with top tier riven: L7qL8lt.png  it dumps 2x 140k damage shots every two seconds (including reload) from a warframe with no buffs. It takes over 10 shots to kill some sentients in the later waves at point blank and that is MESSED UP.

    As for individual enemy feedback:

    • The Brachiolysts. What even is the point of this enemy other than to be a new sentient model? It's squishy, its not aggressive, its damage is poor, its not a buff unit, its drops arent anything special. Sure theres more than other variants but not enough to be meaningful fodder. It doesnt seem to follow traditional Sentient adaptation mechanics either.
    • The Aerolyst is without a doubt the most terrible enemy DE has designed in recent memory. It combines every single horrible miniboss enemy mechanic and turns it up to 11. Its invincible. You cant use explosives on it, it seems to ignore beam type weapons, its hard to shoot weak spots because its giant invincible flailing arms blocks shots, you cannot effectively melee it because its flying meaning you get two hits in at best. You cant force it to drop to the ground because if you stun it GOES TO SLEEP IN THE GODDAM AIR. It doesnt do noticable damage, it doesnt buff other enemies. Its only purpose is to SIT THERE AND HALT MISSION PROGRESS UNTIL YOU AWKWARDLY KILL IT.
    • Battalysts. This is an old issue. They would be manageable if it werent for the disco laser which spins fast and does TREMENDOUS damage. By Condrix 14 or 15 its an instant room wide AOE squad wipe unless you have a hyper tank. Or are cheesing with Limbo. There is only ONE small safe spot and that is directly under it. There is little warning it is using that attack. No significant visual or audio cue and the enemy is relatively not attention grabbing. You're off in the corner beating on some grineer and then you're dead and then you see the small disco ball with tiny lasers and go "thats bullsh-".
    • Our Operators, you know, the void powered demon which channel unfathomable energies that also happen to be utterly toxic to sentients does BARELY ANY DAMAGE to them past the first 5 to 10 minutes of a mission. The resistance wipe is nice but it doesnt last and with all the Limbo spam going on, works rather inconsistently.

    Suggestions for Sentient enemies

    • The entire faction needs to lose the status immunity. Keep the damage reduction and copy the lich mechanics that significantly limit the status stacks. Something like -2 max stacks for each element it is currently resisting.
    • Brachiolysts need to be made slightly tankier. Give them a mid-damage slow tracking continuous beam or something.
    • Aerolyst: complete rework. Make this guy a mini-ropapolololyst. Reduce number of weak spots to 2 or 3. Make them much larger and move them to the upper backs or the arms. Make them an actual threat. Give them the ultra high damage Ropalolyst pulse laser attack with the sniper style aim-indicators.
    • Battalysts: The disco laser move needs a complete rework. Reduce the number of lasers to 4 or 5 at most. Make them and the orb MUCH Larger. I want to see a big energy pulse and noise 2 or 3 times before the ability fires. Keep the damage but reduce the speed significantly. It should be no more than base warframe walk speed (not sprint) so players have time to get out of the way.
    • Operators: at some point operators need a full rework but for now can we get an innate 30 or 50x void damage multiplier against sentients? I want to see that void power.

    Earth missions: 

    1. Where is the mission variation?
      • Why in the world are Condrix drops not random? They are always in the same locations, in the exact same drop pattern and that gets boring as hell.
        • Why in the world was Plains of Eidolon not repurposed for this? PoE (and Fortuna for that matter) seems like the PERFECT arenas for a mass sentient invasion with potential for randomized drop points and multiple drops. 
      • Why is there only ever one at once? Why not drop two or three or even four at a time and let high level ultra optimized squads go nuts? 
    2. Why do we have all the time in the world to get to a Condrix and beat on it? Arent these intel gathering sentient carriers? Add in some interception mechanics like a cumulative progress bar or the "liberate grineer camp" style control gauge and if the gauge fills, then the mission ends.
      • This way its harder for a random squad to just cheese with CC spam or Limbo spam because they HAVE to have a squadmate that can DPS down the Condrix and sentients.
    3. Why are non gunblade-non exodia contagion melee once again a non viable option? AGAIN. Just, why. Why waste all that effort on melee 3.0 and then make it non-viable versus weak point bosses, AGAIN?!
      • The weak point is higher than most frames can bullet jump.
      • The orb hitbox is located so far in the invincible shell that most melee hits are completely ineffective.
      • There is nowhere to stand in front of the orb, we just slip off before getting a single hit in.
      • There is no proper air melee combo system so we cannot remain in place midair to hit a floating target.
        • I've managed to glitch inside the orb once with operator dash and the melee damage was NICE, but not Exodia contagion cheese levels of nice.

