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Posts posted by Sarge111

  1. Us tenno have mad skills in acrobatics. So why not use that in the mission complete scenes? Have a tenno jump off a ledge on Phobos and land on the transport ship just as it leaves, maybe killing a few grineer while he is at it? Or on a corpus ship, just jump out into space and land on the transport? Use those amazing tenno skills to make the escape a little less, well, boring. Post comments and suggestions below, and if this is the wrong forum please tell me.

  2. Your right, the dojo could use some work. I personally think that for the dueling arena it should be a seemingly roofless area where you can alter the weather of the room to look like different missions. Maybe set it up like a Japanese courtyard or something. Clan banking is also an excellent idea, as is the ability to earn cooler decor. And dojo vs dojo has been on my wishlist for a long time. The obstacle course could definitely be better as well, and leaderboards for it would give me a reason to practise it more often. Editing the layout is your best idea so far though. When we put rooms in our dojo... Lets just say it got very confusing.

  3. Well, Boss sizes is the first problem. Phorid/Jackal/Raptor would be way too large to fit. There's no real cover in the duel room either, good luck avoiding Vor's tesla balls when they can shock you anywhere from the middle of the room. 

    You'd need a separate simulator room for this to be viable. 

    Nice idea though. 

    Thats very true. A simulation room would be a good idea.

  4. This would just be a way to show other members of a clan how skilled you are. It would be a control panel in the Dueling arena, where you can select a boss, choose his difficulty level, and the fight in the Dueling arena, (without having him go on a rampage in your base of course). Is this a plausible idea? Is it interesting. I personally think the idea is cool, but i would like your thoughts.

  5. We getting all Star Wars up in here. I hope our dojos don't turn into Death Stars...


    No, nothing like that, I just intend for this to explain how the tenno transport ships work, and maybe just a good looking dojo area.

  6. This could be a simply aesthetic item in the dojo, or could be an area to prep for missions before a cool flight animation is used to show you flying into a hyper jump. Possibly be able to modify the looks of your transport ships. This could also be a insertion location for a clan protection mission, where a grineer force (Or an opposing clan) has discovered the location of your base and have sent a team of commandos to wipe you out. You would then have to activate defenses that you had activated and run to the hanger to defend your base. Any constructive comments, please post.

  7. we have Trinity so I dont have much use for the mod in the first place

    most people just care about the Strun Wraith


    Your right, the Trinity does sort of negate Equilibrium.

  8. Maybe make it possible to set the resource type so that when the Scavenger type you mentioned went to work it could gather formas on a very slow time table. Also, I think these types should work in a hangar bay type location, with Tenno transport ships entering and exiting the area.

  9. First off, terraforming the sun would potentially cause every living thing to die. No light = no plant life whatsoever, which = much less food. Much less food = mass starvation. Mass starvation = a sudden ending to the plot. 

    As far as the Corpus bots having oxygen tanks, maybe the could be carrying them to lighten the load for the other Corpus soldiers.

    As for when the factions decided that they could kill tenno by cutting off oxygen, maybe just an assumption in hopes of finding a weakness.

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