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Posts posted by Kazzamo

  1. 5 minutes ago, LSG501 said:

    In all honesty, I'd rather see better enemy/loot radar range (at least on open worlds) than more range, you can already have plenty of options to add range to a frame. 

    I'd take this too... just prime all the mods, launch it with a major update. We All Prime Together.

  2. I'm meaning a step backwards in design. They've done away with helmets that alter stats, then they took arcanes out of being slotted into cosmetics. I doubt they'd do a 180 and have us slot them in sigils suddenly. Fashion frame and power creep are streams they are trying to not cross. I'm sure there are things down the road, like those giant arm cannons and stuff we still don't have but more arcane slots seems iffy on if that'll happen. Unless they make weapon arcanes like ZAWs, AMPs, and Operators have.

  3. Another thing it says if you take the middle option for the Kuva is telling the Tenno "You're nothing without me." So it being the source of our void powers is likely. And I don't think the void as we see on the map is a visible rift at all, it's just a place our ships can go. Ordis himself makes comments about hiding our orbiter in the void. 

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