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Posts posted by Kaos88

  1. 21 hours ago, kmattrodriguez said:

    if he has paypal credit or debit card u can just ask him to log into your acc and get u the prime access that u want i am not really sure if u can transfer the money that he has on steam to another acc for more info here there is also  a answered question as same as your question


    He has a lot of money on his steam from birthdays ECT they got him steam gift cards but he wants the money, so he wanted to use his steam wallet and I will give him the money. So it's not a matter of him just paying for me. I'm buying it myself anyway. He wants to get rid of a stack of steam wallet he doesn't want. He needs the money instead haha. 

  2. Why is there no way to gift prime access. My brother has a load of money in his steam wallet that's not being used so he was going to send me prime access but the option is disabled?

    Is there no way he can use his steam wallet to buy my account prime access? 

  3. Why is there no way to gift prime access. My brother has a load of money in his steam wallet that's not being used so he was going to send me prime access but the option is disabled?

    Is there no way he can use his steam wallet to buy me prime access? 

  4. I feel it doesn't explain this enough on the description and seeing as NO other sigil works this way. It is very easy to assume it will ofc just be on you from the start, so it's false advertising. 

    If there is anyway of getting a refund i will be doing it straight the way. That is simply pathetic. I just tried it on Inaros seeing as its straight into the HP and it still took a STUPID amount of damage to even get a little amount of blood. It's completely useless >.<

  5. I was recently looking through the sigils and saw the bloodshed sigil and thought. Wow that looks awesome but noticed it was only from a bundle. The annoying part was i already had Garuda and the BPs for the weps but i thought F it. I'm buying it just for the Sigil, spending a wopping 960p for it. Just to find it works in the arsenal screen but as soon as you tab out or go in-game its nowhere to be seen? What the hell is going on? Have i just wasted a crap ton of plat?

  6. The truth is they can't please everyone. There are a crap load of people nowhere near finished there focus ECT. A player will always rush through content faster then it was to make. So what can Warframe do really? Just take a small break and play a few other games invetween or find something to strive for.

  7. 2 minutes ago, ----Legacy---- said:

    Closed beta ended way before founder access availability, so it's not an actual proof of you taking part in it.

    Don't worry, both weapons will eventually come back.

    Yeh if my forum account is the same age as my Warframe account I was 5 months late. Thanks for the replies. 

  8. 8 minutes ago, (PS4)s3d_sas said:

    First it's lato secondly braton vandal can found in warframe market back then at cost of 1 credit and lato vandal well u should have got it in beta because it's a reward once u first log in

    edit: why did u post it in general discussion? 

    U should've post it in player helping player

    Yes I edited it but it just made another post for some reason. Not that it really mattered because every1 knew what I meant. 

  9. 4 minutes ago, Miser_able said:

    Also, just because you are a founder does not mean you were in closed beta. The founder program lasted quite a while after open beta. 

    This is probably it then. If my forum account is the same as my Warframe account I was 5 months late. 

  10. I think the main thing people are thinking here is what would be the benefit of this for higher mastery rank players. It would actually discourage people from wanting to get higher in MR which is the main selling point of still playing warframe.

    You get punished for being higher and playing more? If you got rewards for doing it then sure. At least there is an incentive, but even then, it would just be annoying more than anything 

    Clan member: " can you help me through this mission please" 

    Me: "sorry my main strong weapon is on cooldown so I can't help you yet" 

    It would just slow down and limit what you can do in the game and when. 


  11. Ok heres the Math vs Corpus


    Tonkor Crit build vs Corpus 


    With Infected Clip vs Proto Shields / + Toxin 


    Total Damage =  14446.539 


    Burst DPS  =  28893.078  


    Sustained DPS =  9631.026


    With Primed Bane of Corpus vs Proto Shields / No Toxin


    Total Damage =  17116.501


    Burst DPS  =  34233.002


    Sustained DPS =   11411

  12. But in your math you didn't take into account the elemental damage multiplier vs the faction. Like the bonus magnetic damage has VS corpus compared to the bonus let's say toxin plus a primed bane mod has.

    Even with the added weakness bonuses, the 30% Bane mod is still always better when it comes to infested, unless it comes to primed heated charge were it wins on the crit secondary guns. But with 55% there is just nothing that comes close to the damage.

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