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Posts posted by Sarge111

  1. A wonderful new Disney show going on in locations around the world. Experience the  violence, the ninja stealth, all on Ice. Watch an Ash dissapear before your eyes, and see three grineer mysteriously die. Not your type? Then enjoy the magic of a Rhino Stomp tearing holes in time itself, all for just 10$ a ticket. Come watch today!

  2. So I just built the Miter in my forge after weeks of hunting for the blade, and when it gets done this morning, it says: Cannot claim, not enough space in inventory. So i got to work clearing out bps I didnt need, sold my gremlins so I had two weapon slots open, and went to claim it again. Same message. So whats wrong? 

  3. if you are talking about the Orokin Derelict ending in the void, it was an intentional leak to give us a preview of the new set.It isn't a bug. no other new tileset is close to being put in so...pictures or it didn't happen


    What i found was not just in the ending, although that was mostly what I recorded. Certain hallways had the effects as well. I really only had the presence of mind to record at the end.

  4. Continuity and Constitution - too increase the duration of stealth.

    Streamline - to make energy cheaper


    Here is a link to youtube that might help you alot . 


    This for starters ... ofc later on you can change to fit your style and needs . 

    Thank you sooo much, I knew he had a vid for this, but I couldnt remember where I saw it.

  5. Definitely put Continuity and Constitution on, so that you can max out Smoke Screen's duration.  Other than that, just do what feels good.


    I already have continuity on and maxed out, I also have a maxed constitution, but i am not ranked enough to put it on.

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