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Posts posted by Riddle78

  1. After doing some ODD with a Nyx,and carrying for about thirty waves,I can say this: Nyx is not worthless. Chaos,Mind Control,and Absorb are peerless in what they do. Let me run things down.


    -Chaos: Bread and butter. In ODD,I often went down to a spawn zone and dropped it. This delayed a significant portion of the enemy advance,and weakened it when it did arrive. Also makes for decent cover for emergency revivals.

    -Mind Control: Rarely used,but it makes for a handy distraction,or to make sure everyone gets heals (only one mission had an Oberon). Also good for making a Disruptor not disrupt you.

    -Absorb: I used this the most. I let my team know I was using it,and they backed off. I've noticed that Nyx with an active Absorb has a higher target priority than normal. I used this to my advantage. Stacking duration,the Absorb Period is very long,allowing me to "collect" an extreme amount of damage. Popping it beside the pod let me annihilate entire waves in the blink of an eye.


    In my opinion,ODD is worst case scenario for Nyx. Disruptors will be present to take away your energy (I have 450),and the Infested have a grand total of TWO ranged units: Electro Crawlers and Lobber Crawlers,limiting the overall effectiveness of Absorb. And I still rocked house. Etsoree,the reason why you hate Nyx is because you do not know how to use her. Accept this fact and take off your blinders. We are trying to  help you.


    For Chaos to work,you need to pick your moment wisely,and make yourself scarce,or at least distance yourself enough so you're not a target. For Mind Control,you need to pick your victim wisely,because Mind Controlling a Runner is just plain stupid,while Mind Controlling a Healer or Disruptor is giving your team a much-needed meat shield and,in the case of the Healer,heals. Absorb is,in my experience,the most universally effective ultimate in the game. Huge minimum damage,and it only gets stronger the more people are focused on you.


    So what if you're MR15. So what if you're a Founder. You're still human. Therefore,you can be wrong. Therefore,you can make mistakes. Therefore,your opinions are not fact. My opinions are not fact,either. I simply reported my experiences,and the mathematical facts that I've been able to dig up.


    I can't believe I'm saying this to you,but...


    Lrn2PlayNyx. At leas we're trying to help. But we can't if you're not receptive.


    I said it before,but I'll say it again: For every task,there is a tool. Now,allow me to add to that: Use that tool properly,and know perfection.

  2. ^

    Level 60 Grineer Napalm says hi.

    The build is terrible. Currently, damage mods are the only mods which actually matter.

    In my opinion, Gorgon Wraith is unimpressive. And i'm not a big fan of status procs.

    It tears down level 60 Napalms fairly quickly. Napalms use Alloy Plate armour. Alloy Plate armour takes an additional 75% damage from Radio. I'm still dealing around 150 damage a bullet. At somewhere around 22 bullets a second,they die. Fast. I know it can be stronger,but then you're sacrificing ammo,which is important on a full-auto weapon.

  3. My Gorgon Wraith is a MONSTER.


    As a foreword,I did not mod mine for raw damage. I instead modified it on the two shining stars of the weapon: Ammunition,and rate of fire. All of the following mods are max rank.


    -Magazine Warp: More bullets at peak RoF is good.

    -Ammo Drum: More bullets in your pocket is even better.

    -Rifle Ammo Mutation: Ammo for all!

    -Wildfire: Fire damage AND mag size? What's not to love?

    -High Voltage: Electrical damage and status chance. 24% proc chance,ACTIVATE!

    -Shred: Overpenetration and rate of fire. No one is safe!

    -Speed Trigger: So. Much. Lead.


    It deals radioactive damage,and therefore is effective against bosses and high level Grineer. It rocks ALL the socks.


    EDIT: After maxing out my Shred and Speed Trigger,I can only describe the Gorgon Wraith's performance as a "Bullet Beam". It's effective against everything I threw it at,including T2 Void. Ammo's an issue,but we knew that going in,so just pack ammo restores,or something. Yes,ammo's an issue,even with the Ammo Mutator.

