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Posts posted by OptimumBow0

  1. Can't believe no one has commented.


    Anyway, the concept sounds exciting. Really, like having each mission type affect a planet in a certain way sounds awesome, and I'm sure you could tie Syndicates in to add another layer of conflict and possibility, maybe even triggering shifts in alliance (I remember DE saying that was a possibility in the future, but it's been a while).


    One question though: How would stats "reset"? For instance, if we chipped away at a planet's military power, would it just regen at a fixed rate?

  2. Stance mods are a bit like Warframe Ability mods in that you could get rid of them completely and build the combos into the weapon itself.



    On the topic of a syndicate, Teshin seems to be a prime candidate. Also, I think tying the availability of stances to the rank of the weapon itself, to reflect your mastery over it, would be a better way of going about it. The less-rare stance would become fully available at weapon rank 30 and Teshin can go send you on a quest to master the comparatively more valuable one at some point. Or whatever, I'm just pitching an older idea.

  3. rhino "charge" would be copying destiny's "titans" charge... not exactly original..

    If you're talking about that one running perk titans get once they run around for long enough, that is just a much smaller, single-target version of the current rhino charge.


    The idea proposed in the OP isn't the same since, while Rhino is "charging", he can knock down any enemy in his way while moving and continue on his merry way for however long the ability is determined to last.


    I've always liked that idea, so upboat.

  4. 2. What are current plans regarding shotguns?



    Specifically, I would like to know if damage fall-off is going to be removed since it seems to be redundant with pellet spread. Also, I think you guys once talked about what should happen to enemies when they receive the full brunt of a shell at close quarters (like, innate punch-through or a blast-proc). Anything on that?


    Speaking of damage fall-off, why is it on some Archwing weapons? Wouldn't it make more sense for damage fall-off to not exist in space?


    And, last question: Is the Kubrow thaw-out timer going away? 

  5. I wouldn't go full first person, but half'n'half.


    Regular movement would be fine, but slide-attacks/coptering, backflips, rolls, and any kind of rapid, rotating movement would be better off with a quick zoom-out into third person. Maybe even just going into melee mode would be better off with a third person view. (Destiny, for example, does that in the Sword of Crota story mission).


    I'm for it.


    It's secondary fire will send out a harpoon-like appendage to grab any non-boss enemy, and drag them over to where you are, causing an instant status proc and a stun, opening them up for melee damage.

    So, essentially, we could give Ancients and Scorpions a taste of their own medicine? Because I am so down for that.

  7. Have you heard mention of the EE log? It's a file you can submit to support that provides them with all the details of your last mission. 


    I found a thread with some helpful people on finding it:



    Basically, the next time this happens, do not do another mission (it's temporary data). Just attach your log to a support ticket and they'll take care of you. 


    Edit: Recordings are also good. And, if I'm not mistaken, three weeks ago the Tubemen of Regor event was up, so I'm pretty sure your ticket was put on the back-log so the team could handle tickets submitted concerning the event. Usually tickets are answered in less than a week when support isn't flooded.

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