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Posts posted by den2k

  1. 16 minutes ago, ace1868 said:

    He is quick and easy to kill with a well modded radiation arca plasmor or catchmoon kit gun and my favourite a melee weapon bud. 

    Oh yes, just two minutes that I abort the mission to change equipment because a boss fight has been poorly designed 😑

  2. This boss battle sucks hard. Really.

    It is a freaking bullet sponge: with my best damaging weapon it takes me from 600 to 800 rounds to finish him, which means about a couple of minutes of continuous fire. With an obscenely modded Tiberon it took me 600 ammunition, almost 4 minutes of continuous semiauto fire (to the point I got RSI just from shooting him) to kill him, all of this because he has an insane amount of damage reduction and he is completely impervious to WF abilities and Status - which are two huge parts of Warframe mechanics. And there's also no way around it: it really tempts players tyo just abort mission and begin again because he's simply a waste of time - he doesn't evee reward Nightwave standing, which is quite illogical given that he is *the* enemy of this series.

    At this point, just remove Status effects from the game, since apparently they are a mechaninc that should not be used.

    • Like 1
  3. 10 minutes ago, CoreXCZ said:

     If you want to fare well against infested, take Rhino with his Iron Skin

    Huge numbers of enemies huddled together, when I use the 1-2 combo I can get insane armor multipliers (100k and more extra HP). Rhino is definitely the best frame against Infested, followed by Nezha (his Warding Halo slices and dices throught the huddling chargers and it can almost stunlock them).

    Hildryn is just easy beacuse you need exactly 0 abilites to tank like there's no tomorrow, but of course she is no Rhino.

    4 minutes ago, Marine027 said:

    If people want that kind of blance we would onyl have like 10 warframes at msot and al lof them to simlair to each to work agiasnt all facitons.

    Precisely. For example against Grineer and Corpus Zephyr is mostly invulnerable but only a fool would take her to an Infested mission.


    • Like 1
  4. Hildryn is very good against infested because the biggest problem, energy suck, is voided. Just keep on moving and use mowing weapons (Sobek with acid shells, Supra Vandal or Tenora with punch trhough, Ignis Wraith modded for crit/status viral + heat) and you won't have problems. Use rolling guard to gain respite and Adaptatuion to mitigate, Rapid resilience cuts down the status duration by 75%.

    And keep on moving. Even Rhino can fall to Infested if you're not careful. They are many, they swarm and they have several funky abilities that really can mess any frame up if you're playing with ham fists.

  5. Rolling Guard and Rapid Resilience will help a lot. Infested are not the best enemy for Hildryn though because they make her 2 useless - you should really keep your distance from them with Hildryn.


    EDIT: operator too helps. Just GTFO your Warframe  and crouch for some seconds.

  6. Honestly, I like this Nightwave, the only problem that I found is that there aren't enough challenges!

     * It incentivates me to play different mission. I played the last Spy mission several months ago, the same holds true for Mobile Defenses (too slow for farming), idem for Exterminations.
     * It incentivates me to play different frames. I played Ember up to getting her to level 30 and then let her rust - the Kill X enemies with Fire damage got me to play her and she's fun! The same is true for Loki, the Eliminate X enemies with finishers got me to play Loki again and now I like it.
    * It makes me use different weapons than the meta I'm used to.
    * I can usually proceed in more than one challenge with a single mission.
    * I'm even playing Syndicate missions! It's a long time I don't bother with them!

    * In 3/4 days of moderated gameplay (1-2 hours tops), except for the "complete 5 Sorties", the challenges are over and only an easy Daily challenge is available. It's fine because it prevents straining but still it's very quick to burn through them. And yes, the "Do stuff with clanmates or friends" is a bit strange - I usually play public as it's much more free than setting up a match with someone.

  7. 14 hours ago, Quickkill55 said:

    Really disappointed in the "Kill Profit-Taker with Friends" challenge today for nightwave.  I'm a fairly new player and a casual one at that.  Trying to get the required rep in order to even start this in a week is just impossible.  I wish they would think about this types of things before creating some ridiculous challenge that not everyone can even attempt.  

    It's an Elite Weekly IIRC. Which part of Elite did you miss?

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Paradoxity said:

    To me  this just reeks of "We want players to have fewer formas on hand"  

    They literally give a bundle of 3 Froma at Nightwave level 7. And you're not under obligation to use them, just skip that standing if you prefer - I have 34 Formas, not a problem.