  4. Some powers on some of them are too close to others. Like I have said before, Chaos is just a longer-duration, "weak" ( no damage dealt by itself ) Rhino Stomp that costs less energy to use.

    Let's just address that one issue.


    Chaos will make all of the effected individuals factionless,and therefore,valid targets for their former allies,and eachother. Stacking Duration,this power can last a VERY long time. Stacking Range,this power can hit a HUGE area. Let me fetch the numbers.


    Maximized Duration: 64.3 seconds,reducing radius to 8.5 meters. Deciding to not take the Corrupted mod,your duration's still over 30 seconds. Quite a duration.

    Maximized Radius: 58.8 meters. That's huge. That can turn an entire room into a fustercluck. All without drawbacks.


    Under the effects of Chaos,the enemies will fire on eachother,unaffected enemies will fire on them,due to the raised targeting priority,and,if you maximize range,and stack duration without the Corrupted mod,it's lasting for a HUGE amount of time,in a MONSTROUS area. If enemies won't kill eachother in the ridiculous amount of time allotted,then they're weakened,and that's assuming you didn't pick off priority targets yourself. Yes,they're liable to shoot at you if you're close. That's why you run in,cast it,then bail.


    Compared to Rhino Stomp?


    Maximized Duration: Cannot be improved. Eight seconds,tops.

    Maximized Radius: 58.8 meters,while reducing damage to 320 Blast. Very few things are vulnerable to Blast.

    Maximized Damage: 1830 Blast,while increasing cost to 155 Energy. Few things are vulnerable to Blast.


    Chaos costs 75 Energy. It can last forever,more or less. It has an effective range of around 25% beyond what is listed,thanks to unaffected enemies firing on those who are.


    Rhino Stomp costs 100 Energy,or 155,if you maximize damage. Without Flow,Rhino's Energy cap is 150. It will only effect what's caught in the blast,and the ability lasts for a very short period of time. Yes,the damage potential is high,but you can get similar results with an Ogris,at a distance,with proper modding,and a HELL of a lot more shots before you need to scrounge for ammo or energy.


    Chaos is about taking the heat off of you and your team. It's about distraction. Rhino Stomp damn near locks down the enemy,should they live. Since many things aren't vulnerable,there will be survivors,more often than not,especially in high level play. And in high level play,damage not taken at all (Chaos) is preferred over damage taken slowly (Rhino Stomp). Furthermore,enemy armour in high level play will reduce the damage Rhino Stomp deals,while Chaos will never have reduced effectiveness.


    I've played both. Rhino's ONLY worthwhile abilities are Roar and Iron Skin. The charge is pathetic,and wastes valuable energy that can be used to buff up your team,or for a replacement Iron Skin,and the Stomp is too much for too little.


    Nyx's worthwhile abilities are Mind Control,Chaos,and Absorb,allowing her to control the enemy's attentions.


    Rhino's a tank,not a CC platform. Nyx is a CC platform,not a tank.


    Remember the event just past? Tethera's Doom? Yeah,a Nyx was a solid investment in the second phase,escorting the Shield Core. She pulls outrider duty,going ahead and behind to Chaos enemies,weakening them and thinning them out,meaning less enemies will reach the Core,and when they do,they'll be significantly delayed.


    What would a Rhino Stomp do? Thin the herd,surely. But it won't delay them. Nowhere NEAR as much.


    For every task,there is a proper tool.

  5. I use Nyx quite a bit. Let me give you my rundown of her potential,hmm?


    -Mind Control: Makes a single powerful enemy your slave. Prime targets: Napalms,Ancient Healers,Techs,Shield Ospreys,Corrupted Ancients.

    -Psychic Bolts: Your only conventional offensive ability. Personally,I've found it to be useless. It's an element of her weaknesses,in a game where you need to realize your strengths,and magnify them. I ignore this ability. It's never equipped.

