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Posts posted by bugalien

  1. i want them to fix recurring problems before any more open worlds, but i hope and speculate that the 3rd open world would be infested related, we have the corpus and grineer already, so why not delve further into the infestation? I feel they really have alot about them and unfortunately always feel like the awkward 3rd faction, i dont want them to be like that, they have alot of potential.

  2. i dont do operators lol but my frames have a bit of personality to them, and a few headcanons, ill just tell my mains for now

    wukong: test monkey that had been fused into the warframe, a bit annoying to some, likes to tell jokes, enjoys fruit,

    nidus: inhibits a suit of armor most of the time because they feel they are unliked and disgusting being the embodiment of infested flesh, buff, comes off as very serious

    hydroid: just a chill water dude, a bit shy but very reliable and loves their friends, likes animals

    nyx: golbin warlock thing, not to be tussled with, a bit uneasy, dosent talk much

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  3. Ive been farming gallium the past few months, I usually like to run uranus levels.  Anyways for about a month now every single time I go to sycorax, the enemies just stop spawning and the game tells you to go to extract even though you cannot because you haven't even exterminated enough enemies.  Ive had this happen dozens of times now, sometimes if you backtrack through the tileset they will randomly spawn a few more, but still not enough to complete the level.  I have had this happen with other players as well, this is not just my issue.  I just had a newbie player who told me they have been trying to get through sycorax for multiple days now but it keeps bugging out making in uncompleteable. Please fix this issue it has been broken like this for almost a month now.  The game always gets stuck and stops spawning as soon as you reach the underwater archwing section of the tileset.  Hope this info helps.

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