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Posts posted by CyklonDX

  1. mmm, i get the concept... This kind of progressive missions would be cool. But I'm sure this thread will meet with negative as its title is misleading.

    Progressive missions would be much better.


    About rewards:

    There should be a pool of rewards on each stage ~ how far they've come. Also the enemy lvls should be higher just like in survival missions.




    What is a big minus of this?

    People would stay there just like they are on survivals, defense. It would be next place to grind on...


    How would be best to use this?

    Something I have mention a couple of times. Make random set of objective where as player will progress within that plane of lvls.

    Limit the number of objectives - don't allow players to stay infinite amount of time there


    Overall all missions should be longer, and there should be more enemies. IT should be essential to stay together. But crucial to accomplish objectives.

  2. Well its true that Frost is useless against 25+ wave *globe goes down in less then a sec*.

    Vauban totally outclasses him many times over.


    Loki is Loki; Frost is Frost - they should not be compered.


    Since DE is currently working on Frost I'd wait with those types of threads until new change for snow globe is rolled out. We'll test that, and if its bad - we'll fight for something else.



  3. The world directed by Michael Bay:







    Also, saw this - not a GIF, but funny:


    I'd actually go 2 cinema to see that hungry hippos looks bad &#!.

  4. Well let me state my words here.

    I think there is problem with DE by limiting some players to platforms they use and not limiting others.

    Yes Founders should be exclusive what ever / whom ever (even a**holes) they are. They've paid $$$ for $ sake. ($ in god we trust)

    What is wrong with DE?

    The occasional sales let say the Steam syndana ~ This could be only sold for steam users leaving out a big big chunk of other players that don't use steam. (Yes, some people don't trust Gabe - thinks they spy on my porn stash just like origin from EA)

    The over-promotion of nvidia GPU's ( I am pretty much aware they've most likely sponsored the S#&$ out of "You" DE)

    Limiting effects that can be cpu based without big performance hit or even ported to opencl enabling all processing units to actually do them.

    - PhysX and Apex can easily be processed by OpenCL/CPU pipelines. Enabling all of your players to enjoy those effects. If they have strong enough hardware to do so. This will not only help Warframe as being more attractive for AMD/ATi users but also will stimulate PC market. People will want best hardware.

    - The future cloth similation will run on PhysX so You will limit AMD/ATi users even more than you limit it now. Even though You have shown that it can be done with CPU. (and warframe is not heavy on resources)

  5. The best decision I believe for fixing the hp and duration would be:

    The snow-globe should take no energy to cast yet it will continuously drain your energy while its on (thus more energy = more time) cast it again to stop the ability. (this will also prevent so called trolls from spamming it.)

    Now onto HP of Snow Globe

    After casting it - it should be indestructible for at least 10sec (if caster has energy to support it)

    After that the amount of hp should be something as such:

    (Energy + Power) x Duration = Snow Globe HP

    This way it would ensure that their snow-globe isn't useless in later tiers of the game.


  6. I thinks its some internal warframe process that contacts with their servers -times out-, resulting in freeze.

    *(I don't have anything yet to back this up)

    I will try looking at this 2morrow with hub and wireshark ~ also will monitor ports and connections to see whats going on, and will attempt to recreate this.

    From what I've seen people have completely different hardware and there's nothing in common there. I've seen that the issue is mostly occurring while hosting a game.

  7. Tenno are evil,

    While "Tenno fight for balance" We the players fight for resources, destroy researches that would fix Grineer decaying issue. Slaughter innocent, capture - i'm sure we kill 'em though since they scream in agony while we disintegrate them for rewards, and better weapons. We think of ourselves as a keepers of balance... yet we attack without a meaning or reason - just to kill and watch the human world burn.

    Lotus is just there to make us feel sane or "give mission" while she simply justifies what we are doing ~ where we don't know what we are doing.

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