  9. 9 hours ago, torint_man said:

    Complete 3 spy missions

    Catch 6 rare fish in Plains of Eidolon

    Complete 3 rescue missions

    Use 3 forma

    Complete 3 exterminate missions

    Gild a modular weapon

    Complete 3 mobile defense missions

    Kill the Profit-Taker in Orb Vallis while playing with a friend or clanmate

    Kill 1,500 enemies

    Open 10 relics

    What do you all think?

    Wow, could be the week I do all of them! I like this Nightwave system!

  10. 9 hours ago, Eyewearwolf said:

    Ah, well. I have a TON of toroids to farm, since the drop rate is still s*** in warframe.

    Kill mother orb repeatedly. With an average group it takes 6 minutes, it gives a lot of toroids and a lot of money (125k, doubled due to the thermia event... in the W.E. they were doubled once more + I activated the credit booster. It was better than the Index).

    Also during the Thermia event the drops are doubled so you'd get 4xCrisma Toroids easily.

  11. 1 hour ago, GaerthGL said:

    AFAIK archwing cancels all active powers. It's a design choice to make sure warframe and archwing abilities do not stack and cause a whole lot of weird issues.

    K-drives shouldn't dispel your buffs/abilities though (as they do not have abilities). I just checked and that includes Scarab Swarm now.

    Ehr then Nezha is the bugged one... his Warding Halo always remained active between AW and land - that's why he's my go-to open areas frame.

  12. 21 hours ago, Chappie1975 said:

    But I thought you needed chroma or inaros and super specialized weapons and knockback was the devil. /s

    LOL I use Nezha, Ignis Wraith and AkLex Prime 😄 so much for superspecialized.

  13. Complaining that Hyldrin is time-limites means having forgot about Eidolon Hunting. THAT is a freaking limitation, with the odd schedule that shifts and the time limits so work/family will definitely get in the way.

    I can't wait to use Hyldrin, she has some perks I'd like to use and I want to check some mod/companion interactions.

  14. 46 minutes ago, NezuHimeSama said:

    While I agree, I still think it's a low priority issue compared to the mess of nightwave, vox, deprecated poe content, damage scaling, melee, ect

    Of course, yet it would be a nice QoL. Sometimes they bundle a lot of QoL together and maybe... just maybe...

  15. They are listed as "common"... after having repeated the same missions with the same voiceovers with the same imposed pauses half a dozen times I got exactly 0, even killing the Orb twice did get 0. I could buy them for standing... IF I was rank 3 which I'm not, I need those gyromags to get to rank 2. And all that standing is wasted because I maxed out my meager rank 1 standing.



    Add to that the exceptionally boring K-Drive grinding (K-Drives are slow and useless anyway) and the 5 hours needed to farm those Fractures, I don't think there is any reason to play in the Vallis if the objective of playing is to have fun.


  16. 1 minute ago, NinjaZeku said:

    I don't think that'll quite cut it for my 40+ Frames with 3 appearance configs each.

    Plus unless it's hidden behind a large cape / made nigh-invisible (good luck on that with Steel's final Sigil lol),
    one then of course also needs to make sure the new Sigil is in just the right place with the right dimensions and everything 😛

    Would be nice, though I'd prefer it to be a global option via the main Syndicate console / screen.

    Yes, I was meaning that!

  17. It is something that bothered me for a while but today it actually harmed me and I remembered.

    The current Syndicate gain system is clunky and difficult to manage: it's tied to aestethics, which should be aesthetic only and it is buried in a three levels deep menu. Changing the cosmetics means probably scrambling the syndicate which will get affinity, and using a warframe used a long time before is guaranteed to do that - in fact today I managed to waste 23 + 11.5k points because I equipped Frost for the Thermia fractures and its syndicate was of the old trio I was farming. Before I noticed it, I wasted all the gain for today AND lost part of the accrued standing because of opposing factions.

    I propose an easier Syndicate change in the equipment menu, as it has bee done for the Focus Schools.

    • Like 2
  18. It's not a paywall since it will be available for anyone without paying. Also, with the amount of special operations and loophole jumps we hae to make between the events and Nightwave it's actually better, less overwhelming.

    I *am* pondering on buying Hyldrin but I'll wait to complete the Events.

    • Like 1
  19. 15 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

    Individual Extraction: Non-Wave Endless!


    You are now able to extract from Survival, Excavation, and Defection missions independent of your squad.

    Client-Authoritative Changes:
    We have made some much requested changes to the responsiveness of two things in Warframe: Weapon swapping and automatic doors. Right now in Warframe, if you are connected as a client you may have experienced delays in responsiveness of either of these essential things! The changes should result in a much smoother experience:

    FINALLY! I might start playing again!

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