    -Chaos: Also known as your bread and butter. Big crowd? Chaos. In a bind? Chaos. Boss with a handful of flunkies? Chaos. This has the enemies weaken eachother,and keeps much of the heat off of yourself and your allies,while your party is free to sit back and watch,then clean up,or pick off important targets while they're otherwise distracted.

    -Absorb: For when you absolutely,positively have to kill every mother{BLEEP!}er in the room,and the party doesn't have a Nova or Ember,accept no substitutes. Tell your allies to retreat,run into the middle of the fight,then pop Absorb. By default,it deals nice damage at a short range. Upgraded,it deals great damage at moderate range. Properly modded,it deals obscene damage at a respectable range. Also,it's a Stalker Killer. What more could you want?


    Mods: Nyx is a power platform,no bones about it. However,she only has ONE power that benefits from Power Strength: Psychic Bolts. Do not use such mods. Instead,focus on Power Duration and Range,with a side-order of Efficiency,if you can fit it. Flow works nicely,as well. As for defense,simply focus on shields,and ignore health. While bleed is an issue,it's ALWAYS an issue,no matter what Frame or build you're using.


    Sentinel: Djinn,easily. Fatal Attraction gets the enemy in rage,if you lack a Stretch/Overextended. Even still,Fatal Attraction can get MORE enemies in range,even if you have range mods. While Shade initially looks like a good choice,it isn't,as Ghost can easily end up turning Absorb into a waste of 100 energy. A good substitute would be Carrier.


    Weapons: Anything you're comfortable with. Seriously. Any weapon can be useful (except,in my experience,the Grakata),it all depends on how it's used and modified.


    Strategy: Hit and run. First in,first out. Get in,use the power that you need to,and fall back to a less dangerous range. However,your powers need to be used tactically. Chaos and Absorb are worthless against singular targets,or few targets,unless they are very threatening. You're not a tank,so don't stand in the open.

  6. Using Gorgon Wraith. Brought it to Neaglar. ROFLStomped Corpus. Mods: Magazine Warp,Ammo Drum,Rifle Mutator,Wildfire,High Voltage. Thinking about bringing it against similarly leveled Grineer. It crits like a boss,and effects like a champ. Gorgon Wraith is VERY nice,even without Polarities.


    Also,future mods for my Gorgon Wraith are Speed Trigger and Shred. It is the Greater Staff of Dakka.

  7. Correct me if I'm wrong,but don't lasers have a "focus" point? A point where the energy is "supposed" to go,and beyond that point,the beam loses cohesion and energy at an exponential rate? Furthermore,a simple pocket mirror can render a laser worthless,reflecting the beam away from the intended target. The Flux Rifle looks like a laser,but it's described as an overclocked Dera. Might be a plasma beam. But,if it is a laser,innate penetration would be a nice thing,but not ten meters. Maybe two or three? Aside from that,I got nothing.

  8. I've noticed that ever since their introduction,Nightmare Missions were never found outside of Venus,at least for me. After a rather heated argument with a friend about there being no Nightmare Missions on Jupiter (apparently Carpo had one),he selected it,and it was a Nightmare.


    There's an issue here. Shouldn't Nightmare Missions be a universal thing? Even if they are clientside,why the Hell is it impossible for me to find a Nightmare Mission outside of Venus?

  9. I,too,can confirm that Vor's being a cheapskate. I TRIED to farm him in Mercury for Intensify,since Appolodorus isn't working out. I can just imagine how beautiful Oberon would be with maxed Intensify and Blind Rage...

  10. This bug's been hitting me for a while,now. I go into a mission,and I still have my daily revives. My ally goes down (I almost exclusively play with one other person),and then I die. However,my screen is devoid of UI. All I have is an empty bleedout indicator,and my screen's edges are pulsing red. I have no option to revive and save the day. Happened most recently this morning while I was taking my friend to Themisto to get her some Valkyr bits.


    I seriously hate this bug.


    It seems to happen more often if I'm host.

  11. To me,he sounds like he's a barely contained ball of rage. Listen to his inflection at the end of his taunts. It gets aggressive and angry,FAST. I don't think he likes how the Tenno help was worthless in the Gardivus Dilemma,and I don't think he enjoys being hunted like a rabid dog. And I like this quality of him.

