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Posts posted by Xymos

  1. The game Alien Swarm does something very similar. Whenever a big set piece moment is occurring, there is some slo-mo to make it more epic. Come to think of it, it might be better if it was just that, and not a warframe ability, because then it would feel more special that way.

    Yeah, sounds good to me, slow-motion makes everything more epic :P.

  2. This should happen when:

    A boss is killed (3 seconds) For cool cinematic death.

    A teammate is hurt (1 second) So everyone is alerted someone is in danger.

    A teammate dies (1 second) Just for epic death? :P

    When Stalker appears (He slowdown (or stop) everything (Except the player that he is going to kill) until he or the player dies) (Like in Dishonored when you fight Doud in Back Alley Brawl in Round 13)

    As a ability for everyone(Optional) (3 seconds - 3 minutes CD) but it slow down EVERYONE. It helps for more cinematics fight or help the player in danger.

    Maybe when more stuff happens in missions (The ship being attacked by other ship or a dynamic special event, etc)

  3. Two logged accounts on the same PC?



    Wait, how did you do that?

      Its simple, you need to create another User in Windows, then in the shortcut, you right click with mayus and click on "Run as different user", then the launcher will open and download like a separated single process with that User Account. There is another way to do this, but you,need the program, VMWARE to do it and consumes more resources.

  4. Hi everyone, I have found a way to play split screen mode in Warframe with a Controller and Mouse and Keyboard. Now, my question is, can i do this or its not permitted? And if so, this feature is going to be implemented someday?

    Screenshot: oi47.tinypic.com/mt8chd.jpg

  5. Yep, the second one... Preciselly this idea I support completelly. Not the randomly-generated labyrinth, filled with bots, but a big complete free-to go map. That would be really great. Main problem, still... Is the fact that developers gona need another server, so people would be able to play and a lot of time and resourses invested into this map, as well.

    I think they should first focus on adding core content, like Procedural Generation and Meta-Storytelling like MangoMonkey said which is "easier" to developer and is cheaper, also its very beneficial (More replayability, more diversification, people play more time, developers win more money)

    Then they should release the idea of Darkevony which is very complex and costly(End Game content is extremely important for a game lifespan). With only those two ideas you got an amazing and very complete game. But I don't know if developers want to do it, I guess time will tell.

  6. This forum is a bit weird... Warframe is on beta and developers are looking for new features to add to this game and still, people are more obsessed about being able to get pets in game, angry about ice biome or just shamesly complaining about storage space and asking developers to take off the only thing in game that you can not obtain for free, ignoring completelly the fact that the game will die if no one pays for it once in a while.

    I belive new features, like in this topic and thoughtfull "EndGame" so to say are the priority right now. After all... Let's say you just wiped out clean all the missions in game and got every weapon and armour you ever wanted. So... What's next? What will you do after that? There is nothing else to do so far, just this... Kill bots, play with your friends, find materials, get money, craft weapons/suits.

    There was that one guy who had a really and I mean REALLY good idea of endgame, but no much people payed attencion to it. I'll seach for that topic, but meanwhile, I'll tell you the what is it about... Bringing more sence to the operations you are currently doing. You are completing those mission to clear the air (So to speak) and liberate the acess to the planet. Once you completed all the missions, you can go to that planet, which would be just a big map with huge armies of enemy on it, after all, all those factions are in war. So you can just go somewhere new, meet new people, kill them... And some random small missions, so you won't get bored, like "Go to the watchtower right there and kill Grineer sniper". I belive this is actually a really good idea... More open map where you can play freely, one for each planet. But of course I do realize, it's a lot of work for developers...

    Thats very true, its sad that people only see (And sorry if being offensive)stupid stuff to be implemented, there are a lot (AND I MEAN A LOT) of stuff to add to the game, not just because the game is incomplete, but also because Warframe as the opportunity to be more unique and epic that any other game out there(Well i exaggerated a bit). Maybe I am just exaggerating, but that's how I see it, this game has a lot of potential, lets try to use it and not waste it.

    Also I think you are talking about those topics:



  7. Don't worry, that topic wasn't really noticed, so it's okay. And about grineer, they already have well-armored units at higher levels, 3 variations in fact... Heavy machine gun, flamethrower and rocket launcher. But those 3 could be combined to create ultimate heavy-grineer for even higher levels, who would attack you with missles at long range, machinegun at medium and flametrower up close.

    Oh I didn't think of flamethrowers, how could I forget that! :P. Thanks you for the suggestion. Yeah I really like the idea of having a very rare units who needs to be more cooperative and/or tactical instead of just gunning around.

  8. no need for "cover" system, it will ruin the game's pace

    Why would it ruin the game's pace? I don't understand, it's can be used when in danger (Low health and shields down), in stealth (When in cover it reduces the visibility of the enemies) and for more tactical approaches. It will allow some players who prefer a more tactical play style. I mean, there is Action play style, Stealth play style, Why not Tactical? Isn't the game shows that? That a player can choose different types of styles? And even if implemented, it is OPTIONAL.

    So give me a good reason to not implement this feature. Sorry for my english :P

  9. play "Wanted". That has a cool cover system.
    I really don't think a cover system suits the playstyle (like the devs already stated). I kinda find it refreshing that a third person shooter these days doesn't use a cover system.

    Okay I understand your opinions, but I don't understand why you only read the cover idea when there are like dozens of other ideas and suggestions >_>. Thanks anyway xD

  10. I really dislike pets, and i think there are other more important stuff to add, but i guess pets will do some money to the devs (Colors, customization, special pets,etc)

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