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Posts posted by Phobose

  1. Phobos comms in spontaneously.


    "Sorry for the late contact, team. I touched down on the docking bay a little late and scouted ahead. I'll be regrouping with everyone momentarily"


    Phobos turns his comms off and sighs and checks his map for the direction of his teammates. Phobos than proceeds to head towards Cheshire, Hazun and Koishi with absolute caution.

  2. college seem to   have made me calmer in thought, and I take less things for granted. 



    I can agree on that one 100%. Since I messed up and dropped out of highschool (went through homeschooling and got my G.E.D) and got into college I became a better stronger person than who I used to be.


    3 jobs later during my summer break Im making money and just slowly filling up my portfolio of small scale projects on my laptop.



    As of 7/4/2014, my cat Goku who I've had since he was a kitten back in early 2000-01, can't remember, but I've had him for awhile passed away in his sleep early morning.


    This fking sucks.



    Time to gather the 7 dragon balls.

  3. Disagree entirely. Teleport in it's current condition isn't bad and I use it very efficiently.


    People have suggested free target teleport but that would cause errors where you would most likely fall through the map  by clipping through bumpy terrain and background props (Rocks, Machinery Etc etc)

  4. It's very, very different and far more P2W than character slots in other games because progression is tied directly to having those items to level up. On top of that, Warframe limits character slots as well.  It is just as P2W as any other game mentioned.


    There is no "Win" in Warframe. I cannot tell you how annoying it is that people call this game Pay To Win, It Isn't Pay to win.


    Label it like this


    Pay for Comfort


    Pay for Convenience


    Pay for more space


    Pay for Cosmetics


    Pay for Bla, Bla Bla.


    This.  Is.  Not.  a.  PAY.  TO.  WIN.  GAME. You don't win in Warframe, you play to go in obliterate the baddehs and feel cool for the moment being.


    U14 will bring a more finer view point on what us as the character has.


    Remember this Game hasn't even been released yet for christ sake. There is still so much elbow room and things to fill in. But I can't think of that right now because obv u know why.

  5. Change.Org Petition

    SIGN IT!


    Since the terrified 'Mods' are closing every post even resembling a reference to this issue ill post it here, where it can get lost and ignored among the hundreds of pages, which is of course the entire reason for restricting this to ONE thread.



    They merge threads into one large mega thread. I have no idea if they're actually deleting it but I doubt they are.

  6. So as far as this p2w/p2p/f2p discussion does, do people just overlook the fact that anyone who doesn't buy plat is ridiculously gimped because they have almost no slots? Or that they need to regularly destroy their hard earned weapons and frames so they can get new stuff that, again, they will have to destroy for mastery points?


    People who dont buy platinum have the option to grind out for mods and sell these mods/Prime blue prints/components for platinum, which in return can give them access to slots and so forth. 


    I agree, Slots being plat only is inconvenient to an extreme and it forces people to buy Platinum or to farm to trade for platinum.


    It sucks. I've been there before I started working again.

  7. Ill put this im short.

    Call me a hypocrite as much as you want, at least I have the decency to not slander a companies name who doesnt have heavily infamous reputation like, aeria games, PWE, Nexon, EA and such. So do me a favor. Enough is enough. Ill keep reporting your posts for slander whenever I see them I can promise you that. Speak with your mouth not your &#!

    Edit: guess what? Mobile device again, come say something smart again.


    My clan is specialized in finding information (promotional codes, spicy info, good deals... doesn't matter right now :P ) so we have connection on the stock market as well. Official info is that PWE have 30% or less from DE's shares. That means that PWE can't intervene with DE's work, they will only gain money as owners of those shares nothing more. Please calm down now! :)

    Razul thats a bad idea to disclose that information to the public and anyone could ensure legal actions towards any of you lol.

    Love u and ur art tol much tl see u dissapear mate <3

  9. -snip-

    excuse me for replying on my mobile device while im at work at a bar on the 4th of july. As for accidently quoting myself my thumb accidently kept hitting multi quote.

