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Posts posted by Noxonion

  1. I was going to write a paragraph about Bloodborne being a terrible game with cheap mechanics, but I stopped halfway.




    Because someone wrote about Dark Souls.


    Bloodborne and Dark Souls are the same game.

    Hmm. I shall try my hardest.



    Call of duty, Dark souls, halo, and EA on a whole, are brilliant in how they have raked in money with garbage quality and have the world in the palms of their hands regardless of their mediocre and idiotic gaming tendencies.



    Did you just write that EA made those 3 games?


    Ooof, that is savage!

  2. Monster Hunter is the worst, grindiest game imaginable. Seriously give the license to Konami, they'll fix it up real good.


    And they'll make a themed pachinko machine in honor of the game ;)

  3. There was something about the game when it was new and fresh back then. i remember being hooked even though there was literally nothing to do. Farming for frame parts was a hassle since they weren't guaranteed like they are now, and they were physical drops you needed to pick up, so if it fell in a pit then GG 

    I remember the time when Kestrel was released.


    You could throw it at a boss and knock 'em straight into a pit, and you would get no drops whatsoever.


    The good times...

  4. it could be, but they can augment the number of enemies and their damage in some type of enemies, and in other type of enemies their armor and health, so you will see some that are really hard to kill, and others that are easy but deal you a lot of damage, so you have to trust in your team and your powers, and organize it well. Also there are a lot of enemy types, like the maniaca, they can augment their damage, lancers, augment their damage, napalm, augment their health, yes more... in corpus, the new tall enemies, augment damage, crew, augment damage, anti moa, augment defense...


    also, the bosses could be much more difficult, to be challenging even to the endgame players, if there is one, if not, the difficulty decrease to a normal difficulty, but even challenging to the new players

    They've just done it in sorties tbh.


    It's a pity that anything can be prevented by a team of Nova+Trin+Mirage+Ash

  5. I see what you're going for... but I don't really think it'd make a good weapon element. Also- infestation takes time to infest. It's not a quick process by any means.

    There was an entry in the codex. A guy was required to react in seconds, otherwise the infestation would overtake him. It's a case by case situation.

  6. Chroma.


    He's a support/tank frame, who can buff his armor and damage output (You can do 3 times more damage!). If you have the Life Strike + Rage + Quick Thinking combo you'll be shredding enemies while shrugging off every shot.


    Also he can alter his abilities' effects by changing his energy color.

  7. There was a lot of Theory Crafting with "What Are We?" as players.


    The Second Dream shattered a lot of decent headcanons and theory crafts. Some people find it weird how the warframes operate, they feel disconnected suddenly to know that they aren't actually IN the frame.


    I assumed each Frame functioned like a TARDIS and I was still wrong.


    People are just upset that they weren't right, give them time to simmer down.


    I'm glad we aren't a brain in a jar. XD

    But the very fact that this game's lore was so interesting that it spawned countless theories is magnificent. Many games try the same, but ultimately fail.

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