  12. Consider Ruk. In the Gardivus Dilemma,he was hiring the Tenno to help him deal with the Corpus. As such,he needed to facilitate communication. So,he learned English...Albeit he still needs lessons. Now,fast forward to now,when he's your enemy once more. He still takes the time to talk to you in English,despite his difficulties doing so. Now,what does that say about a man?


    And for Alad,that's simple. He's human. Not a robot. Anyo is ambiguous,and every other Corpus boss is a robot. Why would he talk like a MOA?

  13. Ruk's native tongue isn't English. It's Grineer. He speaks like that because he's struggling with the language,not the weight of his armour. It speaks volumes of someone when they want you dead,but they make it a point to communicate with you in a language you can understand,despite their difficulties doing so.

  14. Try and solo him without a rhino and under 500 shields.

    Done and done. Easy as sin. Take out Alad's shields,wreck Zanuka,take your sweet time finishing off Alad. Of course,having Despairs dealing out Magnetic Damage with a fiery aftertaste might have something to do with it,plus the Barrel Diffusion.


    However,more to the point: While there are many ways to spice up the fight,don't make it more challenging. This is a game. A device of mass enjoyment. Want a challenge,go solo a T3 Void Defense.

  15. I saw a friend do this with a Thrak Helmet Rhino,built exclusively for tanking. And he says he can probably do it with the Hobbled Dragon Key. And he did it on his first kick at the cat. Impossible? Broken? Nay. Plus,you get retries. If you want to train yourself,loot. Look for hidden and hard-to-reach loot rooms in the Void and Derelicts. Hit the Dojo Obstacle Course. Get fancy in normal missions. I mean,what's the point in being a flippin' ninja if you're not gonna run on some walls?


    I'll say it again: If the single slowest possible Warframe in the game can do it,you can do it with anything else. To shoot the targets,bring a shotgun,or an automatic. Or do what I do in ANY game that has me hitting moving targets: Lead the target. Line up the crosshair so it'll pass over the target. And if that doesn't work,then there's the other solution: Snap shooting. It's easy. Once you get the hang of it. Adapt or die is the tune sung by every video game in the world.


    Or maybe that's just Dark Souls talking.

  16. Felandi,I approve. On a code level,it would simply be an If/Else gate with the conditionals that the item be researched,and,if so,it draws the model of the item at a specific set of coordinates within the lab. Else,do nothing. Hell,I'd like a firing range so I could test out these weapons in a controlled environment before dropping an insane amount of resources into their construction later.


    More on topic,however,the redesign of the labs. I'm pretty certain that DE is going to do that,eventually. It only makes sense,in order to maintain thematic consistency. My Dojo (I co-run the Clan) uses both styles. We had our R&D Division done for a while before the new update,and we only had to demolish a couple of rooms to keep things looking uniform while integrating the new styled tiles. We even managed to get all of the old Halls in place before that particular update. Now we have a Grand Hall of Halls. It's hilarious,and forms the backbone of our Recreational Division.


    The styles can work together,but,I agree,the new style needs to hit all of the existing tiles before we get new ones. But,just so you all know,I refuse to tear down my Grand Hall of Halls. It's a nice feature that I hope is unique among clan Dojos.


    Another nice feature would be the ability to select which style you'd like the new room to be in. I realize it'd be a lot of work for the devs,but it'd be nice,nonetheless.

  17. You know,technically,the current Assassination missions are true assassination missions. Your objective is,singularly,the removal of one or more extremely influential VIP. That is assassination,at the very core. The targeted elimination of one or a small number of individuals in a single op. However,I do agree,they could use a bit of a revamped implementation. That is,unless,they're actually expecting a Tenno hit team to take them out,then the current implementation works perfectly.


    And,as an aside,stealth works great,in my experience. The new Hush and Suppress mods greatly assist in that regard,and a Shade is also invaluable. Ash and Loki get in on it,too with their activated invisibility abilities. And,finally,simply being intelligent in your use of terrain can help avoid being seen.