    Suggestions for Earth Missions

    • Add variation please
    • Add some sort of platform for melee players to stand on so we can reach the weak spot. At some point, proper aerial combos and juggling need to be added, not just the impotent and cost inefficient "Lifted status"

    Space mission: 

    1. There is zero need for any railjack combat. Its used purely as a transport vehicle between Murex. Just grab the satellite and sprint like hell to the next Murex and park INSIDE of it and the dumb as balls AI will suicide themselves on the Murex geometry.
      • Sure the odd boarding pod sneaks through but thats still not railjack combat.
      • Furthermore the fact that I can just dump the railjack with a boarding party on it and run into the Murex and be completely fine is a horrible design choice. 
    2. The fact that Railjack is currently scaled to lv 45 enemies and I am seeing Lv 100+ enemy ships that my tricked out mk3 everything crit railjack can barely tickle is a horrible design choice.
    3. The satellite disabling Railjack front guns while transporting the satellite is a horrible design choice.
    4. The inability to dump the satellite to fight is a horrible design choice.
    5. The fact that the satellite is completely invincible once you dump it in space is a horrible design choice. 
    6. The complete and utter uselessness of the Artillery gunner position is a horrible design choice.
    7. The fact that the mission degenerates into a mobile defense his a horrible design choice.
    8. The fact that the only way to feasibly do Murex 4 and 5 without risking an instant-wipe is by abusing Limbo is a horrible design choice.
    9. Again there is zero meaningful variation

    Suggestion for Space Missions

    • Fix Railjack. 
      • But seriously...
    • Make it so space enemies do not scale beyond Veil Proxima levels (lv 45 enemies max).
    • Satellite is NOT invincible after placement and must be defended until the Murex is dead. (This also solves the problem of a solo or duo players just camping the murex until it dies
      • OR each time the satellite takes damage, upload is halted by 5 seconds (non stacking with 10s cooldown)
      • OR introduce interception type mechanics where upload stops when enemies are near
    • Put a kill field linked to a crystal within the murex "cage-body" that does ramping 20% hp damage every second so players cant just #*!% off and hide in it
    • Put make it so that crystal has to be artilleried so players can archwing in before it respawns in 20s
    • Decrease the kill code required from 9 to 5. 
    • Make it so that placing two oplinks hits the 100% transmission speed cap. This way the average setup becomes 2 players on railjack defending satellite, 2 players inside defending oplink. If the two oplinks die, well you have up to two more. Of course top tier railjacks or geared players may only need one player on the railjack or on the ground or vice versa but at least there's now railjack in.... railjack.

    Rewards: I do like the mix of weapons and decorations. Thus far, the common and uncommon arcane prices seem fair for the effort put in compared to eidolon farming. I have not yet finished crafting the weapons so I can only theorycraft from stats. I've no real concerns about the Ceti-Lacera. Right now all melee weapons are more or less viable. Lacera was good to begin with and this is a straight upgrade into hybrid melee territory. The Basmu seems. Ok? It looks like a less potent Acceltra with a straight up impotent bootlegged kuva nukor glued onto it. Rather underwhemling stats for an event weapon. I doubt the life-steal gimmick would make up for the damage loss although perhaps hyper tanks would enjoy it. I would like to see the primary fire damage multiplied by at least 1.5x, maybe even 2x given it leans status. The secondary fire needs to at the very exceed the base stats of the Kuva nukor due to the tiny magazine size.

    I would have much liked the option to purchase forma, potatoes, slots, and perhaps even railjack weapons or skins. It would be a very good opportunity to allow non-railjack players to catch up on gear.

    Story/Charactera/Voice lines: 

    • Overall is decent. But again there is too little dialogue variation. Little duck saying calling Ruk a "pillok" got boring after the first three times and I hear it MULTIPLE TIMES A MISSION. Please please PLEASE play Hades by Supergiant games. That is a game that does dialogue variation right.
      • Vay Hek was funny. I'll give you that. Then Kela became an over the top boistrous TV Star. Now Ruk is being retconned into an uncompromising xenophobic racist zerg rushing idiot? Ruk was one of the most honorable grineer in Gravidus Dilemma.   Anyone who fought for the Grineer IS Grineer and is to be respected. Ruk called out Vay Hek on his use of the Grustrag 3 because they killed his soldiers. He was written as a Grineer who valued his troops and now half of his dialogue is "Kill Tenno, Kill Sentient!" "Throw yourself mindlessly at the enemy!", would it kill your writers to have some Grineer characters with even a bit of depth to them?


    Welp there goes about 4 hours of my life writing this. If you got this far thanks for reading and I hope you're all staying safe in these strange times.

    • Like 8
  11. 2 hours ago, Redfeather75 said:

    The more I hear about it the more I wonder if it has no use.

    For the vast majority of players it has little practical use. If you have the extra ducats or if you LOVE bows by all means pick it up. Its not horrible, but its not game changing either and thus not worth the extra expense compared to Split chamber which is useful on every primary.

    I got it and will use it on my decked out Daikyu because its amalgam mod is a critical part of my strongest preferred melee build but I'm certainly not impressed by it.

  12. Edit: This turned into more of a first impressions + suggestions + wishlist in the end. Split flights is almost good but in the end ultimately undertuned. Bows overall are undertuned in many ways and non competitive with the vast majority of guns and split flights does not solve its problems.

