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Posts posted by Hitomo

  1. if u want to make up ur own opinion about a product u cant go by what is said in commercials or advertisment,

    so unless u r a fanboy there is no need to read lore or watch dev streams ...


    I just look at the substance, everything else is only style (hot air)


    this game does not exist to provide u with worthwhile fun,

    the sole purpose is 'profit' ...


    in asia u can only make people invest into these games if u give them

    the chance of being superior to everyone else in the game ...


    it needs to be competetive, it needs to be personal, their need to be winners and losers


    in a hive-mind like society like the asian ones, all People are losers in real life,

    so they are willing to pay everything they have to become the winner in one of these games


    its ths same reason we play these games, but since we are raised in a more open minded,

    less restrictive Society, u cant make as much off of us then u can make in asian countrys


    drugs, gamble, prostitution, free to play games ... all the same, dont u never learn ?





    lets see how this all looks at the end of this year


    I wish u a good time ^^



  2. lets dont fforget that the released dark sector was just one of the worst games ever created


    I couldnt believe the same guys did warframe ... its like night and day


    lets just forget that game and lore and stick to the original idea of a metal gear like space mecenary,

    that hijacks faction ships for the highest rewards ...


    I mean they screwed the 'dark sector pvp' concept and now are focusing on conclave


    but u cant be a real warfram Player if u still conect it with the mess 'dark sector' on console was

  3. if this game would care about stealth u would have stealtmeter, visibilty indicators and stuff ... cover mechanics, sneaking ...


    nothing of this is really supported by gameplaymechanics ... I would like to have stealth Options for defence purpose

    like getting out of a stuation unnoticed if u messed up something ...


    also u totally gimp urself in regards to the time vs. reward ratio, if u play stealthy

  4. the game is now (in China) advertised as melee-focused game


    melee is the only aspect left that interests me a lot, mainly becasue of my memories of Melee 1.0,

    but I didnt found a stance till today ...


    so all my pve actievity would be to get the stances, the cool and teh OP ones


    then, OP melee stance will probably Play a big role in PVP(?)


    Ultra rare Stance mods makes u competetive in PVP = go grind PvE or pay up


    did I win !? ^^

  5. ofc the powers are unique to the Frames, thats the reason they look like they do ...

    and the lore explodes in ur face with razorsharp shrapnels if u try to explain how 'we' switch frames/personalities and genders


    are u going so far to 'think' that 'we', the Players, exist as something, part of the lore, inside the game itself ?


    it always looks a bit desperate, witnissing how they through just stuff at u with no second thought,

    other then 'lets make pvp center and last goal of the game, and in players Imagination,

    all kinds of crazy things happen ...


    I mean u ar not interested in what will realy happen, u just like ur pointless imaginations,

    and thats okay as far as I am concerned ...

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