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Posts posted by Decarien

  1. Meh, depends on the amount of money. I will take a Van Gogh over a stack of 2000 singles any day of the week.


    On the other hand, a swimming pool filled with a billion dollars (in 50-100 denominations)? Hard to top.

  2. Hmm, but where do you draw the line between sexism and recognizing the actual differences between male and female culture within a society? Sexism is defined as discrimination against females, and as far as I can tell nothing I actually posted was more than drawing a parallel between what is percieved as male (or at least non-female) culture (that being anime and sci-fi). If there's no real line then the only choice is either to accept some amount of accidental sexism as inevitable, or a generalization that is beyond realistic.


    Also if you mouse over locked colors in the schemes when picking a color for part of your warframe it's possible to see what they'll look like on you. Can't lock it in and preview a suit with different locked colors, but you can at least see what it will look like on that part. If you're gonna pay to unlock any of the colors I'd try to at least include classic, or saturated as their generality is most likely to server you best in the long run. In either case you're probably better off switching to trinity for making Ms tutu, especially with the Meridian helmet (the nose)



    As for the other two, the black fist chick could be Valkyr with either Obex or Kogake for weapons, the whip girl gets a Lecta or Scoliac though no warframes really fit her shape.

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