    1. If you can consistently land shots and are mid range or point blank it is a DPS increase, especially with hunter munitions as the vast majority of traditional bows can crit very reliably meaning with the extra projectiles HM now procs more reliably than before. HOWEVER
      • Bows are still NON competitive with hitscan weapons and other weapon types meant for short to mid range for multiple reasons but primarily because they are not significantly better against heavies and they are mediocre at best against crowds. Split flights does not solve this
      • Bows are still NON competitive against most other weapon types for status applications because they do not fire fast enough and do not have enough projectiles
    2. The accuracy penalty is too high. Even shotguns can hit reliably with almost all pellets at mid range. Split flights cannot. The groupings are hilariously inconsistent. Some shots come out like a charged drakgoon shot. Others are worse than the tigris with vicious spread. The projectile nature with under tuned projectile speed exacerbates this issue as well (and yes, I've tried using terminal velocity). 
    3. The timer on the charges is punishingly short. 2 seconds is too little. It needs to be at least 3 to 3.5s
    4. The charges do not snapshot and continue to tick down while aiming. This further exacerbates the above problem. If we are holding the charge on the bow the timer should freeze!
    5. Having played monster hunter world, the bows there have similar mechanics as split flights but it is significantly more REFINED. Just copy those mechanics over. As is, split flights is uninteresting because its another combo ramping mod.
      • Allow us to pre-charge it by holding a charge then triggering a crouch-slide to gain +1 charge
      • Add a significant amount of I-frames to the crouch-slide while holding a charge
      • I would love to see some type of Dragon Piercer mechanic to bows to give them move variety and further differentiate from semi-autos and snipers
    6. I would love to see a basic version of split flights given to all non-launcher bows. Up to base 300% multishot. Then the player can choose to stack on split flights to further ramp this but the goal can be to make split chamber/split flights/multishot rivens OPTIONAL for bow users.
    • Like 1
  13. Dunno what to say other than absolutely fantastic. Love pretty much everything in this update. Looking forward to testing the good ol explosives.

    Edit: Laughing at all the posts screaming how their old meta corrosive spam builds and arcanes dont work as well anymore. Thats the #*!%ing point.

  14. Not much to say other than this is looking like one of the best updates since Liches dropped. So many issues (many left unaddressed for years) that are finally getting looked at. I have my criticisms of specific changes but nothing worth saying until these get released into the game. As for the haters.... Ignore them. Nothing wrong with breaking up the meta from time to time to keep things fresh.

    There is a lot of good stuff in warframe that is shallow and needs a second, third, or even fourth look to make it fun and entice veteran players to take part. Here's to many more updates like this with every mainline from now on.

  15. 5 minutes ago, Modus-Pwnens said:

    It's something related to how far past the end of the gauge you are, and at 100% your gauge won't go down until Redline's duration is over. And if you haven't hit 100% by the end of the duration, you lose a big chunk of your gauge when it ends.

    I'm unclear whether it's directly related to the buff strength though. I can't tell whether you get the full buff strength at 100% Redline or if you get it when the bulb at the top of the gauge is full.

    Did some further testing. It seems that the % only dictates how much of the main battery you lose when Redline ends. 100% = no loss. Anything below is a proportional loss of the main battery. Didnt seem to have anything to do with the strength of the buff. That seems to only depend on how much the Redline circle is filled.

  16. My thoughts after 4 Forma into Gauss and about 3-4 hours of gameplay, ~2-3 hours of simulacrum testing.

    General: Fantastic Job. Going so fast is fun. This is a frame that demands constant input, awareness, and buff upkeep from the player, but unlike Harrow and Garuda it rewards you handsomely for it. The kit works very well together and has some very interesting scalings which allow me to build him with mods I dont normally use. As a speed/melee nut this warframe ticks so many of the boxes that I wanted in a warframe it makes me giddy just thinking about it. I rarely ever buy non prime warframes and 700ish plat is an immense amount for me to drop on a bundle but absolutely no regrets thus far. I am having a a blast with Gauss and I suspect he will be my go to melee warframe whenever I feel like swapping out of my trusty Umbral Volt.

    • Aesthetics: Theme, visuals, audio, are all fantastic. This is a very good looking and sounding warframe. 

    Major Problem: stat clarity is a massive issue with this warframe

    • Stats of both Kinetic Plating and Redline are dependent on the battery AND they have an enormous range of possible values. An in game display of what these are would remove a lot of guesswork. 
    • I have no idea what the % value that appears next to the battery in Redline mode means Figured it out.
    • Armor stripping of Redlined Thermal Sunder - blast is not explicitly given a value
    • It is never stated how much stronger the Enhanced Fire Proc of Thermal Sunder is
    • What is the capacity of the battery and the redline battery?
    • Exactly how much does Mach Rush and Thermal Sunder-Cold recharge it?
    • How much extra melee damage when Kinetic plate + Redline?
    • I know I'm forgetting others.

