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Posts posted by Oxin

  1. A duelling mode is going to be implemented very soon.

    This is as far as DE will go with PvP as of this very moment.

    that's right it's going to be cool to test out when the time comes.

  2. Hello all tenno ,It is I the Warlord of "Raven Afterlife" my clan .


    As of late I feel me and the tenno came off on the wrong foot ,last time we met I was young and stupid I was not good at speech ;well at all really . I was really never good at describing myself ,so in my introduction I gave a bio instead of really introducing myself ;and someone yelled at me for that fact ,so my sincerest apologies .


    Well we are here to talk about my clan are we not ,if so then let's get started shall we ?

    So my clan "Raven Afterlife" is somewhat lacking in ,well tenno, and that why I'm making this topic.

    If you wish to join "Raven Afterlife" just post here on the forums that you wish to join then I'll test your metal ,and if you pass your in!


    That's all you need to know for now and I hope you join soon





    dude stop typing "you" like "u" and just stop lazyaly typing... this man is a threat.


    EDIT: I iz missspellzng to angers yov.... man I hate doing that.
  4. Hello it is I Oxin a new hero of this world I hope I can get to know each other better.


    Name: Oxin

    UserName: Oxin

    Eye Color: Green w/ red lines going out of my pupil.

    Idea of the world: Dark , dieing ,and cold .

    Favorite weapon: Lato Vandal .

    Most Hated Enemy: Grinder

    For more info just ask.

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