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Posts posted by Buddlschlumpf

  1. I say it's broken, there is no difference in recovery time, no matter what hits you. You notice this the most if you get hit by ancients. Without knockdown recovery, their second hit is just in time to hit you before you recovered. Thus, with 40% recovery you should be back up in time to get out of range or defend yourself.

    There is no difference, they still hit you before you are back up.

  2. The DPS is the most important stat of a weapon and the first thing to START an analysis with. It's not the whole story. But a huge fall-off in dps needs to be compensated by other properties. High burst dmg, high accuracy, armor ignore, AoE etc.

  3. As another guy got lost in our dojo, someone in my clan had the perfect idea for a dojo addon: The minotaur. Every dojo should have one. For real.

  4. Sentinel weapons...



    Anyway, what we need is presets. They said in the last livestream that a remove all button is coming very soon.

    Blocking weapons used in sentinels weapons for normal weapons shouldn't be more complicated than blocking them generally.

    As it is right now, it plainly sucks. I have over 40 weapons but I use only a small portion of them because switching weapons is so tidious. I'd prefer to switch my equipment on a mission to missioin basis but right now switching equipment would take up more time than the mission itself.

  5. 1: A remove all button is the wrong solution. In the first place, there is no reason at all to block mods from further usage because they are used in a weapon. It's not like i can carry 2 primaries around or wear 2 warframes at a time.

    This useless and extremely annoying property of mods which is a relict from pre-U7 times has to be removed.

  6. Its pretty simple: If you hit the foot, you do 1000+ damage. Hitting the foot is incredibly easy with the ogris (shooting somewhere on the ground 3m away is enough).

    If you don't hit the foot, you get extremely low damage. That's it. No glitch.

  7. The way armor scales, and the way weapons are imbalanced, even using the most imbalanced weapons, what you have described is inevitable.  Games like ME3 dealt with this with Shield and health gating that prevented a single shot from going through shields and into health as an example.


    In addition, anyone who has used any of the imbalanced weapons and gone into the higher wave defense levels knows, that since armor scaling is a moot point, that HP scaling becomes the real issue.  *looks at despair and the old snipetron* Weapons like the Paris and Kunai hardly come close to comparing to these weapons in some regards.  This is where specific warframes with certain abilities that allow for avoidance of these mechanics, or the redirection of them etc, are key in success. 


    Even with the most broken of weapons, when the above is apparent against higher level opponents, it becomes obvious where problems are.  In addition it also becomes obvious that the intent was perhaps that people not necessarily be able to fight enemies of that level, and that by design, we would not see these enemies in missions anyways, except where in the case of endless defense they give players to option to go to such high lvls.

    And this makes better damage output scaling the solution for it. As the HP scaling becomes plainly stupid at too higher levels, why should you ever need to fight an enemy lvl100? As it is right now, fighting an enemy lvl100, 110 or 150 makes close to no difference. Make the damage output increase a LOT steeper and you also get around the "enemies are just bullet sponges" problem as well.

  8. Actually given the numerical statements enot, I really think that enemy damage scaling is the problem. The armor values are fine until you hit lvl70-100. A difficulty range with 70-100 levels should be more than sufficient to cover any difficulty level required in the game. Thus, lvl100 enemies should deal enough damage to make it close to impossible to win against them given the best available equipment.

    Actually, given the usual power creep, atm lvl70-80 enemies should crush you so that there is room for more.

  9. To the simplicity argument: I don't think that the current damage system is that complicated. Once you know how it works, it's pretty straight forward. But it's just not written down anymore. Warframe desperately needs a better UI (and afaik DE knows that). Each weapon needs to state its current damage values. Base damage (and type of base damage) and the damage of each element determined by the current mod set. If you see the changes in your weapon's damage when switching around mods, it'll be easy to understand.

  10. This discussion actually made me realize the in my eyes more important issue: It's not just that any weapon which has neither armor pierce/ignore nor is enables to reliable aim for the weak spots gets useless at higher levels, it's the way scaling for enemies work.

    EHP are increased by a straight increase in HP as well as an increase in armor. Damage output is only increased by damage output. As it is right now, EHP grow A LOT faster than the damage output does. This means that all enemies in the end get bullet sponges whilst their damage output falls off by large compared to their HP.

    Thus, everyone is only worrying about "How do I kill this bullet sponge faster?" as their damage output is close to irrelevant. The only thing preventing us from playing against infinitely high leveled mobs is the lack of dps and ammunition to kill them (and the time it requires to go that high).

    As I see it, a lvl100 enemy should be able to entirely crush you just by looking at you. Fighting against higher level mobs would be WAY more interesting as it isn't all about "increase dps to kill faster" anymore but about actual survival.

    The level it which the enemy dps become a considerable threat to a high-modded warframe is reached EXTREMELY late. The "there is not enough ammo in this game to kill the "§$" Point is reached basically hundreds of levels earlier.

    Why should it take 5hours of playing an endless defense to get some decent difficulty going on? The difficulty should scale in a way that mobs get insanely strong very quick. As it is right now, besides "time taken to kill" there is not much difference between lvl50 and lvl150 mobs.

  11. You forget that some of those mods actually goes well in a sentinel. And some people arent looking for best dps only.

    The amount of people in this community that are incapable of using their imagination is...unbelievable..

    all those mods are different ways of increasing dps ;). There is nothing else to look for in a weapon. You can talk around it for hours like "alternate playstyles" and all that crap. It comes down to damage in the end, always. No exceptions.
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