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Posts posted by (PSN)ChiefDevilEggs

  1. 4 minutes ago, IgnatiuSgaming said:

    Yeah because you can't telling joke in region chat if you do it you got suspension without any reason,maybe Meme chat ( Joke chat or Funny Chat or something like that) will be correct answer since this Warframe has almost ten thousand meme around the world

    And now I got suspend 3 times because telling a joke

    "Unacceptable" -Vay Hek

    Well I’m sure it depends on the joke lol, were any of them dirty???

  2. Hey guys, can anyone tell me some good Riven stats to look for on the Hystrix? I’m guessing that some additional toxin or poison stats would be good, but was wondering if there’s any other good stats to look out for such as CRIT chance, damage, etc. Any help would be appreciated 😄

  3. So basically I’m wondering what weapons that are considered “lower tier” can really go up a few notches with a beastly riven.

    example: My latest good roll is for my unused Nikondi (the nunchucks) with:

    + about 250% damage

     + about 150% Crit Damage

    + 110% Fire

    -50% Damage to Corpus

    So what do you think? Could this riven bump up the mightyness of my Nikondi?

    Any other examples of okay weapons that can be MASSIVELY improved with a good riven?

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