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Posts posted by Oxin

  1. Dear Tenno and Lotus,


            I am Oruino Uno


    I am the master of my sector which is just outside of this solar system at the closest star. 


    To tell the truth the Corpus forgot I was even alive when I left. So I decided to divulge this information to you...


    What you do with it does matter because I have a bit of a Grineer problem over here at the moment...


    So would you be so kind to get rid of them for me eh?...

    I know you guys can do it. I'll even have my custom MOAs help you. all I need right now is two thousand Grineer killed and I'll reward you. 




    Oruino Uno. Nine breaker

    Good job very well made very nice translation.

    however it's juno not uno .

  2. ek_corpus_by_oxinclein-d6wbc3f.png

    more info now.

    Hello this is the outcry from afar event idea with today I will tell you more about.

    This here is a transmission form a Ex-Corpus known as Oruino Juno or O.Juno for short.

    Now sadly the reason that I didn't update was because my laptop crashed and lost all data ,but enough about my problems now let's talk about his .

    Character backstory: O.Juno was a corpus , until one day where Alad.V showed up taking all his profits away from him in one fowl swoop . He was demoted to void raider ,he hated it having to take orders from those fouls who did this to him then ,it happened he found a orokin weapon and hourded itto himself swaring "One day they'll pay ,for everything they've done." Then he ran after getting many other corpus to join him (Including Darvo) , he stole blueprints for the Corpus Gascitys and took back his old ship and went to the closest star part from our own.

  3.  I will tell you how I would make a boss

    3)The boss will have forms that it changes into after it Hp hits 0 the first time it's 1st form sheilds 200 hp 550 2nd 800

    2)The boss has no hard cap on damage but can half the damage you do for a short time

    3)the boss has more then one form to make the boss fight longer

    4)not every level of player can fight the boss because if you start a game out and go for the final boss first thing do you realy think your going to win?

  4. arkexo_ruff_pixel_by_oxinclein-d6vmjrf.p


    this is Arkexo whip on the left there is a image that shows the two wires that link the blade to the helt.


    ps this is not what it will look like ingame if it makes it that far but apart from the blades the helt does not look good so i hope someone can make a better verson use the same color then posts it here because I am dumbstruk when it comes to helts...

  5.  [Midas Hand Event]

    The grineer seem to believe they have found a weapon however the corpus are interested by this fact and
    started a war for Mars said it's because those were corpus outposts, instead of the real reason is the weapon and it's name : 

    'the Midas Hand.'

      -Midas Hand is an ancient war-ship said to have been used in the great war or was it the weapon that started the great war?


    Help the Corpus clear Mars of Grineer and stop the Grineer from getting an old forgotten tech.

    The event will be 5 days long.



    Event takes place in:

    -Grineer Enhanced Corpus Ships or GECS for short... 

      -inside you will find that it looks like the corpus ships however most things inside will be replaced with grineer made item ,boxs ,lockers ,etc, any if not all corpus writing have been scratched out and replace with grineer writings...                            

    End of event :

    (IF) The Corpus clear out over 80% of the Grineer .
         -The Grineer leave Mars .
         -The Grineer don't get the old tech .
         -The Corpus set up 'Red' Gas citys or 'Red' outposts .
         -The Corpus get new Moas (Midas Moas) that will only show up on invasion missions or events .
         -The Corpus get new Crewmen (M.Crewmen) that will only show up on invasion missions or events .
         -The Corpus start counting credits from the battle (players can find Crewmen counting credits idle).
         -A new location is unlocked (Moon).
         -Players get tiered rewards.

    (IF) The Corpus clear out over 50% of the Grineer .
         -The Grineer leave Mars .
         -The Grineer don't get the old tech .
         -The Corpus set up 'Red' Gas citys or 'Red' outposts .
         -The Corpus get new Moas (Midas Moas) that will only show up on invasion missions or events .
         -A new location is unlocked (Moon).
         -Players get tiered rewards.

    (IF) The Corpus clear out over 25% but under 50% of the grineer .
         -The grineer stay on Mars .
         -The grineer don't get the old tech .
         -The corpus set up 'Red' Gas-citys or Outposts .
         -The Corpus get new Moas (Midas Moas) that will only show up on invasion missions or events .
         -No new location unlocked...
         -Players get tiered rewards.

    (IF) The Corpus Fail to clear out even 25% the Grineer .
         -The Grineer stay on mars and get the old tech .
         -The Grineer start to make new weapons making fighting them harder
         -The Grineer begin to Invade corpus locations
         -The Grineer start making it harder to farm for Resources
         -No new location unlocked...
         -Players do not get any tiered rewards.
    Tiered Rewards :

    (IF) player does  5 missions they get : Amura Syandana

    (IF) player does 10 missions they get : Bartoun(automatic rifle)
                                             -Is a rifle that shoots slower then most automatics but it is highly accurate.

    (IF) player does 20 missions they get : Latue(burst-fire pistol)
                                             -Is a tribarrol bolt pistol that shoots in bursts of threes.

    (IF) Player does 30 missions they get : Midas-Volt skin, Midas-Mag skin  

    (IF) player does 50 missions they get : Midas-Excal skin, Midas-Saryn skin, Midas-Amura Syandana

    (IF) player does 65 missions they get : Midas-Trinity skin, Midas-Loki skin,
                                                 Arkexo(Fivebladed whip)
                                                  -It's five whips and five swords in ONE,
                                                   in what it lacks in damage it makes up for in pure Dps/Hps(Hits per second)
     Edited for clarity on a few things ,but not spell checked

    (IF)  The new moon location is unlocked
          -Then you can see the inside of the moon ,and find out what this forgotton tech realy is, Oroken, or something else..?
          -(the new tile set will be inside the moon with rocks and things of bronze that are like
            somewhat oroken but at the same time give you a feeling of dread and mistory
            no gold anything in sight only old dusty grey flouring there are some areas that are still active
            with streng multi colored lines on the walls and odd metals left behind to rust away)
          -LunarKeys are needed to enter the moon.

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