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Posts posted by musicalsocks23

  1. 21 hours ago, musicalsocks23 said:

    TYPE: In-Game, Orbiter, Plexus
    DESCRIPTION: Attempted to access my Plexus, but the option is missing from the Orbiter, menu and Drydock. I have completed the Archwing quest which says I have the Plexus. I do not have my own Railjack, but am in the process of completing the Rising Tide quest. I have previously done Railjack missions before today's update. 
    VISUAL: https://imgur.com/a/ZxSBYpQ (borrowed from Wolfizen who is experiencing the exact same issue)
    REPRODUCTION: Unknown. Was like this upon log in, and consistently there after. 
    EXPECTED RESULT: I would be able to access the Plexus. 
    OBSERVED RESULT: Option is not present.
    REPRODUCTION RATE: Consistent. 

    Upon further investigation, I completed the Rising Tide quest and the Plexus is now available to me in all places that it should be. Perhaps this bug is tied to a character having that quest in some state of progress. 

  2. TYPE: In-Game, Railjack, Mission
    DESCRIPTION: Locked out of the Corpus Stanchion
    REPRODUCTION: One Tenno enters the Stanchion, but cannot progress the mission or leave without the other Tenno but the other Tenno cannot enter the Stanchion after the countdown has finished. If the other Tenno recalls the stuck Tenno, then both Tennos are stuck outside of the Stanchion preventing the mission from being completed.
    EXPECTED RESULT: Tennos are able to both enter the Stanchion
    OBSERVED RESULT: Cannot enter the Stanchion to complete the mission
    REPRODUCTION RATE: Consistent.

    • Like 2
  3. TYPE: In-Game, Orbiter, Plexus
    DESCRIPTION: Attempted to access my Plexus, but the option is missing from the Orbiter, menu and Drydock. I have completed the Archwing quest which says I have the Plexus. I do not have my own Railjack, but am in the process of completing the Rising Tide quest. I have previously done Railjack missions before today's update. 
    VISUAL: https://imgur.com/a/ZxSBYpQ (borrowed from Wolfizen who is experiencing the exact same issue)
    REPRODUCTION: Unknown. Was like this upon log in, and consistently there after. 
    EXPECTED RESULT: I would be able to access the Plexus. 
    OBSERVED RESULT: Option is not present.
    REPRODUCTION RATE: Consistent. 

    • Like 2
  4. 2 minutes ago, Pizzarugi said:

    If you're only looking at those frames to be considered viable for Arbitration, I recommend you broaden your perspective and try out a few others

    I'm not suggesting that there are only 3 frames that are viable for Arbitrations, there are a variety of frames that you could use, but even in majority of your suggestions for ways to deal with the drones, shooting them is your only solution.

    I believe the point of this post is not to suggest that the drones are difficult to deal with, they just may need a different approach when you are considering frames that do not necessarily want to use guns.

    6 minutes ago, Pizzarugi said:

    Revenant is immortal with infinitely-scaling damage for Reave, but it's very important to kill the drones

    You've actually reinforced my point here by adding Revenant to the list of frames that have difficulty using their kit successfully with the drones active, without being a gun carrier. 

  5. 11 minutes ago, GinKenshin said:

    Why not just...shoot the drones?

    Some frames are not designed to simply just be gun carriers. Certain frames (Atlas, Garuda - to name another) are really hindered by having to break their combo by having to gun carry, just to kill the arbitration drones, which then just ruin your combos.

    26 minutes ago, Pizzarugi said:

    play something else that isn't Atlas in Arbitration.

    What's the point in having the rotation of 300% strength buffs for random frames if it's only feasible to bring a survivable frame to gun carry?

    Arbitrations are supposed to be end game content, and while some frames obviously are not capable of this content, you should be able to successfully use more than just Rhino, Inaros and Nezha in the missions.

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  6. One major bug that is happening is the host migration after completion of a mission.

    You extract from a mission, land in your orbiter, examine the rewards screen, then a host migration hits. Upon resolution of the host migration, you have lost all of the focus, affinity and/or rewards from the mission. Happens almost every other mission. 

    Just starting happening upon the drop of the Jovian Concord.

  7. The issue that most people seem to have with Garuda is that she actually takes skill to use. Her kit is hands down one of the most synergistic kits on any Warframe in the game, but if you press the wrong button at the wrong time, you do risk the possibility of dying. This high stakes playstyle is not uncommon, as there are many self damaging weapons in the game that people enjoy. Her 4th ability is an absolute powerhouse, slash is one of the most underrated, but powerful procs in the game, capable of dealing massive amounts of damage. 