    Passive: Its on the better end of the passives. It is easy to fill the battery so you basically always have 70-80% bonus. Works very will with Kinetic Plating's damage reduction.

    Mach Rush:

    • Review:
      • Overall it is a very fun ability. One of the most fun I've used in quite a while. I like how inexpensive and spammable it is. Good for movement however with higher levels of the ability it is very easy to overshoot targets due to the large minimum distance.
        • The ability feels very odd when you collide with an enemy at that speed and the only thing that happens is they stumble, although I appreciate that they do not randomly ragdoll.
        • Explosion damage AND slash proc is very poor as well. Insignificant damage against higher leveled enemies. I do not like how the explosion ragdolls enemies significantly.
          • 100% PS vs Lv 100 corrupted heavy gunner. Slash proc only does 280 a tick. Couldnt even see the explosion damage.
        • Currently gauss will always dash in the direction of the crosshairs. An omnidirectional dash would make him feel much more agile. If I am gunning, I want to keep my crosshairs on target instead of having to constantly turn away to dash to recharge the battery. This is an especially big deal when vs nullifiers/scrambus/demolysts. 
        • I do not like how momentum is not preserved if you are Mach running and perform an action like jumping or if you release the direction button. Feels strange to suddenly stop like that.
    • Suggestions: 
      • Direct collision with an enemy will bring gauss to a halt and trigger a radial stagger. If only one change can be made, make it this one.
        • HLctWug.png
      • Enemies within 1m of the impact take finisher damage as follows:
        • Current battery level = base damage (0 battery = 50 damage, 100% battery = 400 damage) -> modified by distance traveled, warframe mods, melee mods, auras, and other buffs.
        • The idea is that one or two enemies (or a group of pulled enemies to synergize with other warframes) will take a single large melee hit which adds to the impact of the ability.
          • Ex. Grendel swallows a ton of enemies. Gauss runs into him and all the enemies take the big damage.
      • Enemies more than 1m away but within a base 5m of Gauss during the dash are pulled along with him and deposited at his feet at the end of the dash. Up to a limit of X enemies.
        • kGrnyss.png
      • The radial explosion now staggers enemies instead of ragdolls. Strips a small (5-10%) percentage of current armor/shields.
      • The dash is now omnidirectional allowing for side and backwards dashing. This will add an element of skill to the gameplay especially when dancing in and out of demolyst nullifier pulses.
      • Momentum is preserved on jumping/rolling/aim gliding
    • Augment Suggestion: On activation, gain 0.5/1/1.5 seconds of invincibility.

    Kinetic Plating

    • Review:
      • IMO this is a top tier defensive ability. YOU ARE EXTREMELY RELIANT ON THIS TO SURVIVE. Even though it has a massive range of DR, it is not difficult to keep towards the top of the range. Works very well with Gauss' theme encouraging frequent dashing (again omnidirectional dash would make this ability even better. Complements Gauss' energy hungry kit extremely well. Freeing up a slot that would otherwise go to handspring/pain threshold is significant. Massive duration and near instant recast makes upkeep of the ability near painless. Very interesting implications for survivability as well however the stagger immunity does NOT apply to Quick thinking. it should.
      • It is far too easy to unintentionally deactivate the ability. On PC 1 is next to 2. And the player is required to spam 1 to live. I've fat fingered 2 a few times and was immediately exploded.
      • I am not a fan of the look. Its a simple bubble that clips through the warframe's torso? The geometric waves when it is absorbing shots is pretty nice though.
    • Suggestion:
      • turning off the ability should be a Hold down. Not another press. To prevent fat fingering a critical defensive ability.
      • display the current % damage reduction on the ability icon below/above the timer
      • Stagger immunity also applies to Quick thinking (or fix Quick thinking to not allow chain staggers and so that pain threshold works with it)
    • Augment Suggestion: 15/20/25% of Energy restored is also restored to allies within 30m

    Thermal Sunder

    • Review:
      • Only the cold proc is useful for the slow/freeze and the gauge refill. Heat proc is completely useless, not to mention the drain on the battery. Armor stripping from the Redline blast proc is too small to be noticeable. Blast proc is clunky to use. Having to cast in the same area twice while also having to spam 1 to keep moving is annoying. The benefit of a brief knockdown is also quite poor for the effort. At least at 100% power strength. For how much energy and battery it costs the ability should be doing much much more.
        • 100% PS vs lv 100 corrupted heavy gunner -> 66 damage a tick on Redline heat proc which is piss poor
    • Suggestion:
      • Display the values for Redline procs. How much stronger is the heat proc? (It seems to be 100% stronger). How much armor stripping is done? Is it % based? Is it a flat value taken off of base armor like shattering impact?
      • Remove the blast proc mechanic.
      • Simplify the ability by baking armor/shield stripping into the heat proc. Like Pillage but a much smaller area.
        • Increase those values for Redline heat proc.
    • Augment Suggestion: Allies that run through the affected area are granted 100% blast damage to their attacks and +50% movement speed for 40s.


