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Posts posted by Dallas


    It's not that it scans faster than you that makes it so useful, it's that you don't need bring up your own scanner and keep still. It can scan while you're still on the fly as long as you keep LOS.

    Helios is already the best sentinel.

    Letting the Helios use synthesis scanner would be downright OP, unless there was some cost involved, like it could only do it if it had the Simaris skin.

    How would that make him overpowered? Helios is just about being lazy; the same as Carrier. You can scan on your own but a sentinel does it faster and better.

  2. It's Beta, deal with it.


    No, wait.


    Even if it is not Beta, you still must deal with it.



    Online game can change. That's the rule. OP happens, UP happens, rebalance happens, complete rework happens.

    Please never use this excuse ever again. Just because they change something doesn't mean it isnt completely stupid. God forbid anyone post feedback in the weapon feedback subforum.

  3. I can agree 100% that something needed to be done to the penta. But making it use the rarest ammo type while only having 20 ammo capacity? Its like instead of just using the sniper ammo pool like everyone asked, they decided it was a great idea to do both. Sometimes I wonder if the devs actually play their own game.

  4. I know this has probably been recommended like 100 times, but it would be nice to have a Kubrow adoption center in our dojos. You can donate your un-needed kubrows to the center and other players can buy them for a small adoption fee of...10 or 5 plat + clan tax. Of course adopters would receive the 2 starter mods and need to have an open stasis cell. This way our Kubrows that we don't want anymore can have a second chance and players who do not care about breeding can get a cheaper and faster Kubrow. The original Kubrow names would stay though

  5. I don't even want to think about how impossible they're gonna make Vauby Prime to get. My god.

    Void alerts only :) And it would still work the same way as regular void missions.

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