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Posts posted by Zardica

  1. Chill, previously when Nekros is released everyone complained that it is a grindwall behind another. 

    I find this similar and not a problem at all. 


    Kill your frustrations


    I was there for Nekros, and the farm was god-awful when it first came out. They even compensated the players for it, it's bearable now because they reduced it, but they're doing it again, you can't fight the boss without grinding Ceres.

  2. You've released one new Grinner model. (Besides Hek) and used it twice, the Prosecutor and Guardsmen are identical. The Normal Grinner Hellion doesn't even have a correctly colored backpack.


    Also, where the hell did Oberon go? Now that Hek is behind a dare I say it... Grindwall.


    Furthermore, as an avoid lover of trying to complete the codex, adding the leaders has added nothing but tedium, now I have to do mission after mission hoping that I'm lucky enough for a certain unit to be promoted to leader class. I suppose it was nice to not have to scan all variants, but still. Having to scan for all units? Even Grinner variants? Why can't the different Grinner variants all be classified under single page like the leaders are? It'd certainly clean up the Codex.


    I didn't get the default stance for any of my weapons, nor have I noticed any diffrence in Ash's Bladestorm.


    What happened?

  3. This might be one of the biggest disasters I've seen in my life time. How can you spend a week hyping content, and then make us wait another week?

    You're either joking, or incompetent.


    I honestly hope your joking, because I didn't become a founder for this kind of stupid S#&$.

  4. I want you all go go back and look at the concept art of Hek, I'll wait.


    You're back? Pretty gross design right? It's perfectly disgusting. It's super awesome till we get to his mask.


    DE, is that giant muppet nose really necessary? Hek isn't the Great Gonzo's brother, common. That awesome gross-out boss is now reduced to a joke because he looks like someone on Sesame Street.


    You're welcome for the mind virus! ;)

  5. OMG! I finally found my brother! I cannot agree enough that the Snipers and Techs and Elite need to look different. We don't need more enemies, we just need more variety in the things we already have. I mean how do Snipers snipe with those giant cardboard boxes on their heads?


    Moas could use some love as well, and that now that Zanuka is here, Jackal and Hyena are pretty much worthless.

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