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Posts posted by OptimumBow0

  1. you log on, see that your virtual kubrow died, snap fingers and say "dang",  and move on with life.

    Well, he also put plat into it, a good amount it seems, and I'd be pretty upset if I lost that investment because my computer broke down on me.



    Edit: Sorry, I'm waiting for the credit sink to go away, so I don't have any Kubrow imprints to offer. 

  2. Fixed that for you. Gravidus was one of the last genuinely fun events. You're the only person I've ever met who didn't like it. Everyone who actually participated thought it was awesome.


    Don't project your opinions onto everyone else.

    There was a poll in community hot topics just after Cryotic Front on which event was the most popular, and Cryotic Front was #1.


    He's fine




    New invasion system sounds nice.

  3. Well, in terms of burst DPS, it's up there, but the 2 ammo clip and the 2 second reload time means its sustained DPS is so-so.


    I don't know how so-so, or really how it stands up to the Ogris, but the Penta seems fine since you can use 5 grenades in one big boom.

  4. Right, sorry. I just assumed this was a normal problem with DirectX since a lot of people were complaining about crashes at U15's launch, and people were told to switch off DirectX 10 and 11, which for me worked. Haven't really tried switching them on again so far.

    I was quoting you because you beat me to my bullet point #4, you're fine. Turning off Directx has solved a lot of peoples' problems, I just didn't want to say what you already say.

  5. Instability can come from many things, such as a:

    1) Wily internet connection (modem, the computer's antenna)

    2) An irregularity in hardware (the 12V cable for my motherboard slipped a little and my computer would instantly crash after idling in my Liset for a few minutes),

    3) Your copy of the game could be missing some files (verifying the cache in the launcher fixes that)

    4) Or:

    You must be using DirectX 10 or 11... The game's been pretty unstable with that ever since U15.

    Before you start the game, click the little 'gear' icon on the Launcher and you should be able to disable DirectX 10 and 11 there.


    I wouldn't pin instability on the game since not every user is experiencing frequent crashes at this time, otherwise the forums would be flooded.

  6. If they did it'd be OP because they couldn't stand up.



    I would settle for just better damage distribution, really, because it feels like the Angstrum deals a disappointing amount of damage overall when fired into a crowd of mid-level enemies.

  7. Two days ago, I pulled out my trusty Angstrum, and I remembered that enemies don't react to explosions the way they should. So, here's some problems I have:


    1a. Direct hits - if an enemy gets hit directly by a rocket, they either don't notice or they just fall over, which makes it feel like I'm shooting bags full of lead.

    1b. Indirect hits - If a projectile hits the ground two meters to the right of an enemy, they rarely flinch or stagger. Just adds to that feeling that I'm shooting incredibly dense robots.


    2. How the damage is spread - an enemy that takes a direct hit seems to completely protect any other foes around them, which I get to some degree, but when they're in the middle of a crowd, it just feels like there should be a bit more splash damage or bodies flying.


    I think a good thing to go off of would be the Jat Kittag's ground slam, but with fall-off, so the farther away from the center of the explosion the less likely an enemy is to fly.


    Just some thoughts.

  8. Coming back well over a year later... How many Grineer sawblades or butchers have I killed now? This story makes me feel bad for everything.

    Thank you for two things:

    1) Reminding me of this story

    2) Making me want to punch my younger self.



    Whenever I'm using Trinity on Mercury and I cast Link, I think it's hilarious to watch them kill themselves.


  9. I don't know what DE did, but I do know that we still have credit alerts, and "Treasury Ship Alerts" were mentioned in the patch notes (don't know anything about those, but they sound promising).


    You can sell all the worthless mods and parts you have, too.

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