    • Review:
      • Very fun buff. Nice visuals and audio. Casting speed could be ~33% faster. This is an ability that demands 100% uptime so it needs to be cast very frequently. The long animation lock is frustrating each time I cast it. Even on a very long duration build where I am casting every 1.5min. I am glad that it is not a movement lock.
      • I am pleasantly surprised that every aspect of the ability scales with duration. It allows power strength to essentially be a dump stat, which is extremely rare and really opens up a lot of mod slots to play around with.
      • The % value that appears next to the redline gauge is NOT EXPLAINED AT ALL. Nor is it intuitive what that number means. Given the consequence of not hitting 100% on that counter while redline is up results in a very large drain to the battery and that the dependence of survivability on Kinetic shield means this is absolutely unacceptable.
      • The particle damage on the ability is useless. The stagger is also so short it is useless.
        • 100% PS vs lv 100 corrupted heavy gunner: 18 damage
    • Suggestion:
      • Must explain the "backup charge % number" that appears in the ability box.
        • Ex. When above the redline, the reserve capacitor will charge. If the capacitor is below 100% when the ability ends, the difference will be removed from the main battery.
      • Display how strong the current redline buffs are. I know there are a lot of them but there's no reason why they could not fit next to the battery gauge.
        • hJL5qOj.png
      • Current battery level + redline battery level = base damage (up to 800 damage) -> modified by distance traveled, warframe mods, melee mods, auras, and other buffs. The damage area is now base 5m wide damage wave. Gauss will still stop on direct impact with an enemy/wall.
      • Instead of doing damage, particles stagger and debuff enemies. Debuffed enemies hit by mach rush increase the duration of Redline by 1-2s base.
    • Augment Suggestion: Allies allies struck by Mach Rush now receive 50/75/100% of Redline's buffs for the duration of the ability.


    Edit: Still working on forma-ing the Acceltral and Akarius but so far both are fun to use, deal good damage, look very cool, and are relatively safe for self damage explosive based weapons although I somehow still manage to kill myself on them from time to time. Again self damage needs to be reworked to be a percentage of current warframe HP, not the full damage value.


    • Like 2
  17. Suggestion: "Room Decorator" position

    Currently the Architect position gives anyone with the title global permissions across the entire clan to construct/deconstruct rooms and decorations, and Dojo decorator gives decoration construction/deconstruction permissions across the entire clan. This is potentially risky if there is a falling out or someone randomly decides to troll or if you simply dont know the person all that well.

    Room Decorators will only be allowed to create/destroy decorations for specific assigned rooms. Only one room decorator can be assigned to each room

    My situation/Why I want this: I have a solo ghost clan where I am the sole Architect/Dojo Decorator and have contributed >90% of the resources for rooms/decorations, etc and put dozens of hours into decorating. However, I frequently let people into grab research. Some of those people have stuck around for a very long time. The problem is that we dont interact all that much since we're all Solo/Pub players and are on at different times of the day. I would like to be able to give these people the ability to "own" several rooms of the dojo both as a thanks for sticking around and as a way to make the dojo more of a "home" for them without risking waking up to an empty/deconstructed dojo one day.

    Thanks for reading.



    • Like 2
  18. Quote

    Wow good job Sir! I like everything that you write. Exept some point on the 4.


    11 minutes ago, MarketShark said:

    it took kinda long time

    This is the big issue. It takes significantly longer to kill "end game" enemies than almost every other exalted weapon.

    11 minutes ago, MarketShark said:

    Screen shake

    There is an option to turn it off.

    11 minutes ago, MarketShark said:

    "Severely restrict turning" no pls probably this worst than screen shake.. But i'm scared... Sol gate seems a hard ability to balance. More damage? can be OP af.

    If the ability is tuned to do enough damage to kill lv 100-150 in a competitive amount of time the movement and turning must be restricted otherwise you end up like that gif. I show of the player spinning around as fast as possible and killing everything. Peacemaker currently has this problem. Limited targeting area but free movement and very high damage so the most effective way to use it is to spin as fast as possible. Which is very stupid both in looks and gameplay wise.

    11 minutes ago, MarketShark said:

    I like thos the Idea of give damage to Sol gate thanks mod. But i don't know. This is not an exalted ability. This is not a weapon.

    I think mod scaling makes the most sense. With the game's current balancing our mods already scale somewhat appropriately with enemy strength. Turning damage abilities, especially ultimate powers into "weapons" means they too will scale appropriately as enemies get stronger. If the damage were fixed it can be tuned too high (too powerful at all levels) or you get the ember problem (too powerful at low levels, too weak at high levels).

    11 minutes ago, MarketShark said:

    Her 3 , Surge i think is.. useless?

    Agreed. The blind is good but otherwise. Yeah.

  19. 3 forma and a couple hours later + sessions on the wiki + watching youtube vids from content creators, here's my thoughts on wisp.

