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Posts posted by Slayer89

  1. Quote
    On 2019-10-30 at 6:36 AM, Maseric said:

    I'd like to being able to use Kuva to recharge the requiem mods. 

    Perhaps add some sort of clan tech research that we can do to add an upgrade module to the orbiter's mod station in order to gain the functionality.




    ^ You read my mind, if it will be like this that we can recharge them with kuva 's fine for me, but grind and rng  in layers upon layers that is Requiem relic is not

  2. 8 hours ago, WenDMegs said:

    Hi, DE. I would like to report a bug about achievements. Recently, I've unlocked the "This is What You Are" achievement in-game, but it still won't register on the Steam Achievements. The same thing happened with my "Joyride" achievement.


    This is What You Are

    Still appears locked on Steam

    Also, may I ask what's the 15/18 means on Zenurik tree? Because I've unlocked all of them but that number persists.


    Many thanks in advance.


    Hi! The 15/18 means u have 15 nodes active(red) from 18. As for Joyride the same for me, but i completed it before the steam achievement was implemented for it.

  3. 8 minutes ago, Voltage said:

    Maybe I am just lucky, but I really don't see why this topic is so popular. It is equivalent to "Khora is too hard to get from Onslaught". I don't see why items can't be less than 10% drop chances. If you have an easy time always getting what you need, then you get burnt out quicker imo.

    Maybe you're lucky but i got more than 200 runs and only got to drop 2 times thats 6 repellers systems for 200+ runs it would be not be as bad if the PT bounties would be like the regular bounties that have multiple stages and gives a reward for every stage but that's not the case. 

  4. 1 minute ago, Sir_Alex_Traffo said:

    I'd say it's partially fixed.

    @[DE]Saske I went out with both my lvl 30 BadBoy and Flatbelly, did one trick and went back to Fortuna: 3k Mastery Points were added right away. BUT, I went out with my lvl28 Needlebelly(or whatever the lvl3 is called), brought it to 30 and got back to Fortuna: no MR points were given at all, not even the 200 for the 2 levels I just gained.

    I'll try to use a Forma and see if that fixes it but I doubt it as I gained way more exp than with the other 2. It also can't be that I got all my points earlier today while reching the daily cap because even if that was the case, 200 point wouòd still be missing since the drive was not maxed.

    Same. Went out with my Flatbelly rank 21 raised it to 30 and it did not give a single point of mastery.

  5. The only problem i have with the arbitration game mode is the double duration 10 wave defense and 10 min survival is a waste of time if it remains as it is after i acquire the mods from this game mode i will be done with it,because is's just wasting time.

    Another issue  i've seen  people complaining about, that i have no problems with is the lack of bleedout and squad revives not the lack of self revives, but for me it's fine as it is.

  6. 1 hour ago, Akimbo said:

    Feel like someone is intentionally trying to have a joke at the players expense here. Not only do bounties fail for me and others a lot, but then you do complete them you get rewards such as:

    2 Cetus Wisps!

    Amazing! T5 bounty rewards the same thing as stepping outside the door of Cetus for 2 minutes does!

    1 Axi Relic!

    Incredible! I can only get those from..oh wait, nearly anywhere over level 30 in 5-10 minutes..along with focus, affinity, useful resources etc.

    1,100 Kuva!

    Stunning! Again, a reward that would take half the time to get from just doing 2 Kuva Siphon missions.

    Breath of the Eidolon!

    Just kidding! The most "common" resource/reward which you need for loads of 'end-of-Cetus' crafting barely ever drops as a reward.

    Please, put some serious thought into the loot rewards.

    2 Cetus Wisps? Try 20.

    1 Axi Relic? Try 5.

    Breath of the Eidolon?

    You should get these every time you finish a T5 bounty as a guaranteed reward.

    I agree with the op. T5 bounty is feel very unrewarding looking at the time and effort involved 

    what i would like instead that every Stage in every bounty should get a reward  

  7. 10 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Cash201293 said:

    Grind isn’t terrible. I guess its to keep players to keep killing Eidolons just so it’s easy to find a squad who is Eidolon hunting. 

    Yes it is. for 5000 standing u need 12 exceptional core and 8 intact cores and its tedious not to say if they patch out the shield disruption effecting the Teralyst it going to take min 30 min to take one down and its only for the first tier. Why not give reputation for killing the teralyst or missions like every other syndicate to increase standing if it remains as is then i simply won't play this content.

    3 minutes ago, Coach-Aprax said:

    The amount of grind in this update is incredible. Not to mention that is unplayable. If you try to get a squad you either crash or the bounty doesn´t advance after the second stage. 

    Yep and there are bugs with bounties too more than once vault did not open so couldn't advance, not to mention the back and forth travel from cetus to the plains

  8. Yes it is. for 5000 standing u need 12 exceptional core and 8 intact cores and its tedious not to say if they patch out the shield disruption effecting the Teralyst it going to take min 30 min to take one down and its only for the first tier. Why not give reputation for killing the teralyst or missions like every other syndicate to increase standing if it remains as is then i simply won't play this content.

  9. First off good luck at the Game Awards 2016 and show everyone what is Warframe all about, i'm hooked  since first playing in 2013! We Tenno thank you for the giveaway, and good luck to everyone who enetered or will enter.

  10. First thanks for the fixes and the Ash Deluxe skin looks cool. In other thougths i agree with the others before me, Sorties are hard missions and the rewards should reflect this, Exilus adapter shouldn't be a Blueprint and should reward a crafted Adapter like Rare and Reinforeced container reward crafted Detonite Injector,Fieldron or Forma, and speaking of Forma, it shouldn't be on the reward list just farming the new primes it appeared on every run i done.

  11. Hi! Having the same problem having the first halfway done, then the next two scans were the firsts of the next two derelict sets and now i can't scan them because its says " Codex Entry Complete".Please fix it, Thank you in advance.

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