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Posts posted by CyklonDX

  1. The problem is you can't read. (Or write English, apparently).


    I never stated or implied that DE couldn't change their own software, you dolt. The point was an outside party from DE couldn't hijack the Launcher or trick it into downloading a fake update, as you implied in your original post.


    Well then that makes you a dolt; because u have hijacked argument about something else. It was never about hijacking launcher... next time read all posts relating to it.

  2. To be honest with you, this proves nothing.

    This is just EXE-Details set by the compiler, which is merely text only without purpose.


    If you want encryption to a certain extend, just click on the "Digital Signatures"-Tab, which features Certificates, who are encrypted stuff itself.

    However, even THIS has nothing to do with the server.

    It was not meant to show it...


    They can edit their software. And once we're talking about compiler they can compile it with anything there including different hosts it relates to...


    The digital signature is for client to authenticate it on server; nothing else. *(its not the encryption that we seem to disagree)

  3. вы там скок лет будете эту проблему решать!поход сносить придётся эту игруху!!!!невывозите вы администрация!!!НЕВЫВОЗИТЕ!!!!

    Are You here to claim Your handiwork?


    "there you'll gallop years to solve this problem! hike will demolish this igruhu!! Failure to take you administration! Failure to take!!"

  4. That's the warframe.exe he's screencapping.

    Not that I know what it proves. Publishing date for the game engine has nothing to do with exploiting SSL vulnerabilities and stealing encryption.

    DE also already patched out the heartbleed bug.

    nay it was that if de wanted they could push up update and change the address the launcher is contacting with to bypass the ddos.

    He didn't agree; He didn't agree that DE could change it because of encryption... DE made.

  5. It would be difficult to pinpoint the main source of the attacker - it could very well be hijacked networks operating through the numerous free VPN-services on a infinite-looping script that floods the servers with connection requests.


    Easy to execute, hard to stop.


    Well There are better more efficent ways to actually bring down servers; question: why use botnets when you have 4gbps cannon?

    Just play around ttl, dns servers update and you can flood the S#&$ out of anyone... still pointless way of taking care of things.

  6. there's a reason why they cant fix it... the IP's for the servers are hard coded into the game and would require an update to change, cant deploy update when the server's IP is being DDoS'd by a very very very large botnet owned by smite geeks who have no life.

    there are always ways; if someone closes door, god opens windows.


    They can prep update from some mini offsite ip - and let players know to down it.

  7. Your kidding right... were in beta. Dumbass. They have a good enough server, and this could happen to other "normal" servers. It's easy as hell if you know what your doing. People just don't do it to blizzard or naughty dog because they know there gonna go to jail for it. The idiot who did this apparently didn't know that. How dare you disrespect the tenno! 

    doubtful; if this is ddos you can dig through mlns of ip's and still won't find the source of origin...

  8.  really the small game tibia where have 50 mb size. They have much better server like you why you not make server like rest company. You see, its only time when players go are angry because this game is broken, all time players make a host. Sorry you have more ten 1 year and still not make server i cant beleive you dont have money to make a normal server plz make server like blizzard, naughty dog and another company

    Well when tibia used to be a good game (before 8.0+ update) there was many people there and they had income in 6 numbers splited by team of 10ppl or less.

  9. There's a nice trick in migrating ddos ~ or actually making the attack think its down;


    Send out update/hotfix to warframe

    and change ref. ip/address to something:


    Set your out eth port to listen only on A record (ex. random-ddos123-4123-124.warframe.com) create that record; make sure TTL is set to lowest so it will propagate faster;


    This will lay off many requests You can also set ex-ACL to disallow types of traffic like ping and other protocols your game is not using and change port numbers that are used by default.


    If you don't have such powers i recommend buying out services from prolexic/akami.

  10. Sentinel Helios:
    Helios can scan pretty much everything including walls, other tenno, and such...

    Dual Handed Swords Bug:
    I can use my melee as fast as I can press E (it has odd animation) *its when my primary is equiped.




    Clan Management
    View Alliance
    When entering view alliance *without waiting for clan logos to load* scroll down player can be stuck and they cannot do anything at all at this point - only option is alt-f4 or kill wf process.

    Warframe Hydroid
    Ability Bug;
    A tiny model hydroid is present when using his 3rd ability; very similar effects are when extracting while this ability is running.

    Dark Sector Cash Reward
    SS will come soon;
    Getting cash rewards of 349348334+- alike numbers (but in reality not getting any cash or 5000 or less)

    More to come;
    Going to update this once I record others I have but cannot really put into SS;


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