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Posts posted by Noxifer

  1. 31 minutes ago, HoustonDragon said:

    I'd like to see some combo elemental/status ones for the guns/melee.

    There are elemental/status mods for archguns and archmelee. Those do exist and are in the game. I think they used to drop from the Fomorian event, but I think some drop in railjack as well if I am not mistaking. Check the patchnotes.

    When I said primed mods for Archwing, I think health and armor would be nice. They might not be perfect for Amesha, but might help the other Archwings (Odonata, Itzal, Elytron) and make them more relevant.


    31 minutes ago, HoustonDragon said:

    I'd definitely like to help my friends with upgrading their ships who aren't as into playing RJ.

    I am working on a 2nd set of reactors as well as some other components out of boredom. It would be nice if I can give them to some of my friends (just like I helped some friends with arcanes, who didn't farm Scarlet Spear as much as I did), or at the very least upgrade my stuff to MK4 or something like that.
    No, I am not joking:


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  2. tl;dr: When we kill eidolons we can trade their arcanes, when we kill liches we can trade them as well.
    Please, allow complete Railjack components and armaments to be tradable.

    Believe it or not, I actually love Railjack. It reminds me of Freelancer, which is one of my favorite games.
    However, few days into Railjack Revisited I have what I wanted maxed out, wreckage capacity is full and I am sitting on 250K+ dirag, so there's no point to scrapping.
    At least if these were tradable I could craft more components and trade them to friends. It would also allow those, who don't enjoy the mode to max out their railjacks without actually participating though trading, the same way people can buy maxed out arcanes without having to farm the Eidolons.


    Or maybe allow 3x complete, maxed MK3s with the same name to be fused into MK4 or... something, anything, so that I have what to farm and gain in that mode and not be done with it few days after the patch. It would be much appreciated..

    I would also love it, if we get more primed mods for Archwing, like health and armor, something like that...

  3. 13 hours ago, thottt said:

    post anything in this thread to convince me why Railjack adds any level of good content to the game

    I am no DE, but I can tell you why I think Railjack is good content. It basically adds a new mode to the game, which... as far as I know no other game does as of current.
    When I was younger I loved playing Freelancer and Railjack is basically adding what I would argue is a better version of Freelancer as a free mode to the game. I think it's amazing.
    And no, I am not in any way interested in scam citizen.

    However, my impression is based solely on my experience with the content. I only recently built a railjack, so I can host Scarlet Spear. I didn't play it on release. Looking at this slice of time, I like this content (although I would argue, that Railjack Revisited made things a bit too easy and I would have preferred it, if the mode was slightly harder).

    This is what I managed to assemble since the patch went live. If anything, I wish there was more to do:

    I also have MK3 Zetki Apoc, Photor and Cryophon and a freaking Void Hole, which I used prior to the patch.

    13 hours ago, thottt said:

    give me a reasonable explanation why getting my Railjack three shot in any level

    Because you either don't have enough stuff yet, or you built it poorly. This is the build I am currently using (despite people saying, that shields are bad) and it works damn fine. Feel free to try and reproduce it. If anything, you can go for Lavan reactor (with 50shield points for each point of unused avionics Capacity) and you'll have even more shield if that's what you want:

    What you're describing also makes me wonder if you leveled your grid. You should max your grid! (basically you level the slots, on which you place your mods).
    If you're low on dirag, you should ask a friend or some other helpful player to level your mods, so you can spend all your dirag on your grid and combining components.
    I did the Scarlet Spear event and I am sitting on 200k+ dirag. I wish there was something to spend it on.

    13 hours ago, thottt said:

    Literally in the Earth Proxmina getting destroyed in less then 10 shots

    Join other people's ships, ones that farm Vail proxima. Repair their ships, kill crewships, help them out,and in the process you'll assemble enough stuff for your own ship.

    13 hours ago, Uhkretor said:

    Did you try to leave the Pilot seat and seal the Critical Decompression hazard?

    I mean... that's a THING, you know

    I don't know about that, I maxed my all 4 available perk trees during the Scarlet Spear event, so I don't have to actually leave my seat in order to repair my ship. Maxed engineering allows you to repair remotely.
    But if you don't want to pilot, you don't have to. You can just join someone else's crew and then there will be a pilot, and you can just make few quick jumps and repair.


    I hope this helps, best of luck!

  4. 9 hours ago, Trisomender said:

    Feeling special is always arbitrary. Why does someone feel special while doing sports or doing well in school? It's simply something they like doing and i see no problem or shame in wanting something "special" even if it's ingame. You think being special is playing better than others, also a completely arbitrary goal.

    It's not arbitrary. It's a game. A game is meant to be played. It's literally the primary function.
    And sure, it's also meant to be enjoyed, but that involves... well, playing.

    Wanna know why my goal of trying to play better than others (or at the very least pull my own weight) is not an arbitrary goal, but in fact a very specific choice?
    Because I figured out waay back, that in order to feel good and special, you must feel like that because of something, that no one can take away from you.