    TLDR: I like her. Powerful buff frame with some CC capability. Her 1 is by far her greatest asset but could use some QoL tweaks. Her 3 provides acceptable CC but the damage portion may as well not exist. Her 2 and 4 have very mediocre performance and do not fulfill the purpose they were meant to due to lack of appropriate scaling. 

    Acquisition/Costs: I enjoyed getting Wisp. I personally found the Ropalolyst fight as well as Disruption to be very fun. The new resource is not difficult to obtain. Wisp's drop distrubtion was very fair (I believe 25% for each of the 4 parts). The blueprint costs were very reasonable.

    Passive (Phased): 

    • The invisibility activates surprisingly often but is very poorly designed in that it fails to synergize in any way with the rest of wisps kit. Like so many other Warframe passives the only consideration to it's design appears to be the artistic theme of the warframe. In this case "ghost/spirit". There is nothing in Wisps kit that interacts with aerial invisibility.
    • Even though it does not break on aerial melee, aerial Melee is currently very lackluster as the attacks do not carry any momentum and it is very easy to unintentionally cancel out into a ground slam. With melee 3.0 having an unknown release date, and no further word the ability to "juggle" enemies or midair combos this aspect of her passive is not helpful either.
    • I do like the unique invisibility animation Wisp has although it also makes it confusing as it does not look like any other invisibility ability in the game.

    Suggestion 1: In addition to the current passive, Wisp gains +25% ability range while in the air.

    Or Suggestion 2: In addition to the current passive, while in the air all of wisps reservoirs are revealed through walls and can be targeted

    Or Suggestion 3: In addition to the current passive, Wisp is not affected by enemy collision and can pass through locked doors


    First ability (Reservoirs):


    • Wisps's bread and butter. Powerful, versatile buffs with good duration based on totems that once placed never expire unless Wisp exceeds the item limit.
    • My commendations to DE for several aspects of the design:
    1.  Allowing them to be placed on the move at your feet. One of my greatest fears during her devstream debut is that they would root her thus making gameplay clunky. This is not the case.
    2. Good base duration on the buffs with infinite duration if standing within the totem radius. Another of my fears was having to constantly recast 3 different abilities.
    3. Easy buff pickup. Good base radius on the ability as well as auto-vaccum when the player steps in range means it is very easy for both the player and teammates to pick up buffs.
    4. Very clear buff radius. It is hard to miss the glowing circle on the floor. I always know exactly where I need to go to pick up the buffs.

    Dislikes (minor)

    • When trying to place all 3 buffs as fast as possible it is very easy to miss a press and accidentally recast the same colored mote again, effectively wasting energy.
    • There is no way to delete a specific Reservoir. Given that currently the Shock Reservoir is both a buff and enemy CC ability we need to be able to delete reservoirs to free up space to place more Shocks without erasing the earliest reservoir.
    • In a map with multiple floors it can be difficult to see where all the reservoirs are if they are placed on different elevations or through walls.
    • Only the Shock reservoir affects both players and enemies. This leaves the ability feeling unfinished (even though it is sufficiently powerful).

    Suggestions (Wisp):

    1. Currently the ability works as follows: Press 1 to cycle. Hold 1 to place. Given that the player semi-frequently has to place all 3 reservoirs to gain their buffs, I suggest a third casting mode where as long as "1" is held down Wisp will automatically cycle to and place the next colored reservoir. This will almost eliminate the possibility of accidentally placing 2 buffs of the same color when trying to rapidly cycle and place all 3 colors.
    2. Allow the deletion of specific reservoirs. For example. Wisp wants to delete an existing reservoir. She aims at it while outside of its buff zone (similar to how her 3 currently functions). The targeting indicator appears (like her 3). Wisp hold's 1 to delete the reservoir.
    3. Allow reservoirs to be visible AND targetable through walls.
    4. Add enemy effects for Vitality and Haste.
      • Vitality: Enemies within range will be afflicted by a puncture proc
      • Haste: Enemies within range suffer a permanent 10% slow (modifiable).

    Suggestions (Other Warframes)

    1. Vaubaun's Tesla grenades should function as an even better version of Shock Reservoir
    2. Volt's First ability and/or Shocking Speed Augment should function like Shock Reservior with even more range and the ability to hit more enemies.


    Second Ability (Will O Wisp)

    Mediocre. This ability seems to be meant to be used both as survivability (Press 2) and for mobility (hold 2) but does neither well. The duration of Press 2 is too short as a survivability skill. Hold 2 is too slow to be used as a movement skill; with the Haste Reservoir I can easily keep with the the speed using the basic movement chain; I can easily exceed it with operator dashes. I suggest even further separation of the two aspects of the ability.


