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Posts posted by Ash_L

  1. My only issue with him is the flame that is glowing between his legs... it felts like... emphasizing something...  

    It would be perfect for me if that flame is moved to his right shoulder or simply move up to the centre of his chest.


    On the game play style wise... meh, nothing is too complicated, there is always a good and easy frame, and opposite to that would be a complicated frame, so I am perfectly fine with what it is for now.

  2. 2 minutes ago, (XB1)Graysmog said:

    At best, they'd build a Sentient Base on the outside of the Sun, encircling it. I'm sure they could adapt to the heat at least enough to have a Base that, while it needs constant upkeep, could stay by the Sun for an indefinite amount of time to allow them to harness solar energy, as the ultimate energy source, the Void, is unavailable to them. Yet that's assuming that their adaptability to damage applies to temperature just as much.

    Unless the Sentients have cloaking technology though, they'd have been found out by now.

    Yet, I'm not sure why the Sentients would even try to harness the Sun's energy. They seem just fine without it, and nobody else as far as we know has even tried to get anything from it, so *shrugs*.


    Harvest solar energy to create an ultimate solar ray weapon to evaporate everything on the surface of a planet in seconds D:<

    And it's too close to a sun therefore Tennos/Orokin tech can't get close without getting melted.  


    Now the war has finally come to an end.



  3. 1 minute ago, NeithanDiniem said:

    What makes you think they can survive that amount of heat? Nothing has been said that they can do that level of adaptation.

    And nothing said they could not, plus there is no real information on what they have encountered while constructing stuffs in the space, all said: just adaptation ability except void. (which in a degree they did overcome).

  4. 2 hours ago, (PS4)watt4hem said:

    Jupiter gas city?

    But yeah, we have 9 planets and countless asteroids, why would anyone go to the sun? Also, hek said "AND WHEN THE LAST OF YOU ARE DEAD, I WILL, PERSONALLY, THROW YOUR BELOVED LOTUS INTO THE SUN!!!" So um, i don't think it's an inhabited place since he wanna throw lotus away.


    I am pretty sure Lotus will be fine in the sun.  Heat/radiation shouldn't be a problem to her...  I think Vay Potato face doesn't know she is a sentient.


  5. I don't feel it's hard to hit these targets...

    In fact this dome made Corinth's air burst shot much more enjoyable and reliable...  

    In endless kuva, I just setup a dome at entrance ...air burst shot into the centre of the dome ... pretty easy and relax farming, with a nekros we stayed 30 mins with 80% life supports left while nobody really moved too much other than moving to the next life support.

  6. 39 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

    I honestly thought it was going to be a bit more wacky. Things like headset bonuses, melee only, etc

    Actually I think this is a great idea to solve hack & slash nuke problem.

    If target is killed with headshot, then triple the amount of efficiency gain?   


    People can nuke whatever they want at first 45 seconds, then probably looking for a way to increase efficiency for the rest of the time until portal open specially when spawn is the problem.


  7. 6 minutes ago, GhostLacuna said:

    And my kavat has no problem stripping their armor as well as provide the buffs i want. 

    To be frank i dont know what you have done because the values you show in your screen is not the values ingame.


    Your picture seems to only show the base values for a kavat while mine show what it really does modded. 

    Take screenshots from Simulation room will show based value without linked mod bonus.

    But doesn't change anything.

  8. 2 hours ago, GhostLacuna said:

    7 forma you say but you dont know that kavats have mods to remove 100% armor from their target aswell as multi hit several close enemies in one attack.

    I doubt you missed that fact so i will treat your post as trolling OP.

     I am not sure if you are trolling or ... You can clearly see a ranked Sharpened Claws in the inventory...


    I did not show that mod in the test build because I don't want it to mess up the damage comparison for "regular strike". 

    And I don't use that mod for the following reasons:

    Sharpened Claws does close to nothing in reality.  It only stripes one person, and cool down between each stripe is long enough you can totally ignore it. 

    It does not stripe multiple target with Swipe.  I don't need this "single" person damage boost to take up the cat mod space as I can  1 ~ 2 hitting them regardless with my warframe, therefore I do not need my cat to take on MVP (And she will die in most cases if she takes on heavies). 

    I'd rather use swipe for multi-hit which cleans low-level mobs faster.

    Also, even with that mod, Helminth charger still does far more damage than Kavat, and to add salts to it, Helminth charger's charging ability is aoe, can send multiple target to the space.



  9. Zaws are cheap, the real expesnive part is those Exodia arcanes, and they are the reason why you should get a Zaw.

    I recommend you read Exodia arcane effects first, then build your zaw central around a specific Exodia arcane.

    Also because they are expensive to build, even with all 4 boosters on, generally take me a little more than a week to build a complete arcane (I am MR21 with 22000 standing limits.) Therefore research enough on the arcane before you built it.

    And don't get discouraged by low level arcane, I don't even bother to put arcane on unless it's R3, simply because it works completely differently in many situation for an unranked zaw arcane vs completed arcane.

    Zaws on the other hand... is more like try it n if u dun like it, then delete it and build new one again.  With exception on limited event zaw parts.





  10. Just now, AlphaPHENIX said:

    What about leaving the link mods and adding new ones that work like the usual ones?

    I personally find linked stats to be a nice gimmic that gives more of a connection to your pet. Sure, it ain't always grate (prime), but useful  with the right setup.

    Also this^^? I have an Inaros main buddy and their kavat is definitely immortal when they bring it along with Inaros. You don't have to go melee only, just pay some more attention to your companion's health and punch somebody once in a while. Note: Finishers are basically instant 100% heals, with or without Covert Lethality.

