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Posts posted by Ash_L

  1. 23 minutes ago, (XB1)GryffsDeadCorps said:

    No, an MR 3 could not have those. None of the Meta weapons are obtainable at MR3 and while you could buy the frames and weapons for Cash to avoid the MR Cap on said weapons, you would have to have completed the Second Dream and the War Within to unlock your Tenno. You would not have the mods to build a Meta frame or weapon, nor would you have the Endo or credits unless you specifically set out to NOT Rank up MR. As for having a guilded Amp, no you couldn't or wouldn't have them because it requires too many resources that you wouldn't have. So no, an MR 0 or MR 3 are not going to have any of the things required to do an Eidolon Capture. I think you are grasping at straws here my friend. While I could restart the game and never bother to rank up my MR, that's not realistic, nor is having an MR 0 with a level 0 Excalibur being able to select an Eidolon Bounty. 

    Technically, players can bypass MR restriction by purchasing Prime Access.  It is totally possible and no surprise for someone who is MR 0 and holding a "meta weapon".

    As for Endo/ credits, they are not issue.  Mods can be traded will fully ranked, and credits can be easily farmed.  And if you pay attention, you can even buy them with plats, and many DE "beginner" packages also include some credits in the bundle.

    For resources, no, there is no restriction too.  First of all, alert mission gives many resources from different planets that new players can't even reach, there is no hard MR lock resources, they can access them anytime with help from veteran players, or even purchase from the market with plat.


    I just helped my friend with her trinity prime, which she got full set gift from me + nikana prime, then I helped her farmed all the cyroptics and orokin cells to build it.  I also gave her all the mods she needed, so she has a complete end game set trinity at MR3, with Dex sybrias forma-ed a few times, anything in the star chart that is presented to her currently is already overkill.

    However, AMP is still the problem in Eidolon.

  2. 2 minutes ago, rune_me said:

    What does low MR have to do with that, though? MR is just an indication of how many weapons and frames you've ranked up, nothing more.

    All you need to be effective at eidolon captures are one rank 30 "meta" frame, one rank 30 and formaed weapon good for dealing damage, and a fully ranked and gilded amp that is not the mote. Everything else may make you more efficient, but is certainly not required. An MR 3 could easily have all those things. Granted, they probably don't, but they could have if they wanted to and just haven't spend any time ranking anything else up.

    No, they can't.  Operator quests are locked to MR5 and beyond, they can't buy an amp and hop in.


  3. 2 minutes ago, (XB1)GryffsDeadCorps said:

    Low MR players can't do anything in an Eidolon Capture! They can't take down his shields, they can't do anything to protect themselves from his attacks and their weapons are so weak that they can do no appreciable damage to these enemies. If they could sit there for the whole night cycle plunking away at one limb (and not constantly get killed by the Eidolons or the Grineer) until all of their ammo is gone, I doubt they'd even take down one limb, assuming they even know or figure out they need to shoot the synovias. Without a Tenno around to take down the Eidolon Shields, they can do literally nothing.

    As to your other point. This was a Selected EIDOLON TRIPLE CAPTURE bounty and not just randomly spawning in to free roam the plains, so yes, I can blame DE for not locking those bounties, or for that matter, the entire night cycle from new players. 

    Probably he did not understand the meaning when I say damage the Eidolon in any legit way... 

    Other than arcanes, there is no REAL benefits for a new player to hunt Eidolon. They can't throw hard earned sentient cores into Onko's pocket, nor they can burn Eidolon shards for any focus point...  


  4. 2 minutes ago, rune_me said:

    To be fair, I have been in excavations that got to the point where I could no longer keep up with the enemy, but the other players obviously could. I was doing no damage and getting one-shotted and had no choice but to run to extraction. On the other hand, I didn't want to ruin the other players game, so instead of moaning about leaving, I just waited at extraction and prayed the enemies didn't came my way.

    And yeah, if you're just standing there waiting, you might as well dance.

    Honestly, they should just allow individual extraction from all endless missions. Whether I genuinely wanted to leave or I was leeching, that would solve the issue.

    To be honest, I don't really care if this person is afk on the extraction, because it makes no difference to me if there are 3 ppl playing or 4 ppl playing, specially after wave 12 when public game can no longer keep 2 excavators alive easily at same time, so everyone is defending one... 

    But you just gave me an idea on solving ppl afk on the extraction... reliablely spawn mobs next to them to keep them busy XD, the point is not about dancing, its that person is afk ...


  5. At least they leave, better than having someone AFK in endless an taunting you to extract...


    I have seen so many people just do that in the excavation where normally people extract at excavators 16.

    One worst offender was someone join in, shoot a few mobs, then go to extraction and AFK for the rest of 15 excavators... while he is afk, he is doing dancing emo to taunt 3 of us who is actually playing... As far as I know... waiting at extraction does not have any AFK penalty... therefore this guy probably just leech free cryoptics and 15 rotation rewards... come on, if this game is a labor to you... just quit and do something else...