    • I like that it makes you invisible on cast
    • I like that you get a brief invincibility on exit
    • I like that it also casts Breach Surge when you do
    • I like that it does not trigger laser gates


    • Press 2 moves too quickly, has too short of a duration to confer any significant survivability but too slowly to perform as a mobility skill.
    • Hold 2 moves too slowly to perform as a mobility skill especially since Wisp has Haste Reservoir

    Suggestions (Press 2)

    1. Double to triple the current base duration.
    2. The WillOWisp will always move at 100% of your current movement speed
    3. The WillOWisp will now automatically move towards and bounce between nearby enemies instead of a straight line like it currently does.

    Suggestions (Hold 2)

    1. Keep the current duration and straight line skillshot.
    2. The WillOWisp will always move at 300-500% of your current movement speed (ex. If you are moving using the standard movement chain, WillOWisp will move 300-500% of whatever speed that is)


    Third Ability (Breach Surge)

    An acceptable blind, if a bit redundant given that Wisp should always be carrying a Shock Reservoir which has the same range a rather fast refresh on its shock proc. The Surge Spark aspect of the ability is extremely unreliable and effectively negligible.


    • A blind with a decent duration and decent radius that can be improved by casting onto a Reservoir
    • Acts as another mobility option if cast on a Reservoir
    • The blind DOES NOT TRIGGER FINISHER ATTACKS on melee <- I need this on every other blind except for pocket sand.


    • The "Status Chance" of the ability given in the description does not appear to do anything? The wiki states it only refers to the status chance of a surge spark.
    • Activation condition of Sparks is not clear. In game it states damaging the enemy will trigger sparks. However the sparks only inconsistently appear on hit. The testers at the Wiki states the proc chance of the sparks is about 10%, unmodifiable. If so, this is too low and punishes slow but hard hitting weapons.
    • It is not clear exactly how the Sparks calculate damage. We only get a "damage  multiplier" on the in game tool tip. Wiki states it is somehow based off of damage done to the enemy.
    • The damage is extremely inconsistent. Sometimes hits for tends of thousands, sometimes hits for a few hundred.
    • The targeting of the Sparks is poor. Many sparks will miss targets.
    • The targeting range of the Sparks feels too short.
    • Sparks do not appear to ever release if the enemy is killed in one hit

    Suggestion 1

    1. Surge sparks always have a 100% chance to inflict a radiation proc on hit
    2. Surge sparks will always release when the enemy hits 50% and 0% HP, umodifiable.
    3. Surge sparks deal 6/12/18/24% of the total HP of the enemy it was created from as radiation damage to the target enemy, modified by power strength.

    OR Suggestion 2

    1. Remove the surge sparks
    2. All enemies affected by breach surge have a 20% chance to release another breach surge at 50% range and duration of the original on death.


    Fourth Ability (Sol Gate)

    Medicore. For a giant plasma beam it does very lackluster damage due to its lack of mod scaling while being relatively energy hungry. Aside from the lack of damage there are many other things keeping the ability from feeling powerful. There is no weight to the ability whatsoever which I attribute to Wisps very high mobility and ability to turn freely while channeling. There only appears to be a small amount of punch through on the ability meaning it is stopped by pillars and semi-thin walls. It is affected by armor which significantly reduces its already mediocre damage. It ticks too slowly. The damage ramp up is far to slow taking multiple seconds to hit max power and RESETTING FOR EVERY SINGLE ENEMY. It cannot head shot or reliably hit weak spots. Players can hold the gate open for too long. The beam lacks impact when a player can channel it for >20seconds and swing it around like a thin piece of string. You can't tell me this doesnt look absolutely retarded. 



    • It is very pretty
    • The sound effects, especially with the deep base from "hold fire button" mode, is satisfying
    • It's a giant frikin laser beam.
    • There's a bit of backwards recoil when turning off the ability


