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Posts posted by Noxonion

  1. Toxin + Energy Drain Corrupted Ancient Eximus?


    Sure, why not.


    You know what would be even better?


    Eximus Ramparts, which are immune to punch through and fire explosive rounds which have a 100% chance to proc Blast.

  2. Peacemaker idea:


    Mesa can move freely, but when you want to fire, she stops, a mark appears on visible enemies, and then she executes every unfortunate prick...


    Sort of like that Mc Cree guy from overwatch

  3. I've been playing as Shadow Nekros for a while now. Yes, primarily with Shield of Shadows, it is very fun. I am also incredibly satisfied with the fact that Sentients can be brought back as shadows as well.


    Bow, for I am Hunhow now.



    *Instantly starts building Nekros*


    EDIT: Do they adapt to damage like normal Sentients?

  4. Warframes are "golems possessed by devil minds".



    In the Second Dream, I think that the voices told us that the Warframes are Dax soldiers (don't quote me on that). Whatever those are we don't know. What we do know is that the Infestation was likely used to "repair" the crazed Dax soldiers.


    The Warframes, when not controlled by the Tenno, seem to only resort to basic instincts like survival/kill on sight etc (Chroma in the Simaris quest).


    In short: the Warframes are crazed survivors (of some catastrophe, most likely the Great Plague), who were "repaired" by Orokin with the use of the Technocyte Virus.

  5. How about you simply stop playing the game...


    In all seriousness, DE doesn't have to comply with YOUR logic and reasoning in order for YOU to play THEIR game. It's quite the opposite. No one is forcing you to purchase their items nor does purchasing their items give you any authority when dictating what is within the rules.


    Take the punishment like an adult and come back with a clean slate. There is no need to act childish with this weird sense of entitlement.

    Now that was sharp

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