    I made it to Anyo a couple of times without being detected,without invisibility. People just need to give Shade a try every now and then,instead of jumping straight for the Dethcube.


    Why yes,my default approach to ALL missions is stealth. Because it's FUN. It's exhilarating. Yes,it's rough around the edges,but if you're smart,patient,and creative,it's fully workable.


    In my opinion,the only thing that needs to be improved for stealth is the sneak attacks. Maybe a ridonkulotarted multiplier attached to the sum of your attack and charge attack damage,and mods that increase that further.


    EDIT: It's also fun to "Worst Ninja Ever" a mission. That is get into a loud and proud firefight in each and every room,without raising the shipwide alarm. It's fun,frantic,and deceptively difficult.

  18. That's not the issue. I can masterfully wallrun. It's the core of the game. However,it's that I cannot,under ANY circumstances,run up that PARTICULAR wall. I take a running start,nothing. Standing start? Squat. Try from an angle? Can't even wallrun horizontally. Nothing works. This has NOTHING to do with player skill. It's that somehow,the game thinks that wall isn't allowed to be ran on. Please,get your duckies in a row before making statements such as "lrn2play".

  19. Whee,it seems I'm not allowed to embed my screenshots directly from my Steam Screenshot Gallery. I'll just fire you off a link to my gallery. It's easier that way. All of the screenshots are annotated,so it shouldn't be too difficult to work out what each image is supposed to convey.




    The two screenshots with the Loki I intended to use as a bug report,but,since it didn't impact gameplay,I decided not to.

  20. TL;DR: There isn't one! Read or die!


    I pride myself on my exploration in Warframe. Every tile I find myself in,I scour it. I turn it inside-out and squeeze it of all the goodies it can offer. This even extends to the Void and new Derelicts. I like to consider myself an expert on navigation in Warframe,as well as secret hunting. Maybe it's Half-Life,Dungeon Keeper,and Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II rubbing off on me. But I digress.


    So,I decided to pop my Extermination Key. Not my favourite Key mission,since they seem to lack assault courses (Anyone complete the wind tunnel one yet? That one is a challenge!),but,hey,I wanna get a bunch of Assassinate Keys so I can have a ball with the new Golem. Even though Nyx is objectively TERRIBAD against most bosses.


    So,I get to one of my favourite loot rooms from the Void. It's a circular antechamber with a balcony on the far wall,with a room behind that,with little inlets to either side,populated with lockers,and vents high up on the walls for access to the loot room for savvy wallrunners. This room also has a few pressure plates that trip laser plates in the inlets to make wall climbing a pain,and pressure plates in the main loot room that activate the laser plates in the main room to make getting out slightly less friendly.


    The Derelict version changes this quite a bit. The omnipresent vines of biomass conquer the room,completely blocking off the left inlet at ground level while making a "Second floor" deck above it,and the vines make the right inlet accessible only via crawling/sliding in with style. Step on a plate,and trip the inlet laser plates,which,just like everything else in the Derelicts,malfunctions and run erratically on the rails. Wallrun up the wall,land on a vine on the "Second floor",then proceed across the antechamber,and step onto the balcony,and behold your prize,behind a wall of vines. Lockers galore! For me,they were all locked that I could see,but I just wanted to get in to make sure.


    So,you make your way across the antechamber to the "Second floor" made entirely of vines. This is where my problem begins.


    You seem to be 100% UNABLE to wallrun up the walls here. The game simply won't let you.


    There's the corner on the entrance side that you seem to be able to wallrun up,but it's impossible to get a proper angle on the entry vent from there. And the entry vent on the other end of the room is plugged with vines.


    I feel CHEATED. I KNOW I can get there. I got to tougher places with more insane feats of wallrunning. More on that later.


    Why can't I wallrun up these walls? Are we not allowed to go up there? If so,then why let us up there to begin with,or plug that vent,too? If we are supposed to get up there,then what is keeping me from climbing up? Algae? Mold? Someone making a mistake with the navigation maps of the room?


