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Posts posted by Oxin

  1. Yes the J3 Golem will be replaced by the new Boss, Alad V and Zanuka.


    It was stated in the Patchnotes.




    "J3 Golem will be moving from his home on Themisto and our spys indicate that he may strike at any time. Look for Infested invasions on your in-game alert display; we have reason to believe that if there is an invasion where a boss would normally be found you are likely to find the J3Golem there instead (we also suspect him to be carrying Volt Warframe component blueprints!)"

    huh will you look at that... wait WAIT that is going to make volt harder to get... which means he needs more buff

  2. So I looked and I was thinking what will happen when the Invasion hits Themisto?


    Will the last enemy be the boss of the area or will it just be like the other Invasions where it's just kill everyone else then the mission ends.


    This was just something that came to mind I to tell the truth think THIS would be cool but I think to make it more of a good thing it'll need that the boss only shows up on your 5th run though.

  3. well ,well , well.... DE let us see what to say.

    first of all I did read most of the comments a biig number of which were asking even yelling about U11 not being here yet ,and the only thing I have to say to that is "Wait." . The next thing is that I hope U11 isn't too hard on you guys in DE so don't push your selves ok?

  4. First you upload your picture somewhere like imgur or photobucket.


    Then, you should have a link there with the [ img ] [ /img ] around the URL itself. If not, you can add it yourself. It would be like this

    URL: http://i.imgur.com/oi8qu3F.jpg

    URL + the [ IMG ] thinges (remove the spaces inside the brackets and in the URL): [ IMG ] http://i.imgur.com/oi8qu3F.jpg [ /IMG ]





    "Tank you good ser and/or madam."

    (most likely madam[maybe{I got a feeling}])

  5.   "Well hello , I think that I have had a lack of posts in this forum that were started by me

    so I should start now seeing as I am an artist . Now what to do first I think I will draw my favorite warframe in comic from..."


    (Please note I will take my time with my work ,but the first post will be up soon do not worry.)

    [And another thing is that in this topic I will be useing four things {other then the art} :


    One I will use quotation marks from now on to tell you what I was thinking when I made art or just to say hi.

    two. I will use three types of brackets as notes as you see me doing right now.

    three. music I use music to help get ideas .

    four. I will take request from friends only when It's not something completely unreasonable like: Draw rated R stuff, draw 100panels ,draw ALL THE THINGS!.


    Well that's everything hope you will enjoy, later


    ~Oxin ,Ravens Nest Clan leader.

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