  6. 6 minutes ago, Devils_Toybox said:

    I just have to laugh because the simple fact you feel that a low MR person cant do much in this game you are wrong MR means nothing in this game.  Every weapon and frame can become OP with forma and the right mods. MR means absolutely nothing same goes for an operator but more frames and weapons other then that not a damn thing.

    Not in Eidolon hunting, because  < MR5 players can not do any damage to Eidolons in any legit way. 

  7. I support the idea of lock these missions from players who has not yet done TWW.  


    Purely from the perspective of new players:

    Pretending you are a new player who just got into Cetus, you wonder off and met this guy named Konzu,

    He showed you all the bounties with rewards. 

    Some quests have level says level 50~60...  You hesitated, and think how are you able to complete that mission.

    Suddenly you spotted a bounty says Teralyst hunt, lv 40, sounds like a bad ass boss hunt mission.

    You look at your frame level (probably 30 at that time) and thinks, huh... only 10 levels higher... I can do that... 

    So you got in, and you are the host, soon after, a few MR 10~ 20 joining in.

    Without saying a word, they all left.  Leaving you wondering in the wilderness: what is going on? Am I too noob to be even in the same party with them?

    Nonetheless, you took your Maxed level Hek, and thinking this is the weapon appraised by everyone, must be good to take the boss down.

    After a few rounds of 0s, you start questioning and puzzle: why am I not even doing any damage?  is that the reason why everyone left me?  



    I am not even touching the spoilers where everyone got a small dude running around.  You can already see this experience isn't for new players.


  8. My question is... What do you mean by "worth it"...?

    Paying $50 for data which "apparently" with no additional cost to DE... 

    Does it sound like worth it?

    The thing here is, we are buying them to support the developer, the reward (aka data) is just a token of DE showing thanks.  Nothing special, and these accessories do not really add any game experience on top of what you already have.

    The real value of the premium accessory package is to financing DE, and allowing DE continuing operate this game in its current shape.


    But, small request... can I get resource boost next time XD? already have half a year affinity/credit boost XD... 



  9. Alchemy system :<

    Since we already have a lot materials... why not create something to sink resources...

    Players can freely mix and hopefully not to create explosives with all the resources they have in the ship.  

    For example like argon crystal may gives property of void damage boost, grind them into paste can create potions to boost AMP damage... (no, I HAVE NO MEAN for operator to drink it... )

    or if you mix them up with oxidum and put into a grenade shell, then you create a void conduit bomb that creates a cloud of void mist upon explosion, could temporary disable sentients inside.  

    Obvious the effect of the products should be unique or at least worth of making them, hopefully not something like x% of fire damage upon impact... things like that is totally unattractive.



  10. As a player came from other MMOs... Riven system in this game is already risk free.   You do not have any risk for breaking your weapon for any upgrade attempts.  Unlike 90% of the MMO out there where they punish you for attempting to upgrade your weapon, whether you lose your weapon completely, or you get a bad stat with no way to regret (which usually safe feature requires real world cash).

    On top of that, I found popular tier weapons just doing fine without riven.  Current popular Tiberon prime can do 10k per shot in sortie 3/ Kuva flood without riven or any warframe buff.  Well, with a a god riven yeah you can do 30k~50k per shot... Only real difference is the number it pops out, consider how fast you can kill a mob, usually it is the aiming takes most of the time, not the process actually shooting it.

    Yes you can argue that some less popular weapon needs riven to make it compete with popular tier weapon... but I see no difficulty to obtain these popular weapons in anyway... which means you can get popular weapons first, then work your way towards your favorite weapon.

    People who complains about riven most likely never realize riven is an addition, not essential.  This is like the solution DE came up to solve the issue with weapon balancing... but in my opinion, they failed to realize these rivens made popular weapons even more popular, only brings less popular weapons power level to somewhat barely pass the base line of a popular weapon that is not equipped with a riven. 

  11. 27 minutes ago, HomiePenguin said:

    I wouldn't do any Tridolons until you're sure the server is fine. Always be sure to ask on region chat if you lag before you do something that takes a long time.

    Actually the server was OK before all the sudden...  I played a few rounds of Hydron before Tri-doloyn...

    Looks like I got both arcanes and shards after log back in.

  12. This is great...

    I just finished Tri-doloyn ...  got boot out by the server...

    At this moment, I don't even care about arcane anymore... Can I just have these shards so I can unlock another focus tree -perk- today?   D:



  13. 1 minute ago, NeithanDiniem said:

    This would also be a nightmare for console. They don't have any more keys to bind.

    Since this is purely cosmetic, you can always bind it to an option key or something that requires a bit key combination (like in the gear loadout menu).

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