    Now to answer you.

    You dont play the game as much as I do, you dont share the same views on the game as I do. I respect that because we are two different individuals. I grew up with games that had a heavy case of RNG, from purchasable titles to free to play online games to indie games.

    You shouldn't be playing a game you dont like as a whole. It's pointless. I played GTA when I was younger, didnt like it as a whole. I dropped it and sold my copy. It happens but you have no right to come here and begin slandering a development studio trying to get their interpretation of a previous release out. I agree with most of their methods, RNG and grinding isnt new to me.

    Most of the development studios amd publishing companoes I beta tested for had a similar model of grinding and RNG. Do I care? No. U have a problem with it or some other things? Good, dont play the game. We dont need you bad mouthing a studio in their own forums.

    A company cannot run off profit, they generate a reasonable revenue from their community and they find a sort of sponsor. I dont agree with PWE at all, ive played their games but for a very short while.

    There is a diffeeence between haltinf benefitical development and warping a title into a cash pig of sorts than making beneficial changes. PWE's methods arent beneficial and former players of their games before and after the purchases will agree with this as I do.

    Theres a concrete difference in morals between their ethics with mine, DE's developers, Namco-Bandai, From Software and looking Glass studios (R.I.P)

    Ive seen titles before and After PWE. I disagree with their methpds entirely. Studios cannot run off charity work I agree with you but slandering them you have no right to.



    This isnt my first rodeo

    Ive been at this since I was 10 years old my "friend"

    I find your opinions disgusting because I for one have been in similar shoes as them but in less intense and smaller scenarios.

    Im sure I can say a million and one things right now but you pbviously will have something snarky to say as per the same thing over and over. If you dont like this studio than why are YOU on their forums? Playing THEIR game? Theres no point for you to be here if you are anti - Digital Extremes.

    You sir will make more enemies here than friends.

  11. Just to close the issue once.

    So, after DevStream where not said anything about PWE, should we not be more concerned about this issue?

    I can rest assured that PWE not change the market at your convenience in the future?

    The message of DE was very vague and ambiguous, and i need a "solid answer of DE" to sleep easy. The silence only gives me more concern about the issue.

    The only thing certain is the little information we have and DE not want to say anything for legal reasons, but, is so hard to say something to reassure us???

    Theyre bound to a non disclosure agreement. They feel bad because they might know something and cant tell us whether it be good or bad. We have to wait until 40 days are up. They have a close connection to thwir communiry or somewhat of a close connection and im sure they do feel for us. But thats the best they could have said without breaking MDA

    I wonder is there anything slightly concrete to say about this deal from DE(L) without infringing the rules set by the initial agreement.

    This is why I despise NDA clauses, the hell u wanna hide unless u want to hide your intentions from the world.
  12. -snip-

    Monotization of the game on an international scale is bad for customers world wide. I absolutely refuse to call anyone in a free to play game a consumer.

    A reply to ur other posts aswell since my boss is being a prick and not giving me access to my computer during the dead hours of work.

    Ive been beta testing since '04. Its been 10 years since ive been helping do what I can for developers. Ive seen alot of developers and their ethical approaches to their communities. DE is pretty good compared to most other F2P studios and companies.

    For the most part, nexon, perfect world and others are disgusting.

    Game development is a art form and most people dont realize that the game you're playing was maybe someones dream that was warped by a suit who wanted more money and told him I want it like this because of cash.

    Warframe is a dream by these folks and for the other develops who have passed on in their team from Dark Sector.

    I would much rather deal with RNG than lottery lock boxes in the name of profit. I dont give two cares on your opinion of DE, call me whatever knight u wamma call me.

    I am a developer to be and a computer programmer, I know what they thinl and how they feel whem they develop things or fix issues.

    Perfect world is a plague, nexon is a plague, aeria game is a plague. I refuse to see a group making a game from their dreams fall victim to this again.

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