    There's a much more difficult to access loot room in the Void and Derelicts. Anyone here know that large generator tile? The one with a side-room with three doors and a pair of vertical tubes,which opens up into a massive vaulted room with three horizontal tubes? Elevator at one end,with a rotating door to the other? Anyone ever notice the ajar grate near the top of the room? I routinely visit that room. My friend with a Rhino got there before me and told me how to do it. And no,he didn't charge. And he had the Thrak equipped,and has NOTHING BUT TANK MODS. He's unkillable.


    Such a disparity,wouldn't you say? I have taken twelve screenshots of the scenarios outlined above,and I want to post them here. I don't know how,so if anyone can tell me how to post those,I can give my screenshots and be more helpful.

  21. Personally,I built my Scindo to be all about charge damage.


    I bet you got it from a login reward. I did,too.


    So,you'll be needing a Reflex Coil and Killing Blow. Upgrade them quickly,especially Reflex Coil. Run in charging,walk out bathed in gore. Aside from that,don't waste time with things like crits and stagger. You'll be relying on the raw damage output of the charge. And on that note,don't bother with Fury and Pressure Point,as they're for normal attacks,not charge attacks. Since the Scindo is so slow to begin with,it won't be able to enjoy the full benefits of Fury and Pressure Point.


    Only toss on armour piercing if you're going up against Grineer,and aside from that,a Smite mod for every faction,switched out on a case-by-case basis,would be good. After that,go for Fire and Shock damage. Ice won't serve you well,as you won't be expecting anything to survive the swing,outside of bosses,and for such scenarios,the ice mod would be better put onto a gun.


    Reach is another thing to keep in mind. It increases your swing range,and therefore allows you to hit more people. When you do a drop strike,it increases the AoE,knocking over more people. Great for getting out of a tight spot,and retreating so you can try a different tack.


    So,mod priorities are...


    1) Reflex Coil. This allows you to put out charge attacks quickly.

    2) Killing Blow. This is what gives your charge attacks their teeth.

    3) Smite. Although rare (I only got mine from Void mission),they offer a percentage boost to ALL damage the weapon deals to enemies of that faction.

    4) Reach. Remember it. Jokes aside,it gives you a longer swing arc,allowing you to bifurcate more people and make more ceiling jelly.

    5) Elementals (except ice). More damage. Sure,the Corpus will take half fire damage,sure electrical doesn't hurt the Infested much. But,overall,you WILL deal more damage.

    6) Sundering Strike. Really,only stick this on if you REALLY don't like the Grineer.

    7) Pressure Point. Bottom priority. Since,to my understanding,charge attacks are a percentage increase of base damage,throwing this on would,in theory,increase your charge damage,as well. Feel free to prove me wrong,though.

  22. There's nothing wrong with its rate being too high. Honestly, I'd buff the rate to 25 and the damage to 12.5. Then up crit chance to 15% and crit damage to 225%. The resulting weapon has super high burst DPS decent sustained DPS and thus compensated for its low ammo economy by being strong in other regards.

    I never really thought about it in the sense of just going nuts with the gambler's aspect of the weapon. This way,it incentiveizes the proper selection of a sidearm and melee weapon,as ammo sustainability will be an issue,even with the new Ammo Mutator mods. You,sir,have my respect. You actually think.

  23. We all like a good challenge,right? We all like the prospect of some awesome loot,correct? That's why we have boss-specific loot drops,and the Orokin Void Towers. But something irks me. If these Towers possess such powerful and useful technologies,why do the Grineer/Corpus only send legions of mooks? The Infested seem to have the right idea,sending their Ancients. But why don't we see VIP's in these Towers? Certainly,Vor and Anyo would LOVE to get their mitts on whatever's in there,being the greedy bastards they are.


    Be it ultra versions of existing bosses,or entirely new ones,I think adding Void Tower Assassination missions would add some interesting possibilities to the game. Thoughts?

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