    Because I solo Kuva flood a lot... I do notice their hp drop fast even with Inaros, specially when tension is high and I do not clear the field with +200% range melee...  But Inaros definitely boost kavat survivability significantly.

    But my point here is I do want every single frame's kavat can survive missions like that, than just exclusive to Inaros.


  11. 5 hours ago, Nesodos said:

    Dunno if you have a booster to get more of the gems, got blessed by RNG for lifetime or sell them to idiots for 30 plat a piece

    the frame is 325 plat, most people wont even pay 10 plat for one sentrium and coupled with the ridiculous dropchances it can take nearly 10h+ to get enough to buy khora by grinding gems (without the other rewards from SO ofc)

    Booster will get you better chance of getting gems.

    Drop rate booster makes ores difficult to find. (no joking, 70% of the ore spot is a gem with drop booster).

    Double drop booster makes every Sentrium ore you find is a double drop no matter how bad your tracking is (I do not know how many they would drop without booster because I never bother to do that unless I have boosters).

    Combine these 2 boosters, I generally get 30 Sentriums/Nyth per hour, and trust me, it is an extreme boring process.


  12. This is not a competitive game therefore a gaming monitor will not "boost" your gaming experience with this game.  I actually think they made it worst with gaming monitor in various ways.

    The visual effects in this game does not take competitive design in mind, with all the auras glowing particles flying across the screen, you will hardly notice if this is a game running on >120Hz or 60Hz because you just can't track an object clearly in an intense combat.

    Also I would like to remind you... most of the gaming monitors at your given price range is TN panel, which is significantly less color saturation than IPS panel.  If you are looking into HDR images ... this is more like a washed out picture with flat colors, than beautiful saturated HDR image an IPS or even OLED could bring to you.

    Only thing this game could really take advantage from a gaming monitor is probably G-Sync or free-sync...

    120Hz IPS panel is there, but too expensive to the point I do not recommend them, and they generally are less impressive than a regular 60Hz IPS panel outside of gaming.  That's my experience with ROG Zephyrus, comparing it to a Macbook screen.  




  13. Since recent Khora update, this brings the combat companion onto the table.  I believe this is a good time to write this lengthy post to express some of my thought on the current companion system by addressing issues on kavats/kubrows.  On other hands, sentinels are more towards utility type of companions to me therefore I do not discuss them in here.(irony enough, Since sentinels have separate weapon mods, therefore they general do much better damage than kavat/kubrows in combat).

    Here are some thoughts from me, a temporary solution to the current companion system before Pet 2.0 (AI rework):

    Note, everything I said here is based on the current AI we have with companions, not a permanent solution, but something I thought it will solve some of our current problems without going through reprogramming everything.

    The idea of scaling companion with warframe stats does not work.  I'd say separate companion with warframe completely.

    For example if I have Inoras, my companion scales with my hp which end up with 8k+ HP (to those of you who think this is a lot to the point it becomes immortal, reality is, no and sort of, if I do not use pack leader to constantly heal my pet with my melee, then 8k hp will be gone in 5 seconds in Kuva Flood.  And that forcing me to use melee just to keep my pets alive is not fun.) 

    On the other hand if I use my squishy frame for example Ivara, then my cat only has 595 HP ... that is just literary just 1 hit hp, and there is no quick thinking or any other mod/skills to save this little fellow... so that makes using companion with squish frames is completely out of the question.  Constantly reviving your cat/dog is not the way companion should work.

    My opinion on this is to change follow mods:

    linked armor should gives +30 armor at R0, and + 300 armor at maxed (which is roughly +50% damage reduction)

    linked health should gives +500 HP per rank, which +5000 HP at maxed. 

    linked Shields should give +800 Shield per rank, which + 8000 Shield at maxed (because Shield does not take damage reduction, therefore it should have much more value than HP to make it more viable).

    First by looking at it, you might think this is some crazy number makes them op, but they ain't even close to op.

    All three mods are R10 mod, that mean there is no way for a completely beginner that could just slap some of these mods on and let their cats/dogs carry them through the star chart.  Also some of these mods are not trivial to get.

    Bite and Maul works fine as it is, but the base stat of cats/dogs should be much higher for them to scale better in the end game.  If your warframe can kill with maxed out mods and formas, why making companion doing abysmal damage to the mobs?

    With current pet AI we have, even if this pet is completely invincible, can 1 hit ko anything on the map, he/she will not be able to carry you through the mission because of how often they just went into wander state and not doing anything, plus even he/she is focused on attacking, by doing 1 attack per second, it is far slower than what your warframe can do with same level of upgrades.  On top of that, these companions generally need 6~7 formas just to put every mod on, the amount of work it requires with so little they can do even at completed build, this seems oddly unrewarding to me.

    In conclusion, I believe if we can not solve the problem with AI, then we should just simply buff their stats to make them more of a viable companion option than current abysmal state that requires res every 10 seconds.

    TL;DR: if we can not solve the problem with pet AI, then we should just simply buff their stats to make them beefier and does more damage.

  14. 2 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

    Not really, DE don't implement things based on popularity. If they see an idea and they agree with it, then they'll be receptive. It's got little to do with how popular the idea is, see Uni Vac.

    Not in GD they won't, it will almost certainly be ignored here regardless of how much attention it gets.

    I guess I will take your suggestion and move it to the feed-back session then.

  15. Just now, DeMonkey said:

    So discussion (which you can still get in feedback) is more important to you than a chance at getting any of this implemented? 

    That seems a bit odd tbh, if you don't actually want any of this changed why even bother posting it?

    Because if this is just my single person opinion, it will likely get passed by DE and never get a chance to be implemented.

    But if this is an idea gets discussed and received a lot of community attention, DE will definitely looking into this than just ignoring it.


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