    I would absolutely never use Mirage in place of Garuda. It is like picking an apple or an orange, their abilities are not the same, and they should not be used interchangeably.  

  8. 38 minutes ago, (NSW)SantCruz said:

    what about the synergy with Nekros

    I did take this into account with my testing and frequently ran missions with a Nekros with each frames. While the innate slash is beneficial, I found that slash procs were easier by bringing a high slash melee with extended range, such as the Secura Lecta. By doing this, the slash procs did not matter as much and you can ensure your tentacles are free as well. 

    I have long since discarded Hydroid as a viable solo loot frame, and I would apply the same generalization to Khora. 

  9. 53 minutes ago, Buttaface said:

    Khora's cage augment has made her a straight upgrade to Hydroid in several ways

    I would disagree with this.

    i have done thorough testing with both frames in the capacity of being a loot frame. Though there are pros and cons to both frames, Hydroid seems to come out on top each time.

    Both Hydroid and Khora have comparable range and duration when maxed, so that is not a problem. Hydroid lacks the base damage with his tentacles that Khora has, but benefits by having the 100% drop rate in his augment. However, Khora has the ability to cast two strangledomes; a benefit right? Wrong. The base efficiency of Khora is much lower than Hydroid which results in very rarely being able to feasibly sustain both strangledomes. 

    Also, Hydroid, though limited to how many enemies he can retain in his tentacles, is actually more efficient at retaining the enemies if they come near as the tentacles can flex to reach them, where Khora’s strangledome is restricted to retaining enemies at the intersects of the net of the strangledome. This means that she is really only feasible for jumping into a pack of enemies and casting it, instead of the simplicity of casting it and leaving it to do its job. 


  10. 6 hours ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

    Excal Umbra is a bot. You jump out, do your own thing as an Operator, maybe even use all those nice powers to buff your team or provide energy regen or healing, or even turn them all invisible with massive damage reduction. Meanwhile your Excal is running around and playing the game for you.

    This, I understand, is a AFK cheese ability. However, OP mentions that Rhino and Nezha using their tanking abilities as provided to them in their kit is a cheese AFK ability as well, which is bothersome because you still need to play the game in order to complete the objective in the Index. This would immediately disqualify them as "cheese" frames and makes 95% of his original point invalid.

  11. 17 minutes ago, Xzorn said:

    It discourages players from investing fully into new frames choosing to wait until the prime comes out instead.

    Warframe is not designed to be an immediate gratification game. I think this is designed so that you need to seriously consider the decision you are making regarding a frame. If you slap an Umbra Forma on a frame without considering whether you will use it or not or whether it benefits the frame fully, it isn’t DE’s fault if you go on to regret your decision. Sometimes waiting and thinking about your actions can have positive results. This was something that you had to work for and should have to work for, and as such, you should treat it the way that it deserves by giving it proper consideration.


    Additionally, DE is always considering reworks for frames, so will you just hold onto your Forma until the game dies because you’re afraid of change? Enjoyment of the game should always take priority, not doing whatever the meta deems is appropriate. 

  12. 5 minutes ago, WhiteMarker said:

    Why are people unable to double check when they are doing something? How is it even possible to accidentally put an Umbra Forma on something?

    100% agree with this comment. I have seen too many posts lately that keep complaining because they “accidentally” sold a unique item from their inventory, why is this occurring? Taking a minute to double check what you are doing will not kill you. 

  13. I'm failing to see how this is a concern. If you intend to build a frame, why would you sell their blueprint? Why specifically Atlas? Some frame blueprints are available for purchase from the market after completion of the quest, but not all. Harrow, Inaros, Octavia and Chroma frame blueprints are also not available in the marketplace either. 

    If you sold the blueprint by mistake, you can always submit a ticket to DE to try to retrieve it. 

  14. I do like the concept of having the abilities synergize. Khora, although not one of my favourites, does this very well, especially in conjunction with her 4th ability. I’d love to see a similar application for Hydroids skills because I think there is room for improvement within his kit, specifically to assist with the concept of loot farming.

  15. With the recent fishing nightwave mission, I realized the opportunity for a potentially great QoL feature.

    Upon the successful catch of a fish, a screen pops up summarizing the fish including its type, size, weight and rarity. I believe that this screen is an unnecessary cut scene and ruins the immersion in the game.

    Some potential options for improvement:

    1. When caught, each fish could pop up along the side of the screen where a rare resource would display. This would still display the name of the fish and the size (Small, Medium or Large) for those who calculate fish for resource farming, but it would no longer be as obtrusive.

    2. An option to disable the screen in the UI menu would also be welcomed.

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