    If I play better than others, or good, or decently, no one can take that away from me. On the other hand, if I felt awesome and special for having a rare in-game item... say a prime frame, the moment these were to become more abundant, or the moment said frame were to become rather useless in comparison to other frames or how the game plays out (reminds me of Vauban) I would no longer feel special anymore...

    Which is why we have posts like these... OP felt special, because he farmed Frost Prime and I guess not many players had primed frames back then. Now that primed frames are more abundant, he no longer feels special anymore,  so he hopes, that DE grant him a special sigil, so that he can feel  special again.

    You know what could possibly  make the OP feel special again? I mean, if I were him, I would put as many forma  into said frame till it can have all the mods I want. Then I would bring that Frost Prime, place a dome on top of the objective and by doing so -- make playing easier for the rest of the players.
    Bringing a Frost Prime for Excavation Arbitration mission is  awesome. From my experience, not many players do.
    By playing properly he would automatically be special in comparison to all the gamers nowadays, that run around like headless chickens.

    5 hours ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

    The issue has always been what it's always been on the Forums; it seems like every big update a player has returned to Warframe after years of hiatus, and suddenly they aren't feeling like what they achieved back then is now worth anything. 

    The only way I can answer that is that... it's still worth exactly what it was back then

    That's not it. The issue with many players complaining is, that the game has become too easy and from a rather tactical game has become a noob friendly run & gun looter.
    If I am not mistaking, there was a  point in this game's history, where if one of your frames  died 4 times,  it would get locked for the rest of the day. So in such an environment, having... say 4 frames was worth hellavalot more back then than having all frames nowadays.

    And also, the manner in which primed frames were framed before relics required people to play better in order to even be able to get said frames.

    So I can understand those old players craving more difficulty and rewards for beating said difficulty, which is something, that is missing from the game nowadays.

  5. Quote

    What do you think is Warframe's biggest competitor?

    In order to figure out what Warframe's competition is, you must first identify what Warframe provides. Then you must realize that not all players care about the same things the game provides, therefore for different players the potential competition will be different.

    For example Warframe is Free to Play. To those, that don't care about the specific aspects of Warframe, every Free to Play game out there is a potential competition.
    For a player, that can afford to buy any game he wants  and doesn't care about the specific aspects of Warframe, literally every game out there is a potential competition.

    Now, let's look at what Warframe does provide, that other games do not, or very few other games do.

    Loot, Grind and Trading
    Warframe is a looter, it can be grindy, but you can compensate for that through trading. Unfortunately, very few games that I know of can compete with that.
    Diablo 2 from the year 2000, and more recently Path of Exile. These are grindy, but have trading, so you don't have to find everything yourself, but you can compensate for bad luck through trading.
    This for me automatically excludes most MMOs out there (regardless of how often I see Warframe being compared to MMOs for some reason), because usually they don't allow for endgame gear to be traded.
    However, for someone who doesn't wanna participate in trading or doesn't want trading at all, many of those can be considered competition.

    Fast, fluid combat and  movement through the levels
    IMO no other game can compete. Feel free to point out similar games, but personally I can't think of any.

    I personally don't mind if a game is hard or easy. I have played Warframe when it was considerably harder than it is nowadays, and I play it now.

    However, I recognize, that there are players, who miss the times when the game was more challenging. Therefore, to them any game, that provides difficulty similar to the one they were used to is a potential competition.

    How fast you can max a character
    to a newer player, that can take considerably longer period of time.
    However, to someone Mastery 20+ with maxed mods, you can level and re-level (format) a Warframe within a day.

    If that's what you like (being able to max out a character within a day, given that you have the mods), again MMOs are not for you, considering, that merely leveling a character to max level can take weeks and even months.


    Things like that, I'm sure you get the idea.

    tl;dr: I don't think one can safely conclude which games out there compete with Warframe. Personally, I haven't found another game, that incorporates so many aspects from other games so well, the way Warframe does.
    At this point in time, I see Warframe in light similar to how World of WarCraft was seen back in the day (like 10 years ago). Many people speculated about so called  "WoW Killer" games, predicting, that these games will be the real WoW competitors and will lead to the game losing it's player base... all these games failed miserably.
    IMO, at this point in time, only Warframe can hurt Warframe. If the devs start making bad and nonsensical design decisions, the player base will shrink, and there will be those, who would like to play an older version of the game (in a similar manner as to what happened with WoW).

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  6. I was claiming glyphs from promocodes. Next time I tried to login this message appeared. I searched on the internet and it seems other users experience this as well.
    I was adviced to use VPN. I tried it and I managed to log back in.
    Is this some temporary restriction, or is it permanent? Am I going to need to use VPN every time I log in?

    Assistance would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!

  7. Thanks for the Amalgam mods!
    However, when it comes to the scans... for the love of god, please don't make such an ARG-like operation ever again,  where I have to go to external sources in order to find out what to do. Just put it in as a regular quest with objectives, that at least explain what must be done in-game. I like to play video games, not to alt+tab and search on the internet.

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