    • Mediocre damage for an ability. With triple reservoirs + amped firing mode, on a Wisp with (128% Dur, 85% Eff, 100% Rng, 306% Str, 300 Energy); it took:
      • Lv 100 Corrupted Heavy Gunner: 8s
      • x3 Lv 100 Corrupted Heavy Gunner (targeting one by one): could not complete. Killed 2 of 3 in 15s before running out of energy. 3rd at full health.
      • x3 Lv 100 Corrupted Heavy Gunner (lined up): 12s, ~20 energy remaining, ability DID NOT (consistently?) PUNCH THROUGH ENEMIES
      • Lv 50 Nox: 12s (cannot headshot)
      • Lv 100 Ancient Healer: 6s
      • x3 Lv 100 Ancient Healer (targeting one by one): 13.6s, ran out of energy immediately after the last ancient
      • x3 Lv 100 Ancient Healer (lined up):  8s
    • In contrast Peacemaker (155% strength + Standard Primed Crit build on regulators)
      • Lv 100 Corrupted Heavy Gunner: 3s
      • x3 Lv 100 Corrupted Heavy Gunner:  6s
      • Lv 50 Nox: 3s (cannot headshot)
      • Lv 100 Ancient Healer: <1s
      • x3 Lv 100 Ancient Healer (lined up):  1.45s
    • In contrast Strun Wraith (18%CC, 2.2xCD, 4.5FR, 5sRld, 100%SC, 2308/533/710 IPS 5567 Blast, 10835 Corrosive, my standard build)
      • Lv 100 Corrupted Heavy Gunner: 1.8s chest shots only
      • x3 Lv 100 Corrupted Heavy Gunner:  9s chest shots only
      • Lv 50 Nox: 13s, chest shots only; 6s aiming for head shots, multiple misses due to knockdown from blast proc
      • Lv 100 Ancient Healer: ~1s, chest shots only
      • x3 Lv 100 Ancient Healer (not lined up): 2s, chest shots only
    • In contrast Opticor Vandal (0.4s Charge rate,103%CC, 9.3xCD, 3.1FR, 1.4sRld, 74%SC, 194/1357/387.6 IPS 4361Viral, my standard build)
      • Lv 100 Corrupted Heavy Gunner: 6s chest shots only
      • x3 Lv 100 Corrupted Heavy Gunner:  20s, chest shots only, includes reloads and 3 missed shots due to enemies stumbling, cannot test lined up TTK due to enemies stumbling
      • Lv 50 Nox: 8s, chest shots only, including one reload, <1s head shot only
      • Lv 100 Ancient Healer: <1s, chest shot only
      • x3 Lv 100 Ancient Healer (not lined up):  3s
    • Sol gate is clearly inferior to almost every other exalted ability out there not to mention many standard guns.
    • VFX gets in the way of the ability if it takes longer than 2s to kill an enemy since the player cannot clearly see what is caught in the beam and that is not
    • No mod scaling
    • Triple reservoirs do not increase damage much
    • Amping does not increase damage much
    • Ramp up takes too long
    • Ramp us is tied to INDIVIDUAL ENEMIES Instead of the amount of time the ability is on.
    • Very little beam width
    • No/very little punch through
    • Cannot headshot/hit weak spots
    • Damage "ticks" are too slow. Takes away from the sensation of power of the beam.
    • Channeling costs are too low. With a 300 energy pool wisps can channel for a very long time. Takes away from the sensation of power of the ability.
    • Movement during casting is too free. Takes away from the "weight" of the ability
    • Turning during casting is too free. Takes away from the "weight" of the ability
    • Only 40m range.


    • The following are properly done "ult beams". IMO. They dont last very long. They hit in a decently wide cone in front of you for effectively infinite distance. The player cannot/can barely move or turn. Everything caught in it dies no matter how high the resistance, except for boss type enemies which just take a good chunk of damage instead (ignore the bug in the second video where if you stand perfectly still the beam phases through you).


    • Double or triple the current energy drain. OR Make the cost something like base 150 energy for 4s duration beam.
    • Wisp is now invincible OR 99% damage reduction for as long as she holds the beam
    • Triple or quadruple the beam width (and visuals). It should hit in a 5-6m area in front of you. It should be OK if you can't see the normal mobs you're hitting because you know they are dead.
    • Severely restrict movement (ex. Like Mesa's Waltz or hobbled key)
    • Severely restrict turning (~15-30 degrees per second max)
    • Throw in some screen shake
    • Add scaling off of rifle or secondary mods
    • Double the tick rate. (4x for Amped mode)
    • Remove the ramp up
    • Infinite punch through
    • Base 100m range
    • Lingering trail of fire for 15-25s if the beam hits a surface

    Wow. This took waaaaay longer than I wanted. Anyways, that's all I got. Thanks for reading.

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  20. After playing a few rounds here are my thoughts.


    • I do like it. A faster Mobile Defense with the completion condition being search and destroy of a single enemy? Very nice. The better the gear the faster the rotations tick, as it should be. 
    • Lots of enemy variety
    • Lots of Minibosses
    • I like the Demolysts are bright orange and make a very loud beep. Makes them very easy to find.
    • I like that the mode throws a decent amount of enemies at you so it doubles as a decent affinity farm.
    • I really like the tile set


    • Amalgam enemies are too few and far between. Have only ever gotten two keys up at once. Frequency of appearance should be doubled or tripled.
    • For now I will say that some variants of Demolysts are feel far too tanky for their level.
    • Rewards are mediocre and definitely do not drive me to keep playing the game mode.
      • 4 or 6 of the new resource is really bad when they drop from other enemies at 10-20x that amount
      • It's not exciting to get one of the set mods since, with very few exceptions, the effect of the mod AND the set effect (even at full effect) are too weak to replace standard mods. Such a waste of design time.
      • No axi relics? Kuva? Ayatan Sculptures? Ayatan stars? Orbiter decorations? Void traces? Fish? There are so many ways to make the reward table more varied and interesting. Not to mention more appealing to veteran players.
    • Operators/Amps do next to nothing against Amalgam enemies despite their sentient nature. But Operators being very weak in combat is a long standing issue.


    • The all abilities in use bug is back. Complete lockout. Unfortunately I'm not too sure what's causing it.


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