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Posts posted by (XBOX)zThulsaDoomz

  1. 5 minutes ago, Erytroxylin said:

    All they have to do is put a damage cap on her storm.

    Why?  The only time damage that high will be even remotely achievable are deep endless missions, where ironically because of enemy scaling that kind of damage is needed anyway.  This thread is starting to look like a witch hunt.

  2. 14 minutes ago, Fenrys_Delta said:

    I´m dead serious.

    Why wouldn´t I be?

    The change was a bad one, we didn´t like it, we asked them to revert and they did.

    Why would you be laughing?


    4 minutes ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    PC got another hot fix that fixed archwings broken sprint mechanic.


    1 minute ago, Fenrys_Delta said:

    Yea, well, DE listened to us, and thank God for that.

    My archwing is fun to fly again.

    Ah, I see.  My mistake.  It was still a good laugh while it lasted.  Glad it was patched.

  3. 13 minutes ago, SenorClipClop said:

    I see this in every thread like this so I always have to ask. Would you opt to play missions at a higher level even if the reward didn't scale up?

    Would I?  Yes, but that's mostly due to my willingness to play for the challenge.  However, it would Imo create more incentive towards others if the ends justified the means.  

  4. The biggest thing is, she is not, I repeat, not OP at all. 

    Examples of OP: Octavia.  Mesa.  Ivara.  Limbo.  Inaros.  THOSE frames make Garuda look like Titania in comparison.  They all have insane CC they all have they capacity to do disgusting (especially Octavia and Mesa) amounts of damage.  They all have passives other frames would kill for.  And in some fashion, each has a way of completely bending the rules of the game to whatever suits them best:

    Octavia has infinitely scaling damage with a wide range CC and access to almost every buff in the game.  She can kill everything in the world without even moving most of the time, and energy regen built into her kit. 

    Mesa can CC and mitigate damage to absurd degree AT THE SAME TIME in which she can share CC with the rest of the team.  She also has a built in aimbot the scales pretty good even past sortie level content.  Oh yeah, her passive is also nuts.  Once again, 

    Ivara just does whatever she wants.  Invisibility (which she can grant to her team!).  Damage (a LOT of damage).  CC.  She doesn't have to worry about health or energy because she can just steal it from enemies.  Can't find anyone for sorties?  No problem!  Put the whole damn map to sleep and carry on as usual.  Enemies won't die because of their scaling?  No problem!  Put them to sleep and one shot them with Covert Lethality.  Did also mention she's got a great passive?

    Limbo is probably the cheesiest frame in the game.  CC an entire map.  Check.  100%(!) damage mitigation.  Check.  Unlimited energy (that can be shared).  Check.  Ack & Brunt tank shenanigans.  Check.  Can also due to CC put out as much damage as he wants and makes many gametypes a joke.  Oh yeah, that passive tho…..

    Inaros is Garuda's wet dream. CC a whole room, staggering amounts of healing, no energy micromanaging, and one shot CL for shiggles.  She just can't compete.  Did I mention he's immune to status effects with augment and pretty large amounts of armor?  And once again, that passive.  

    Those were just off the top of my head as far as OP. I didn't even mention the support frames since that's what a lot of people label her as.  I have a hard time believing she's better that Trinity, Harrow, or even Oberon.  Just not buying it.

  5. 10 minutes ago, Tazdingoo said:

    Maybe the MR system could stay but it shouldn't be displayed everywhere like it's some sort of mmo level. Maybe even rename it to Arsenal rank or something.

    The closes thing we have to display the content we've done is the regalia thing we have that no one can see haha.

    I don't have a problem with it staying, because as stated above the game should have time gated progress for longevity purposes.  I was suggesting something that accompanied it to show that said player has done more than power leveling in one area.

    10 minutes ago, CoolDudeMcCool said:

    Well yeah, it's not a measure of experience(outside of grinding a specific thing, which you can use to infer that they might be a good grinding buddy), just a measure of how much they have/had access to. A lower MR player might know the ins and outs of their favorite gear, but that could be a problem if they need to use something else for some reason.

    And this is exactly why

  6. 10 minutes ago, Praesagium said:

    What are you talking about? Simulacrum its the best place to test a frame/weapon and give true feedback /s.

    Meanwhile i use khora for almost everything since i got her.


    I agree, but invincibility hides a lot of defensive issues a frame might have, like Banshee or Mag for example

  7. The bottom line is that scaling was a bit much almost right off the bat.  At the risk of sounding logical (a forum taboo), I'll say it: While it might seem to be an excessive nerf to some, the facts are that the content was intended to be enjoyable to everyone.  Not just for newbies, not just for vets, everyone.  In a game where you have so much control over how difficult or easy your own experience is, why interfere with someone else's? 

    As was mentioned earlier, PoE enemies were also adjusted due to similar issues.  Feedback was given, and DE responded.  Those are the facts.

  8. 17 hours ago, (XB1)RDeschain82 said:

    Now that Nova Prime is being unvaulted with her Vasto Prime, I believe it would be nice if (while Vasto Prime is farmable) Baro Ki Teer brought a relic containing the AkVasto Prime link and bp at some point. Could also put whatever else in the relic to make it a full relic.. like for example maybe single Bolto Prime? or Single Kama Prime? 

    Seems like a great opportunity. Would be a shame not to take advantage of it DE. 22902919.gif?w=300

    Thank you. 

    Problem is, it would go against the point of vaulted items, though I see what you mean.

  9. 3 minutes ago, Nitro747 said:

    I proposed a complaint and you proposed stripping the game out of one of its most important core aspects for the sake of creating some non-existent, unrelated challenge by restricting player's arsenals and an unintelligent witty response with a forced challenge.

    Don't complain if people pointed out the stupidity of a post when it is right there.

    Of course you'll receive a witty response to this thread.  Did you even think about what you were complaining about (by your own admission) before you posted?  And you expect to be taken serious?

  10. Just now, Nitro747 said:

    This is the worst non-argument I've been having the displeasure to read lately. Its akin to saying:
    "I will make this surgery without anesthesia and right after running a marathon"

    "I will climb a mountain while wearing a backpack that weights 95kg"

    If you need to literally go out of your way and use the worst set possible and equip the weakest items in the game and then run a mission for hours just to "get challenge" enough then there is an OBVIOUS problem with the game design. And I'm not a bootlicker enough to tell other people to do the same just for the sake of it.

    I wasn't aware my responses to this topic had to be catered to fit into the criteria of your viewing pleasure.  I wonder if you missed the part where I said example. You proposed a problem, I proposed a solution.  You may not like what I brought to the table, but the inverse could also be true.  You asked for a challenge, yet when one is suggested you have a go at me with this bootlicker nonsense.  

    By the way, saying that new players are complaining by complaining yourself isn't exactly helping your disposition.

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